Elves (GH: Olvenfolk, Olves):

High Elf (FR: Sun Elf) Dark Elf Gray Elf (FR: Moon Elf) Valley Elf Wild Elf
Wood Elf (FR: Wild Elf) Qualinesti Silvanesti (DL: High Elf) Kagonesti (DL: Wild Elf) Dargonesti (DL: Sea Elf, NPC)
- - Dimernesti (DL: Sea Elf) - -

There are many sorts of elves, and descriptions of the differing types are found in AD&D, MM.
Elven PCs are always considered to be high elves, the most common sort of elf.


Permitted Class Options:
A character of elven stock can opt to be a fighter (maximum of 7th level),
a M-U (maximum of 11th level), a thief, or on assassin (maximum
of 10th level). An elven character can also be multi-classed, i.e. a
fighter/magic-user, a fighter/thief, a magic-user/thief, or a

Males (C)
Females (C)
Others (C)
Wild (D) All 
Others (D)
Males (F)
Females (F)
Gray/High (F) Valley (F) Wild (F) Wood (F) Dark 
Males (MU)
Females (MU)
Gray (MU) High (MU) Valley (MU) Wood (MU) Thief 
12 4 U 7 10 U 7 9 5 5 7 6 - - - - - - - - -
13 5 U 7 10 U 8 10 5 5 7 6 - - - - - - - - -
14 6 U 7 10 U 9 11 5 5 7 6 - - - - - - - - -
15 7 U 7 10 U 10 12 5 5 7 6 - - - - - - - - -
16 7 U 8 10 U 10 12 5 5 7 6 - - - - - - - - -
17 7 U 9 10 U 10 12 5 5 7 6 12 5 11 10 11 9 U - 6
18 7 U 10 111 U 10 12 6 6 8 7 12 5 11 10 11 9 U 10 73
18/75 - - - - - 10 12 7 6 8 8 - - - - - - - 10 94
18/90 - - - - - 10 12 8 8 10 9 - - - - - - - 10 105
18/99 - - - - - 10 12 9 9 11 10 - - - - - - - 10 105
18/00 - - - - - 10 12 10 10 12 11 - - - - - - - 117 105
19 7 U 11 121 U 10 12 11 11 13 12 13 7 12 11 12 10 U 128 126
20 7 U 12 141 U 10 12 11 13 13 14 15 9 13 12 13 11 U 128 146
21 7 U 12 172 U 10 - - - - - 18 11 15 14 15 13 U 128 -
22 - - - - - - - - - - - 18 11 18 17 15 13 - - -

1: Charisma 18 also required.
2: Charisma 19 also required.
3: Intelligence 15 ?? WIS 15 also required. If both of those socres are greater than 15, the character may attain 8th level.
4: Intelligence 16 ?? WIS 16 also required.
5: Intelligence 17 ?? WIS 17 also required.
6: Intelligence 18 ?? WIS 18 also required.
7. Intelligence 16 ?? WIS 19 also required.
8: Intelligence 19 or WIS 19 also required.

Multi-class Restrictions: If the character is multi-classed, the following
restrictions and strictures apply: Although able to operate freely with the
benefits of armor, weapons, and magical items available to the classes the
character is operating in, any thieving is restricted to the armor and
weaponry usable by the thief class. All earned experience is always
divided equally among the classes of the character, even though the
character is no longer able to gain levels in one or more of the classes.
(More detailed information is given in the CHARACTER CLASSES section
hereafter.) ?>

Elven characters have a 90% resistance to sleep and charm spells (if these
spells are CAST upon them a percentile dice roll of 91% or better is required
to allow the magic any chance of having an effect, and even then the
saving throw against spells is allowed versus the charm spell).

* Any pulled bow:
* Longsword and short sword:
When employing either a bow of any sort other than a crossbow, or a short
or long sword, elven characters gain a bonus of + 1 on their die rolls "to

Languages: All elven characters are able to speak the following languages in addition
to that of their chosen alignment:
elvish, gnome, halfling, goblin, hobgoblin, orcish, gnoll, and the "common tongue" of mankind.
Elven characters of above 15 INT are able to learn one additional
language for every point of INT over 15, i.e. a character with an 18
intelligence score could learn three additional languages (q.v.).

* Infravision: Elves have the ability to see into the infra-red spectrum, so they are able to
see up to 60' in darkness, noting varying degrees of heat radiation.

Detect Secret Doors: Secret or concealed doors are difficult to hide from elves.
Merely passing within 10' of the latter makes an elven character 16 2/3% (1 in 6) likely to notice it.
If actively searching for such doors,
elven characters are 33 1/3% (2 in 6) likely to find a secret door and 50% likely (3 in 6) to discover a concealed portal.

As has been shown previously, elven characters add a bonus of + 1 to their
initial dexterity score. Likewise, as elves are not as sturdy as humans, they
deduct 1 from their initial constitution score.

* Surprise: If alone and not in metal armor (or if well in advance -- 90' or more -- of
a party which does not consist entirely of elves and/or halflings) an elven
character moves so silently that he or she will surprise (q.v.) monsters
66 2/3% (d6, 1 through 4) of the time unless some portal must be opened in
order to confront the monster. In the latter case the chance for surprise
drops to 33 1/3% (d6, 1-2).

ADQ: My 5th level elven magic-user
has been killed 4 times, and each of
these times a Raise Dead or Resurrection
was used to bring him back to life
and the flow of play continued. I
recently discovered that an elf cannot
be brought back to life by these means.
What should my group do about this.

