21a. The Hallway
This corridor is unlit and thickly carpeted.
The hallway is quiet and shadows
seem to muffle any sounds the party
makes. Faded blue drapes hug the walls
to either side and the carpet is a cheerless
gray. As you proceed down the corridor
there is suddenly a frightened squeak at
your feet and a rat bolts across the hall
and disappears into a hole in the wall.

The drapes are attached to the wall at
both the ceiling and the floor and every
20 feet there is a break in them where a
torch bracket is mounted on the wall. At
the southwest end of this hall, on the east
wall, there is a door standing slightly
ajar. The corridor ends 20 feet further
down the hall with drapes across the end

1 Rat: AC 7; MV 15”; HD 1/4; hp 2;

#AT 1; D 1
THACO 20n1
XP 3

21b. Trapped Corridor

Beyond the drapes at the end of this hall the

corridor continues on, but is no longer carpeted.
There is a covered pit in the floor just
beyond the drapes. It is as wide as the corridor
and 7 feet long. Any pressure on the pit
cover will cause it to fall open. The pit
beneath is 10 feet deep and lined with rusty
spikes. Anyone who falls into the pit will <Stopping a Fall, SG>
take 1-6 points of damage from the fall, and
will also be impaled on 3-6 spikes for 1-6
points of damage each.

On the far side of the pit a nearly invisible
wire has been stretched taut across the hallway
at chest height (4 feet). The wire is
painted a dull black and is therefore nearly
invisible. Characters who are not heavily
encumbered and get a running start will easy <Jumping, WSG>
be able to leap the pit, but any character
who is over 4 feet tall will be caught by the
wire and pushed back into the pit. A hobbit,
gnome, or dwarf will not strike the
wire, and will be unaware of it unless he
looks carefully.
