The Fire-Eye
by Harold Dolan

Dragon - Magick Items - Dragon 123
- - Fire Spells - -

Avissar Fire-Eye derived his name from a
powerful and unique magical item of his
own devising. The Fire-Eye is a monocle
fabricated by the Arch-Mage and endowed
with unique powers. Its lens is smooth and
transparent, and measures 1? in diameter;
it is reputed to be a gemstone of unearthly
origin, dug from the crater of a meteorite.
This lens is enclosed in a circle of mithral
and the whole is hung on a mithral chain
of the finest craftsmanship. The gem and
chain alone are worth 7,500 gp if sold, but
if the monocle's magickal properties are
known it can be sold for up to 75,000 gp.

The 8 magical functions of the Fire-
Eye are detailed below. Unless otherwise
noted, all spell powers are performed at the
18th level of ability.

1. Mere possession of the monocle confers
immunity to the harmful effects of
normal fire and gives the possessor a + 3
bonus to all saving throws vs. magickal fire
attacks, <>

2. When the monocle is worn over the
right eye, the wearer gains the use of
infravision and detect invisibility, as per
the magic-user spells of the same names at
the 18th level of ability.

The next three powers may be used at
will, one at a time, but only when the
monocle is worn over the left eye.

3. Twice per day, the Fire-Eye can emit a
9-HD fireball with a 9" range.

4. 5 times per day, the monocle can
emit a ray of fire which ignites any nonliving,
combustible material it contacts (save
vs. magical fire applicable). The range of a
ray of fire is 12"; duration is instantaneous.

5. 3 times per day, the monocle can
emit a ray of fire which ignites any nonliving,
combustible material it contacts (save
vs. magickal fire applicable). The range of a
ray of fire is 12"; duration is instantaneous.

6. If the Fire-Eye is held by the end of its
chain and slowly rocked back and forth, it
hums softly and glows. If it is then held
before the eyes of any single creature, that
creature must save vs. spells at -4 or
become hypnotized, remaining motionless
and staring at the monocle for one full
turn. During this time, the victim is sub-
ject to a single suggestion (as per the illusionist
spell hipgnosis) from the monocle's
wielder, with no saving throw vs. spells
applicable for the suggestion itself. This
enchantment is so powerful, however, that
it is possible for the Fire-Eye's wielder to
become entranced as well. Whenever this
power is used, the possessor must save vs.
spells at +3. If he fails, he is entranced for
one turn and is therefore unable to make
any suggestion to his victim; if the save is
successful, he is unaffected.

7. When it is clutched and a command
word uttered, the monocle can teleport its
possessor once per week as per the magicuser
spell of the same name. There is no
chance of error, and up to 10,000 gp
weight may be teleported along with the
possessor of the monocle.

8. The monocle generates a magickal field
which nullifies the power of all other
magical items held by its possessor. Such
items regain their former powers after
being outside the monocle?s field of influence
for one full day. This last function
seems to be an innate power of the alien
gemstone which forms the lens of the Fire-
Eye, as Avissar would certainly not have
desired such a baneful power himself.