ADA: The fact that the character still exists
although the rules of the game dictate
that he/she should not can easily be
explained in the terms of the game
world. Fantasy/logic would dictate that
the "gods" smiled on this character and
took a hand in raising him/her. Now
that your DM is aware of the AD&D
game rule that applies to this character,
the gods will no longer permit such a
thing to happen. In other words, don't
worry about it; continue to have fun,
but pay a little more attention to the
(Polyhedron #13)

Q. Why can elves not be raised from the
dead or resurrected by a cleric?
A. We suggest that it may be linked to
their enormously long lifespans
(1500-2000 years) as compared to
other intelligent species (at most 500
years). A creature with such a long
lifespan may not cling to life in the
same way as other beings; or perhaps
elves do not have the right mental
attitudes to allow them to return from
the dead -- they are, after all,
supposed to be merry, carefree folk.
    Permanent death could be seen as
1 of the costs of having such a
good life.
    If nothing else, the inability of elves
to return from the dead does provide
a degree of Game balance when
considered in the light of their other
(Imagine #9)


DMG: Elves are often considered flighty or frivolous,
    and this is the case when they do not believe a matter to be of import.
They concern themselves with the natural beauty around them,
    dancing and frolicking,
    playing and singing unless necessity dictates otherwise.
Because elves love nature,
    they are not fond of ships or mines,
    but of growing things and the lands under the sky.
They do not make friends easily,
    but friend or enemy is never forgotten.
Their humor is clever,
    as are their songs and poetry.
Elves are brave but never foolhardy.
They feast,
    but eat sparingly,
    drink mead and wine,
    but seldom become drunk from excesses.
<FRUA: at inn (elves (and only elves) get a warning before reaching great intoxication)>
While they find well wrought jewelry a pleasure to behold,
    they are not overly interested in money or gain.
Magic fascinates elves, however,
    and if they have a weakness it lies in this desire.
If elves tend towards haughtiness and arrogance at times,
    they are not inclined to regard their friends and associates as anything other than equals.
    TRAIT \ BRAVERY: brave (special, for NPCs: no elf is ever foolhardy)
    TRAIT \ INTERESTS: nature

        TRAIT \ PERSONALITY: 7-8 = introverted (use for named NPCs only)

<FRUA: Special, PC Elves: Tone is always HAUGHTY ... one less option at TALK.>

SKILLS: + Plant lore, - Mining.



Elves and the Elven Nations

The Elves are one of the major races of the FR,
and ruled large sections after the time
of the Dragons and before the coming
of men. Now the majority of these long-lived
beings have retreated from the onslaught
of mankind, seeking quieter
forests, and their numbers in the Realms
are a fraction of those even a
thousand years ago.

The Elves of the
FR are human height, ?note this when height is generated>
but much more slender. Their fingers
and hands are half-again as long as
men, and delicately tapered, and their
bones are light and surprisingly sturdy.
Elven faces are thinner and more
serene, and Elven ears, as ears in half a
hundred Known Worlds, are pointed.

Gold Elf

There are five known Elven sub-races
in the FR, and four of
them live in relative harmony. Cross-breeding
is possible between the sub-races,
but in the case of the Elves, the
child will either take after the male ||
female parent's race (there are no
drow/moon Elf mongrels, and the child
of such an unlikely union would either
have all the traits of a dark Elf, or of a
moon Elf).

The sub-races are:

Gold Elves are also called sunrise
Elves or high Elves, and have bronze
skins and hair of copper, black, or
blonde. Their eyes are golden, silver, or
black. Gold Elves tend to be recognized
as the most civilized of the elven sub-races
and the most aloof from mankind.
The majority of the native Elves of Evermeet
are gold elves, though they are led
by a moon Elf royal family (see EVERMEET).

Moon Elf

Dark Elf

Wild Elf

?note: that is a wild elf according to 1e FR (wood, copper, sylvan, if i have that right)>
?in 3e FR, wild elf takes on a different meaning, perhaps closer to the Grugach>
?Grugach are found in one forest in the Shaar, and that they are different from the Wild Elves found to the south of the Shaar, and detailed in the Counselors ? Kings trilogy>


01-02 Bissel
03-09 Celene
10-11 Dyvers
12-13 Furyondy
14-17 Geoff
18-19 Gran March
20-21 Great Kingdom
22-24 Greyhawk
25-28 Highfolk
29-30 Idee
31-33 Irongate
34-35 Keoland
36-37 Nyrond
38-39 Theocracy of the Pale
40-41 Perrenland
42 Shield Lands
43-44 Spindrift Isles
45-48 Sunndi
49-50 Tenh
51 County of Ulek
52-58 Duchy of Ulek
59 County of Urnst
60-62 Valley of the Mage
63-66 Veluna
67-68 Verbobonc
69-72 Wild Coast
73-74 Yeomanry
75-78 Dreadwood
79-82 Gamboge Forest
83-86 Gnarley Forest
78-90 Grandwood Forest
91-96 Vesve Forest
97-00 Welkwood

Elven Clothing (Greyhawk):
Elves of the sylvan ilk dress similar to Suloise, except
their their colors are pale tints of green, fawn, ecru, and
dove gray. High elves are similar in mode of apparel,
but they add blues, lilacs, and purples to the more
natural forest hues of their woodland kin. Hunting
and war garments are brown, russet, and tan. Gray
elves wear very complex and flowing garb of pure
white, sun yellow, silver and gold lame' set off by polished
leather of contrasting colors and highlighted with
jewels. All elvenkind wear cloaks, esp. when
traveling. Their garments are neutral gray or

High Elf
    STRENGTH: 3/18
    WISDOM: 3/18
    DEXTERITY: 7/19
    CHARISMA: 8/18
STARTING AGE: Cleric (500+10d10), Fighter (130+5d6), Magic-User (150+5d6), Thief (100+5d6)

1/2 drow elf, 1/2 wood elf (Dragon #244)