by Christopher Wood
- - The Paremandyr - -
Dragon Classes - Paladins Dragon 106

HIT DICE: d8+1 (max: 9)
ARMOR PERMITTED: any, any shield
WEAPONS PERMITTED: any, oil = yes, poison = never
ABILITY SCORES: S: 10/18(00), I: 14/pr, W: 10/16, D: 9/18, CO: 8/18, CHA: 8/18
WEAPON PROFICIENCIES: 2, -3, 1/3 levels
ATTACKS PER MELEE ROUND: 1/1(1-5), 3/2(6-10), 2/1(11-15), 5/2(16-20), 3(21+)

The true neutral paramander's name means ?one beside the
world,? an allusion to the position of their god after he created and
balanced the universe. A paramander seeks to maintain that balance, often by manipulating (and, when necessary, destroying) highpowered beings of deep alignment convictions (e.g., paladins and anti-paladins) or by aiding weak opponents of those beings. Any
deed of outright good, evil, law, or chaos, performed without a
previously determined balancing effect on the world?s structure,
causes him to become forevermore a normal fighter. The paramander must justify every action in the interests of pure neutrality.
Paramanders favor subdued design in armor and weapons. Armor, though unrestricted, is usually leather or studded leather and,
like paramanders? shields, bears little or no decoration. Paramanders ride light horses or ponies, mostly gray or brown. Weapons
tend toward simplicity (swords, staves, etc.); no missile weapons are

Intelligence is the prime requisite of a paramander. A score of 16
adds 10% to earned experience, a score of 17 adds 15%, and a score
of 18 or greater adds 20%. Paramanders have chances to know
listed spells and minimum and maximum spells per level as magicu s e r s   d o   ( s e e   Players Handbook  p. 10, Intelligence Table II: Ability
for Magic-users).

Paramanders have no followers. Instead, at 9th level or above,
they take on an apprentice, training him in the ways of balance and
neutrality. The apprentice, a normal 0-level fighter with 2 hp, becomes a 1st-level paramander after achieving 1,172 experience
points (see Paramander Table I) in the service and under the guidance of his magister (master). A hit-dice value of d8 + 1 per level
replaces his 2 hp, and the new paramander leaves his magister?s
A paramander can train any number of apprentices, one at a
time. The magister commonly gives to his apprentice a favorite
weapon or other item, perhaps something that his old magister gave
to him upon completion of his own apprenticeship.

The special abilities of a paramander are:
1. Detection of good or evil within a 50' radius. At 3rd level and
above, the paramander can determine the. exact nature of the good
or evil (lawful, neutral, or chaotic) with minimal concentration.

2. Immunity to diseases of all types, including diseases caught
from monsters, such as mummies, lycanthropes, and so forth. This
includes diseaselike attacks from monsters like green slime.

3. Saving throws against non-neutral-aligned magic at +2 for
each five levels ( +2 at 1st through 5th levels, +4 at 6th through
10th levels, etc.) and against half-neutral-aligned magic at +1 for
each five levels ( +1 at 1st through 5th levels, +2 at 6th through
10th levels, etc.). Non-neutral alignments consist of lawful good,
lawful evil, chaotic good, and chaotic evil. Half-neutral alignments
consist of lawful neutral, neutral good, neutral evil, and chaotic
neutral. Aligned magic includes any spells cast by NPCs or monsters
of a specific alignment and any magic items that are intrinsically of a
specific alignment or that are used by beings of a specific alignment.

4. Spell use at 8th level and above. Paramander Table II shows
the number and level of such spells.

5. The use of certain thief functions at a level equal to half that of
the paramander (1st-level ability at 1st and 2nd level, 2nd-level
ability at 3rd and 4th level, etc.). The functions include open locks,
find/remove traps, move silently, hide in shadows, and hear noise.
Racial adjustments do not apply.

The forbidden accumulation of wealth is the only stricture of a
paramander, as they have no use for wealth other than as expenditures in the line of duty Hoarding treasure rarely affects the balance
of the world.

The Paremandyr
A rare and horrible creature, the paremandyr is an insane cousin
to the paramander, a mobile and intelligent death-dealer. The two
are identical in every way but one: The paramander strives to create
balance by molding the powerful forces of aligned convictions,
whereas the paremandyr strives to destroy these forces, believing
that in oblivion there is perfect balance. The paremandyr leaves a
sigil on his victims, a unique sign that identifies the death?s origin.

Paremandyrs and paramanders have equal benefits and strictures,
and they use the same tables. They cast the same spells and follow
the same rituals of apprenticeship.

