10. Gatehouse Tower Roofs
(The Gatehouse)
Here is the roof of one of the twin gatehouse
towers. It is flat so that a watch
may be posted atop it and a trapdoor in
the southeast corner appears to provide
access to the roof from the inner tower.
Battlements have been built around the
edges of the roof to provide guards with
protection from enemy missile fire.
There are 4 hobgoblins mounting a
guard on the rooftop. On the north side
of the roof there appears to be a ballista 
and a bundle of bolts beside it. 

The 4 hobgoblin guards can also double
as a ballista crew if the fort is attacked
by enemies. There are 4-24 bolts in the bundle
for the ballista. It requires 2 hobgoblins
to fire the ballista, which will do 2-12
points of damage against man-sized targets,
firing once every other round. The other
2 employ their bows and fire upon enemies
attempting to pass the gate.

a. The hobgoblins on this roof are a crack
squad and periodically call out to each other
to keep alert. If intruders reach the roof top
they wheel the ballista around to fire on
them, while the other 2 crouch behind a
pile of broken rock, used for throwing <Grenade-Like Missiles, DMG>
down on invaders, and attempt to pin down
intruders with missile fire. The rock pile will
provide 50% cover causing the hobgoblins
AC to be 2, These hobgoblins have a total of
18 gp and 4 sp.

b. These 4 hobgoblins are young and
believe they can show the more experienced
warriors a thing or two abaut strategy. They
sit on a couple of boxes near their ballista
watching the outer courtyard only and do
not pace the rooftop. They feel that their
safety lies in numbers and that it is tougher
to surprise a group of people than 1 person.
They have tied 2 tin cups to the trapdoor
to rattle if anyone approaches that
way and have made a stack of empty boxes
beside the trapdoor. A rope is attached to
one of the bottom boxes and runs to the
group of guards. If their alarm goes off they
will topple the pile of boxes onto the trapdoor
by pulling the rope, stunning anyone
coming through, and then rush forward and
attack. These hobgoblins only have a total
of 50 sp.

Hobgoblin guards: AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1+1;
hp 6 each; #AT 2;
D 1-6 by composite <short> bow
XP 32 each
