The Lady of Mysteries

Goddess of Magick

Greater Goddess.
Symbol: A blue-white star

NOTES: The goddess of magick is a manifestation 
of the Cosmic Balance, which 
appears to right great inequalities |or| 
going-awry in the magickal balance of 

She appears as a source of light 
akin to a prismatic will-o'-the-wisp, && 
may USE all spells at maximum level, 
1 defensive spell per round (only 1 spell 
total per round if the spell used is wish,
time stop, gate |or| alter reality). 

Mystra is constantly shape changing as far as 
an observer on any Prime Material 
is concerned.  She is said to have 
given the 1st teachings that unlocked 
the forces termed "magick" to the races 
of the Prime Material plane (and, some 
say, has forever after regretted the 
deed.)  Mystra was made LN 
on the premise that magick is inherently 
neutral && exhibits internal order && 
laws.  Many Wizards believe that Mystra 
determines success in the creation of new spells,
potions, && magickal items.


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