Paramander Table I
Hit points Level title
0 -- 1,172 0 2 hp* Apprentice
1,173 -- 2,344 1 d8+1 Symmeter Initial
2,345 -- 4,688 2 2d8+2 Symmeter Medial
4,689 -- 9,375 3 3d8+3 Symmeter Final
9,376 -- 18,750 4 4d8+4 Fulcrum
18,751 -- 37,500 5 5d8+5 Balancer
37,501 -- 75,000 6 6d8+6 Libra Charge Initial
75,001 -- 150,000 7 7d8+7 Libra Charge Medial
150,001 -- 300,000 8 8d8+8 Libra Charge Final
300,001 -- 600,000 9 9d8+9 Paramander
600,001 -- 900,000 10 9d8+12 Paramander
900,001 -- 1,200,000 11 9d8+15 Paramander

Paramander Table II: Spells usable by experience level
                                                                                     Paramandic spell level
1 2 3 4 5
8 1 - - - -
9 2 - - - -
10 2 1 - - -
11 2 2 - - -
12 3 2 1 - -
13 3 2 2 - -
14 4 3 2 1 -
15 4 3 2 2 -
16* 5 4 3 2 1

* -- Maximum spell-casting ability.

Paramanders have a unique spell list. They acquire and cast spells
in the same way that a magic-user does, by use of spellbooks. A
paramander must learn spell use from a spell-magister of at least
16th level. Until then, the paramander cannot advance above 8th
level. The secondary apprenticeship is similar to a magic-user's
apprenticeship before 1st level (see the  Dungeon Masters Guide,
p. 39). The spell-magister commonly makes a gift of a 1st-level
paramandic spellbook including the spell  read paramandic magic
and two to five others, depending on the worthiness of the student.
Paramanders have no knowledge of cantrips.

Paramandic spell list
Number 1st level 2nd level 3rd level 4th level 5th level
1 Affect normal fires Audible glamer Clairaudience Charm monster Azure flame (p)
2 Burning hands Continual light Clairvoyance Charm person (1) Conjure elemental
3 Detect magic Detect invisibility Dispel magic Confusion Contact other plane
4 Erase Invisibility Dispel good/evil (c4) Dimension door Enchanted mirrors (p)
5 Feather fall Know alignment (c) Explosive runes Extension I Magic jar
6 Hold portal Levitate Fireball Fear Polymorph other (4)
7 Identify Locate object Fly Guards & wards (6) Question ball (p)
8 Light Magic mouth Gust of wind Loyalty (p) Slow mutation (p)
9 Message Phantasmal force (3) Lightning bolt Polymorph self -
10 Read paramandic magic (p) Scare Cache (p) Spelltrap (p) -
11 Shocking grasp Strength - - -
12 Write Wizard lock - - -

Unless otherwise indicated, all paramander spells correspond to
the magic-user spell of the same name and level. A number after a
spell indicates that it is normally of a level different from that at
which a paramander learns the spell. A letter after the spell indicates
that the spell normally belongs to a class other than the magic-user
(c = cleric, p = special paramander spell). New spell definitions
follow, in the format of the  Players Handbook.

Read Paramandic Magic  (Divination) Reversible
Level:  1
Range:  0
Duration:  3 rounds +1 round/level
Area of effect:  Special
Components:  V,M
Casting Time:  2 segments
Saving Throw:  None
Explanation/Description: This spell allows a paramander to read
the complex, guttural language used in paramandic magic. With the
exception of these parameters and the material components of a
pinch of bone and a silk string, the spell is essentially identical to the
1st-level magic-user spell  read magic.

Cache  (Alteration)
Level:  3
Range:  Touch
Duration:  1 hour/level
Area of effect:  One item
Components:  V,S
Casting Time:  2 segments
Saving Throw:  None
Explanation/Description: The casting of this spell upon an item
transfers that item to the Astral Plane for the duration of the spell.
Wherever the spell caster goes, the item will follow on the Astral
Plane. When the spell dissipates, the item will fall into the caster?s
hands (if possible) or reappear in front of him if not. Nothing can
detect the item while it is on the Astral Plane, except items meant to
see into astral space. The chance of the item returning in damaged
or broken condition equals 15%, -1% per level of the caster. The
caster can recall the object at any time.  Extension  applies, but  permanency  traps the item on the Astral Plane forever. The weight limit
is 5 gp/level of the caster. The spell malfunctions if cast on living

Loyalty  (Possession)
Level:  4
Range:  4?
Duration:  1 round/level
Area of effect:  1"/level radius
Components:  V,S
Casting Time:  1 round
Saving Throw:  None
Explanation/Description: All creatures of 1 hit die or less, or
below 1st level, within the area of effect of this spell become immediately loyal to the caster for the duration of the spell. They obey
commands (if understood) and will fight to the death alongside of the
caster. Creatures of more than 1 hit die or above 0 level remain
unaffected by the spell.  Extension  and  permanency  have no effect.
Dispel magic  eliminates the effects of the spell.

