16. Abode of the Myconids

In general, all of these chambers are quite
damp, with water practically running from
the ceiling in places. Excess water seeps
away through cracks in the floor. Stalactites
abound here, except where the myconids
(see below) have cleared them away. All of
the chambers are dimly lit by glow-fungi
(see area 11). Some huge, 1-foot-diameter
specimens may even be encountered,
ambling about slowly and grumbling to
themselves. (These large ones each give light
in a 20-foot radius.) Every nook and cranny
of these chambers is occupied by fungi, all <Fungus Lore, DSG>
growing luxuriantly to sizes rarely seen elsewhere.
Except where noted, these are harmless
unless eaten (see area 15).

16A. Welcoming Committee
The entrance to this chamber is flanked
by two 7-foot-tall shriekers. They begin to
howl as soon as they sense any non-fungus
movement within 10 feet of them. On the
2nd round after shrieking, a motley collection
of gate guards appear from among
the stalagmites and giant mushrooms. They
attempt to prevent further progress in this
area, fighting if they must. This group consists
of the following creatures:

a) A rotting, zombie-like kobold. This
creature looks as if it died two weeks ago. Its
body is covered with slime and mold, and
toadstools grow out of its eye sockets.

b) 2 giant worker ants. Their antennae
droop and drag on the ground, they make
no noise, and they move more slowly than
normal giant ants.

c) A fire beetle. It does not glow, and it
seems to move more slowly than normal.

d) A human corpse. Very little flesh is left
on this skeleton, but it still moves. In many
places, a bulbous purple fungus seems to
have taken the place of flesh and blood.
Mixed in with the purple is a yellow fungus-like
growth. (This is a yellow mold colony.
There is a 40% chance each time the corpse
is hit that the molds spores will erupt in a 10
foot x 10 foot x 10 foot cloud. All within this
cloud must save vs. poison or die.)

These dead creatures were all animated
by special spores secreted by the myconid
king. They strike last in any melee round,
but they are not undead and cannot he
turned. The myconids rely on these guards
to deter intruders, and thei will not investigate
a battle.

7-foot-tall shriekers (2): AC 7; MV 1";
HD 3; hp 23, 22; #AT 0; D nil
XP 28, 27

Kobold..zombie: AC 9; MV 6"; HD 1/2; hp 2;
#AT 1; D 1-4 with flint dagger
THACO 20n1
XP 7

Giant worker ants (2): AC 3; MV 12";
HD 2; hp 7, 6; #AT 1; D 1-6
XP 34, 32

Fire beetle: AC 4; MV 9"; HD 1+2; hp 5;
#AT 1; D 2-8
XP 30

Human corpse: AC 10; MV 9"; HD 1; hp 4;
#AT 2; D 1-3/1-3 with bony claws
XP 14

16B. Fungus Forest  <Fungus Lore, DSG>
This is a huge domed chamber, 80 feet in
diameter and 50 feet high at its apex. A
phosphorescent mold on the ceiling casts <Fungus Lore, DSG>
a weird blue glow over the giant mushrooms
and toadstools of the fungus forest
which covers the floor. There is no
breeze, but the fungi occasionally seem
to rustle and sway, as if a wind were
passing through. Trails wind through the
towering mushroom forest, connecting
the exits and often leading seemingly

This chamber houses the myconid village,
though this fact will not be immediately
apparent to visitors. The myconid
houses are actually huge hollow puffball-shaped
fungi which dwell among the other
growths--32 in all are scattered randomly
around the chamber. The myconids enter
and leave their houses through 5-9 foot tall
oval ooze-membranes. These membranes
are self-sealing; the myconids merely step
through them.

The myconids in this chamber are all at
rest in their houses. Active myconids will
usually only be found in areas 16C, 16D, and
16E. Unless their homes are meddled with,
there is only a 30% (non-cumulative)
chance per turn spent in this chamber that
visitors will encounter a myconid. A 2 HD
myconid will flee at the sight of strangers,
running to a house to contact an elder. A 3
HD or greater myconid will approach the
party and attempt to open communications
by spraying the lead member with rapport
spores. (This will enable the fungus man to
communicate bv ESP with the target on the
next round.)

If the myconid is allowed to communicate
with the enspored character, it will ask what
the party is doing here. If the party asks for
help, it will offer to lead them to its king (in
16E). If the party is rude or arrogant and
demanding, the fungus man will simply turn
and leave, moving by the shortest possible
route to inform the king about the
intruders. If the myconid is attacked, before
or after communication is attempted, it will
defend itself while releasing a cloud of distress
spores. These spores alert every
myconid in the huge chamber within 4
rounds, and 1/4 of them join the
fray each round. The reinforcements also
release distress spores, eventually alerting
every myconid in the colony.

There is one ”circle” of myconid at rest in
the various houses of the village. This group
consists of 4 of each of the following
HD hp Size D Spores
1 4 2' 1-4 distress
2 8 4' 2-8 + reproducer
3 12 6' 3-12 + rapport
4 16 8' 4-16 + pacifier
5 20 10' 5-20 + hallucinator

All Myconids: AC 10; MV 9”: #AT 1; SD
poisonous skin, touch causes 1-4 points of

If the party attempts to escape when confronted
by myconid reinforcements, they
will be allowed to go, so long as they leave
by way of 16A. If the party fights, the
myconids attempt to incapacitate party
members with pacifier and hallucinator
spores whenever possible. Those not
enspored will be threatened by many
myconids unless they surrender. Captured
or surrendering characters will be taken
before the king.

16C. Fungus Farm  <Fungus Lore, DSG>
This large but low cavern is lit by many
glow fungi. Edible fungus of all different
types grows here in neat rows, circles, and
other geometric designs, for this is the
myconids’ agricultural cave. A ”circle” of
fungus men equal in number and type to
those in 16B are working here amongst their
strange unearthly crops. Among the other
fungus crops is a row of tiny myconids.

16D. Royal Chamber
This is the chamber of the king. It is a bare
chamber, lit only by several glow-fungi.

The king coordinates all activities in
the myconid city, resolves disputes, and
deals with outsiders. It is always eager for
news of the labyrinth, and will quiz the
party by means of rapport spores about
what they have seen and what they have
done. If the party cooperates and answers
the king’s questions, and then requests aid
of the king in escape from the labyrinth, the
king will bargain with them: if the party will
kill the giant crayfish (at 12) and bring back
proof that they have accomplished the deed,
the king will tell them how to get to an
escape route (the chimney at 19). The king
sees the giant crayfish as the greatest local
threat to myconid foraging parties.

If the party doesn’t agree to slay the giant crayfish, or if the party had to be subdued
and taken to the king after attacking the
myconids, the king will still ask them questions
about doings in the dungeon. However, <link>
the party will then be totally divested
of all belongings and escorted back out into
the labyrinth. The party will not even be
allowed a glow-fungus. A “circle” of
myconids will make sure that the party
leaves the AREA.

The small room behind the king’s chamber
is where the myconid leader keeps a supply
of potions, used only in emergencies.
All of these potions were made by the king
using fungal alchemy, but they duplicate the
effects of normal potions. They are in
potion bottles made from the heads of giant
ants. The potions are: extra-healing,
growth, healing, invisibility, speed, and

Myconid king: AC 10; MV 9 ”; HD 6; hp 30;
#AT 1; D 6-24; SA all myconid spore
clouds; SD poisonous skin, touch causes
1-4 points of damage
XP 605
