(c)1982 E. Gary Gygax. All rights reserved.
Spindrift Sound Spindrift Isles - Prelacy of Almor The Kingdom of Nyrond
Dragon #65 - The World of Greyhawk - Dragon magazine

A great sage of Keoland once said in
connection with the many rival powers in
the east: “Behold the sapping of strength,
continuous and unabated, checked only
by the ferocity of battle, and erstwhile
victories. Be aware that these powers
never cease turning over the old stone in
search of the golden nugget placed there
by those who didn’t care. Be it known
that such odious men as these that
thwart men’s survival, these are convinced
that such nuggets are as plentiful
as the languages of Oerth. Be still, people,
lest by your movement you attract
the attention of the “mad ones,” for
nuggets may remain buried beneath an
old stone, or in combination with others
be used to adorn a conqueror’s breast as
a necklace.”

This passage, based upon the political
and military upheavals which seemed an
unavoidable and recurring theme of
those eastern powers, and especially the
Great Kingdom, came to light during a
time of continued procrastination by
many of the major powers, and as quickly
as it was once assimilated and then
dismissed as unportentious, it has now
been re-enlivened by the many leaders
of modern thought.

During CY 578 (late Needfest) a proclamation
of war was issued against the
Great Kingdom and her satellites by the
Kingdom of Nyrond, the Prelacy of Almor,
and their allies. This, in conjunction
with the various military activities already
in motion, makes the southern and
eastern portions of the Flanaess as busy
as the marketplace at Rauxes, and the
masterless men gather round as a pack
of famished wolves clusters near weakened

Elsewhere, mysterious happenings
abound and the portents of war are increased.

Spindrift Sound

A minor naval action was fought here
during late summer as the merchants are
abundant upon the sea lanes. A war ship
of undisclosed origin is said to have shadowed
a group of three Duxchan merchant
ships, the Meles, Gloful, and Tigress,
which were bound from Ountsy
enroute to Sulward with a load of grain
and spices. Fortunately, these three vessels
carried, divided between them, a
company of mercenary foot and an envoy
of his Lordship, one Lieutenant
Skould, their acting commander.

Before nightfall on that day the pirate
ship fell upon the Meles, which had
lagged behind, being laden with the majority
of the grain. A terrific boarding action
took place; the captain of the Meles,
Sir Rawthers, was killed in the fighting.
Before the ship could be claimed by the
aggressors, the Gloful came alongside,
and with Skould and many handpicked
mercenaries retook the Meles while driving
the pirates before them. The Tigress,
which had been positioning herself for
ramming, did so. The pirates, hammered
and trapped, surrendered.

It was later found that this ship was a
hired buccaneer, paid for by certain unnameable
noblemen of Rel Astra, and
that these nobles had been contributing
heavily to the piratical raids which were
frequent and so well planned that never
previously had information concerning
their nature been discovered.

It is known that Rel Astra has had
many dealings with the Great Kingdom
and its new Constable, the Lord of Mentrey,
Spidasa. To have this information
concerning Rel Astra makes the plot
thicker than the Duxchans would like. A
naval and land expedition will possibly
be launched later next year, with the express
purpose of putting down the raids
along the Aerdi Sea and in Spindrift
Sound. Until then, political pressure and
threats are expected to keep buzzing between
Sulward and Rel Astra. The Duxchans
are demanding recompense, while
Rel Astra turns a deaf ear to concentrate
on its commitment to the See of Medegia.

Spindrift Isles

Though much removed from the mainland,
these isles have been often viewed
 and discussed, with mysterious notions
continually coming to mind. It is true that
some mariners who pass these shores
never return, and that those who set out
to look for these souls share a similar
fate. Recently a story has arisen amongst
certain merchants who ply the waters of
Spindrift Sound and visit the Isles as
well. The story, though received secondhand,
is believed to be true:

A certain merchant of Medegia who,

having been blown off course for many
days while sailing in his schooner, was
washed ashore with his most able bodyguard,
on land which they claimed later
to be Lendore Island. What this merchant
and his companion claim to have
witnessed and heard told to them is very
strange indeed, as was their subsequent
return to Pontylver via Sulward on a ship
they said was made of glass and powered
by the breath of gods not of Oerth.

In fact, they went through much. After

having been washed ashore, they were
immediately beset upon by a band of
kobolds. These kobolds were said to
differ from the usual, having grayish
eyes and short, stub-like black fur reminiscent
of cropped porcupine quills.
Thinking that their death was nigh, the
men entreated the sea god in repentance
for their squandered lifetimes. As if in
answer, a man appeared in a cloud of
greenish smoke. His presence had an
adverse affect upon the kobolds, and
they dispersed. This man wasted no time
in telling the travelers that he was an
extension of the wizard Lendore, and
that it was he who had drawn the merchants’
ship to the island.

The wizard then led them to a cliffside

and, pointing inland, laid bare to them a
great spectacle. Off in the distance, near
the middle span of the island and stretching
some three miles further into the
north, was a city — a city of glass. This
might not have been overly peculiar to
these men, for they had heard and seen
many strange and wondrous things in
their trafficking, except that this city was
suspended in the air, hovering magically
at least a half-mile off the ground and
shining with the same greenish, vaporlike
hue which embroiled the wizard’s

The wizard then regained his composure,

having been engrossed in the story.
Looking out upon the Aerdi Sea, he
spoke indecipherable words, and with
this done summoned a ship of glass to
the shores of the island. The two storytellers
were then magically transported
across the Aerdi back to Medegia via
Sulward. With them went a message to
the Duxchans and the See of Medegia,
Spidasa, as well as to the Sea Barons and
the free city of Rel Astra, who all have
strong interests in the Spindrifts.