Spelltrap  (Alteration)
Level:  4
Range:  Special
Duration:  Indefinite (5 rounds)
Area of effect:  Special
Components:  V,S
Casting Time:  6 segments + special
Saving Throw:  None
Explanation/Description:  Spelltrap  creates a special environment
capable of accepting another spell and delaying its effects. When the
caster casts a  spelltrap  on a small immobile object such as a book or
a weapon, a magic receptacle saturates the item. The caster can then
place another spell within that receptacle (adjust the casting time
accordingly). When the item is moved or probed (by  detect magic,
etc.), the  spelltrap  disappears and the second spell takes effect, just
as if the item on which the  spelltrap  was placed had cast the spell at
a level equal to the caster of the second spell.
The  spelltrap  will fade in 5 rounds if another spell is not placed in
it. If someone casts  dispel magic  on the  spelltrap,  it is 75% likely
that the second spell will be eliminated, leaving the  spelltrap  empty
(and fading) and ready to receive another spell; otherwise,  dispel
magic  will eliminate the  spelltrap,  releasing the effects of the second
spell and exploding the item on which it was placed, causing 2-12
points of damage to all within a 20? radius. Only the following spells
can be placed in a  spelltrap  (others will have no effect, as if they had
not been cast at all):  light  (on the same item as the  spelltrap), message*, audible glamer, magic mouth, scare, fireball*, gust of wind*,
lightning bolt*, confusion, fear, polymorph other*, conjure elemental, azure flame, guards and wards, slow mutation  (dweomer placed
on same item as the  spelltrap).  Spells marked with an asterisk are
released from the  spelltrap  in a random direction. If the  spelltrap  is
moved or probed in any way before a second spell is placed inside, it
vanishes. Only the use of a  gem of seeing  can detect a  spelltrap.

Azure Flame  (Alteration)
Level:  5
Range:  5"
Duration:  Special
Area of effect:  2? radius
Components:  V,S,M
Casting Time:  6 segments
Saving Throw:  Neg.

Explanation/Description: The  azure flame  spell causes all creatures within the area of effect to burst into blue flame. A successful
saving throw vs. spell negates the effect.  Protection from fire  adds
+1 to the saving throw.  Azure flame  burns until extinguished by
dispel magic  (nothing else affects it) and spreads to any living thing
touched. Lifeless items (including undead) do not burn with blue
flames. Burning creatures take 1-4 points of damage per round until
the flame is dispelled and are considered to be under the effects of a
fear  spell while the  azure flame  burns. Creatures reduced to 0 hit
points by  azure flame  crumble into a pile of bluish ashes from which
they cannot be resurrected. The material component of the spell is a
small piece of azurite rubbed between the fingers of one hand while
the other hand performs the complicated somatic gestures. The spell
requires a dexterity of 13 or higher.

Enchanted Mirrors  (Alteration)
Level:  5
Range:  Special
Duration:  Permanent
Area of effect:  Two mirrors
Components:  V,S,M
Casting Time:  7 rounds + special
Saving Throw:  None
Explanation/Description: The material components of this spell
are two small, matched mirrors of fine silver worth not less than 100
gp each. When the caster casts the spell, the mirrors begin to emit a
faint glow and hover 3 feet apart above the ground, facing each

o t h e r ,   a t   t h e   e y e   l e v e l   o f   t h e   c a s t e r .   T h e   c a s t e r   c a n   n o w   c a s t   a n o t h e r
s p e l l   i n t o   t h e   a r e a   b e t w e e n   t h e   m i r r o r s   ( a d j u s t   c a s t i n g   t i m e   a c c o r d i n g l y )   a n d   t h e   e f f e c t s   o f   t h a t   s p e l l   w i l l   b e   r e c a s t   e v e r y   t h i r d   r o u n d
b e g i n n i n g   w i t h   t h e   r o u n d   i n   w h i c h   t h e   c a s t i n g   o f   t h e   s e c o n d   s p e l l
w a s   c o m p l e t e d .   T h e   e f f e c t s   o f   t h e   s e c o n d   s p e l l   a r e   a t   h a l f   t h e   a b i l i t y
o f   t h e   c a s t e r   ( 1 s t - l e v e l   a b i l i t y   a t   1 s t   a n d   2 n d   l e v e l ,   2 n d - l e v e l   a b i l i t y   a t
3 r d   a n d   4 t h   l e v e l ,   e t c . ) .
O n l y   t h e   f o l l o w i n g   s p e l l s   c a n   b e   p l a c e d   i n   t h e   enchanted mirrors
( o t h e r s   w i l l   h a v e   n o   e f f e c t ,   a s   i f   t h e y   h a d   n o t   b e e n   c a s t   a t   a l l ) :   light
( o n   o n e   o f   t h e   e n c h a n t e d   m i r r o r s ) ,   message*, audible glamer, scare,
fireball*, gust of wind*, lightning bolt*, confusion, fear, polymorph
other*, conjure elemental, azure flame, guards and wards.  Spells
marked with an asterisk are released from the enchanted mirrors in
a random direction. If anything touches or comes between the fragile mirrors, both the  enchanted mirrors  spell and its repeating spell
are cancelled, and the mirrors fall to the ground.  Dispel magic  is
75% likely to remove the repeating spell, leaving the mirrors ready
to accept another; otherwise, the  enchanted mirrors  spell is dispelled
and the repeating spell ceases to function.

