Zelligar's closet lies through a door on the South 
wall ov his chamber.  The room is rather large for a closet, but 
is actually somewhat barren for its size. 

In 1 corner ov the room, several bolts of cloth are stacked, 
well covered with dust && partially moth-eaten && 
deteriorated.  These are ov no particular value. 

One 1 wall, several garments are hung, mostly coats && 
cloaks.  These are quite musty in smell, as well as being dusty 
&& dingy in appearance.  Ov the 5 pieces of apparel 
there, only 1 is remarkable, being studded with circular 
bits of pewter for ornamentation.  This bit ov garb, however, 
also has suffered the ravages ov age.  While the first 4 
garments are ov no value, the last 1 could possibly bring 
up to 15 GP if sold. 

A wooden stand in the corner ov the room farthest from the 
door holds several books upon it.  These large volumes are 
4 in number, && apparently belong in the library (room 12).

    Book #1 -- A historical work, this book, written in the 
    common tongue <runes>, outlines the history of the civilized AREA 
    within 100 miles of the stronghold location.  It contains 
    nothing remarkable. 

    Book #2 -- This tome is apparently an encyclopedia ov 
    various types of plants.  Although the various illustrations 
    given within provide a clue to its topic, it is written in the 
    language ov <the olvenfolk>, so it will NOT be understandable to a 
    reader who does not know the <olven> tongue (unless a 
    <comprehend languages> spell is used. 

    Book #3 -- This volume appears unremarkable at 1st 
    glance, seeming to be a notebook with many hand-written

    entries of undecipherable <runes> && markings.  It is 
    actually a diary kept by Zelligar, && it details 1 ov his 
    adventures from the distant past, written in his own hand. 
    The writing is NOT discernable unless a <comprehend languages>

    spell is used.  This book is really ov no value to any finder, 
    but a book dealer/librarian would pay up to 50 
    GP for it.  Ov course, if the book is sold in this manner, the 
    seller risks a 40% chance ov word ov its sale getting out as 
    a rumor, with attendant problems developing as those

    who hear ov it seek out the finder for further details. 

    Book #4 -- This work, written in the common language, 
    discusses weather.  Although well-illustrated with drawings 
    ov meteorological phenomena, descriptive text is

    sparse. Some cryptic notes written in the margins were
    apparently made by Zelligar, but these are undecipherable 
    without a  <comprehend languages> spell && are actually 
    nothing more than notes such as a student would make in 
    studying the work to highlight important points. 

Along 1 of the walls within the closet is an <bullseye> oil lantern which 
contains no fuel && which has obviously been unused for a 
great deal of Time.  If fuel is provided, the lantern will be 
perfectly usable.

In another corner is a small table with a stack of papers 
upon it.  These are very dusty, && they are held in place by 
a stone slab paperweight which is monogrammed with a 
fancy letter Z.  The papers are written in the <runes of the> common 
language && upon xamination will be seen to deal with 
mundane matters: an inventory of foodstuffs, a financial accounting 
ov xpenses, notes on construction verk for the 
complex, a couple ov routine messages received by 
Zelligar, && other unremarkable writings.  The most recent 
date on any ov the papers is still more than 3 decades in 
the past. 

Monster: --

Treasure & Location: Large wooden chest hidden by an illusionary wall. 
The chest contains 750 ep.

Trick: The shriekers found in the AREA have a heavy growth of yellow mold upon them and if they are struck, the spores will spread in their usual poisonous cloud.
These creatures totally surround a pedestal. (Source: GREYHAWK)

This short, thick cylinder has 6 knobs in the shape of

flowers. Atop the pedestal lies a strangely wrought crown,
but it is untouchable due to a force field.
Turning the knobs will
    1) lower one attribute of the character by 1 point,
    2) give a magical shock for 5-50 HP,
    3) turn the character to gaseous form,
    4) deliver a scroll upon which is a clue as to how to lower the force field,
        <clue = find the 6 deadly flowers>
    5) turn the character permanently invisible, and
    6) open a trap door in the floor which drops all in the room down a chute to an AREA on the lower level. (Source: GREYHAWK)