The message states that if any attempt
is made to invade the islands, there
would occur a most dreadful power
struggle. Those “forces” involved would
not be limited to the defense of the Spindrifts
alone, and, as it was intimated,
many of the attackers’ homelands would
come under a tremendous assault for
this breaching of territory and honor.

When the two “messengers” returned

to Pontylver they were detained by Spidasa’s
guards and questioned thoroughly.
Though they had seen many wonders,
they had seen no army. Everything
seemed lifeless except for the kobolds
and the apparition of the wizard. Were
the Olven folk present? “No!” said these
two, but those of grander station knew
that the Lords of Lo Reltarma would
bless any undertakings for the defense
of their islands. The last piece of information
regarding this subject is also
strange, but not unexpected: The merchant
and bodyguard were summoned
to Mentrey under heavy guard, and to
this day their names and families are not
known, only this second-hand account.

Prelacy of Almor

The prelate Anarkin hopes to have his
armies up to quality and number so as to
be able to deal with the threats that the
Great Kingdom and (especially) Herzog
Chelor are posing at this time.

Subsequently, the levy pool, which

stood at 7,000 months ago, has been
steadily increasing so by next year (CY
579) at this time it should have reached a
respectable 30,000+. As they stand on
paper, Almor’s armies are as follows:

Almor’s Field Army: (-50% but rising)
Commander: Arch-Cleric Anarkin
Base: Chathort
    heavy cavalry 400
    medium cavalry 2,000
    light cavalry 4,000
    armored foot 1,500
    pole arm infantry 6,500
    light foot 8,000
    levies 30,000
    archers (mixed) 5,000

In addition to this force, the western

nobility has raised sizable regiments
based at and around Oldred. These forces
are primarily volunteers, with many
petty commanders and adventurer-types
present. Still awaiting orders, these contingents
are willing to be sent anywhere
where the fighting is thick, though it is
thought that their primary objective will
be Scant along Relmor Bay.

Relmor Bay Fleet:
Joint Command: Admiral Auriel Lexis
(Nyrondian), Count Stephen Bulhart

Base: Oldred
    warships 13
    large galleys 8
    transports 57
    marines 1,000
    light cavalry 700
    heavy foot 1,000
    light foot 2,500
    levies 3,700

Almor will await the coming of the

Nyrondian field army near Mithat before
it attempts operations on its own, with
the hope that the Iron League (and especially
Sunndi) can hold out during this
interim. When the two armies come within
operating distance of each other, the
Almorian army’s aim will likely be to
move to Prymp and down the coast, driving
a wedge in Herzog Chelor’s back
while Nyrond’s army moves up with the
bulk of heavier forces to establish a
smooth operating front, without supply
and communication problems.

The Kingdom of Nyrond

In the not-so-distant past, Nyrond has
had to take upon her back the monetary
burden of her allies (the Iron League and
Almor) to supply mercenaries, arms and
armor, and foodstuffs to these areas.
These supportive measures, which were
aimed at creating and maintaining a
buffer between Nyrond and the degenerating
Great Kingdom, were frowned
upon by the nobility of Nyrond, for taxes
remained at an all-time high to continue
to pay for this support. Now the same
nobility which claimed “gouging” on
Dunstan’s part are convinced of Ivid’s
attempted takeover everywhere, just
when they had assumed that Chelor was
cornered and could not launch more
than a punitive effort against the Iron

Nyrond above all else has a flexible

field army and fleet. Through its many
sorties and missions adorning its glorious
past, it has grown under the leadership
of some of the best tacticians this
side of Keoland. Now directed by very
competent strategists, among them King
Dunstan himself, the Nyrondian force is
formidable indeed. At the current time,
Nyrond’s armies are divided into two
camps — not counting garrison units
and certain mercenary bands which are
stationed along the northern and western
borders, and those units currently at

Nyrond’s armies

Main force:
Commander: King Dunstan
Sub-Commanders: Generals Garzenth
and Bellord
Base: Rel Mord (enroute to Mithat)
    light cavalry 2,000
    medium cavalry 3,000
    heavy cavalry 5,000
    armored foot 8,000
    pole arm infantry 3,000
    light foot 1,500
    mercenary foot (mixed) 1,000
    levies 9,000
    light archers 3,500
Secondary force:
Commander: Earl Harhing
Base: Innspa (enroute south)
    heavy cavalry 2,000
    heavy foot 4,000
    light foot 3,000
    levies 4,500
    fight archers 2,000

The primary aim of these two forces
appears simple. Dunstan will move south
along the coast of Relmor Bay and cross
the Harp River, near Chathold, in support
of the main Almorian army, which
will have started south upon the arrival of
Dunstan’s advance guard at Mithat. The
secondary force will proceed south
along the eastern bank of the Harp and
engage any force attempting to attack
the king’s flank or rear. With an Almorian
army threatening from Relmor Bay, and
another besetting Prymp, King Dunstan
should have little or no opposition on his
way toward taking the banks of the Greyflood
River by next month. With this
move comes the threat to Herzog Chelor’s
rear. Chelor will have to turn about
to face Dunstan, thus alleviating the
pressure on Sunndi, or be “run through
the back.”

And to insure complete victory in this
undertaking, Dunstan has called upon
the aid of both the County and Duchy of
Urnst, thus securing a further allotment
of well trained elite footmen — in excess
of 10,000 — who will be at the Relmord/
Woodwych area within three months.