Q u e s t i o n   B a l l   (Alteration/Conjuration)
Level:  5
Range:  Touch
Duration:  Special
Area of effect:  One ball
Components:  V,S,M
Casting Time:  3 rounds
Saving Throw:  None
Explanation/Description: This spell transforms a normal  crystal
ball  into a unique  question ball,  which answers any questions put to
it. The material components of the spell are a  crystal ball,  a  gem of
seeing,  and a pound of pure sulphur. The caster piles the sulphur in
a heap and burns it with the  gem  and the  crystal ball  in the middle.
While the flames consume the  gem  and  crystal ball,  the caster performs the verbal and somatic components of the spell, upon the
completion of which the  gem  and crystal disappear in a sulphurous
explosion (no damage) marking the creation of the  question ball.
The ball is a partial manifestation of an extraplanar humanoid
being of divine nature, who uses the  gem of seeing  and its own
powers to discern the answers to the caster?s questions. The being
speaks common and 2-3 other languages, as well as tongues exclusive to his mysterious plane. The being, as payment for the  gem of
seeing,  is bound to answer a number of questions equal to the caster?s level. A percentile roll of less than 50 minus the level of the
caster indicates that the being tells a carefully fabricated and reasonably believable lie. When the being has answered a number of questions equal to the level of the caster, the  question ball  will darken
and crumble to useless powder.
The being can be released on the Prime Material Plane, the ball
shattering and all of the being?s possessions (including the  gem of
seeing)  appearing in its place, if any of the following things happen
to the  question ball:
1. If any attempt is made to move the ball to another plane;
2. If  trap the soul, gate, monster summoning VII,  or  cache  is cast
on the ball;
3. If the ball is destroyed using any of the methods for destruction
of artifacts or relics (see the  DMG,  p. 164);
4. If a wraith or similar creature performs an  energy drain  on the

The being is neutral in alignment, AC 2, HD 10 +6, # ATT 3,
DAM 1-6/1-6 (plus 5% chance of disease) by claws, and 2-12 (plus
poison, save at -2) by fangs. Its poison causes sleep for 1-6 days,
during which time the being will eat its victim. Its claws are infected
with a terminal blood disease, as per the  DMG.  The being has all
the spell-like abilities of a type I demon, and it can travel in the
Astral and Ethereal Planes. Its other possessions number 2-12, each
having a 20% chance of being magical in nature.

Slow Mutation  (Alteration/Possession)
Level:  5
Range:  Touch
Duration:  Permanent
Area of effect:  One creature
Components:  V,S,M
Casting Time:  2 rounds + touch
Saving Throw:  Neg.
Explanation/Description: The material component of this spell is
a piece of whatever the caster wishes his subject to become (e.g. a
kenku feather to turn him into a kenku, or a drop from a  potion of
invisibility  to turn him invisible). The spell is cast on a non-living
item such as the end of a staff, where it glows red with the power of
its dweomer. Should any living (or undead) thing touch the
dweomer, that being becomes infected with  slow mutation  unless it
makes a successful saving throw vs. polymorph. The effects of the
dweomer vary according to the description given by the caster in the
verbal component of the spell but, once triggered, the complete
mutation occurs within 3-18 rounds.

The spell has two aspects. The first is a condition that must apply
to the affected creature for the spell?s mutation to function (e.g.,
contact with a certain substance, performance of a certain action,
etc.). While this condition applies, the second aspect of the spell
takes effect ? the subject begins to change slowly into the form
described by the caster during the creation of the dweomer (e.g., he
begins to resemble a kenku or becomes increasingly translucent).
Only a  remove curse  spell will eliminate the dweomer from a
possessed creature?s body, allowing a  wish  or  polymorph  spell to
return him to his original form. Before a dweomer leaves its original
position on its weapon,  dispel magic  will eliminate it. After the
dweomer leaves its position, by  dispel magic  or by infecting someone, the weapon is once again normal in every way.