Old Skull | The Tower of Ashaba | Watcher's Knoll | Harper's Hill | Fox Ridge |
The Realms Below | - | - | - | Forgotten Realms |
Shadowdale is a farming community straddling the road from Shadow Gap
to Voonlar, its main town (of the same name) located where that road crosses
the Ashaba.
The Dale is broken by patches of light woods that run to the borders
of the town, and interrupted by a large number of old ruins.
These old haunts of treasure and monsters makes the region very popular
with Adventuring Companies, and
more than a few have called this region their home.
This quiet but astonishingly hardy agricultural community has recently
rebuffed several invasions under the just and wise rulership of Doust Sulwood
and his comrades.
These stalwarts in the past led the dale militia and mercenary troops
in key battles against Lashan's Army of Scardale,
have defeated powerful mages from Zhentil
bested dracolich attacks of the Dragon Lords,
and repelled Drow caravans and raiding
parties in the caverns beneath the Tower of Ashaba and the woods near the
ruins of Castle Grimstead.
Shadowdale has been famous for a
number of things, large and small, and
its community of adventurers ensuring
that the fame of these things carries
furrther through the realms than the
size of the community first indicates. It
is noted for its inn (The Old Skull), a
good smith and a good wagonmaking
shop. The community was the home of
the adventurers known as Mane's Band
(now missing and presumed dead) and
the witch Sylune (also deceased).
Among its living natives the AREA claims
Sylune's sister, the bard Storm Silverhand,
and a wide variety of skilled adventurers.
Shadowdale is also the chosen abode of
Elminster the Sage,
reknowned for his wisdom, power, and
concise, informative histories of the Realms.
The previous Lord, Doust, and his
friends, most notably the ranger Florin
Falconhand, have since their most
recent battle renounced their titles and
offices in Shadowdale. Before departing,
they installed the cavalier Mourngrym
as Lord of the Dale. Mourngrym
has recently married Shaeril Rowanmantle,
a noble lady of Cormyr, and
continues to rule with the assistance
and wise guidance of Elminster. Doust
and his companions have titled themselves
?the Knights of Myth Drannor,?
and are attempting to establish their
own stronghold in that ruined city.
Their success has been hampered by
exploratory parties from Zhentil Keep,
Hillsfar, Sembia, other adventuring
companies, and an increasing diabolic
presence in the ruins.
the best-recorded of the Dalelands, due
in part to the first-hand knowledge of
Elminster. Further information on the
sites of Shadowdale follows, as opposed
to separate entries, and are listed to
agree with the map on page 78.
Elminster the Sage and his Scribe
Lhaeo are not for hire, and the people
of Shadowdale will be quick to inform
passers-by of that fact. The path behind
Tulba the Weaver's house leading up to
Elminster's Tower has warning runes of
danger and a sign reading, in Common
and Thorass: "No Trespassing. Violators
should notify next of kin. Have a pleasant
Old Skull: This huge, lichen-covered,
gnarled, lava-melted and sheepskeleton-
littered height of land that
dominates Shadowdale is well known;
the sheep farmers built a hut on the
north side for shelter during the rain
and for lambing in winter. The body of
Joadath, a former Lord of Shadowdale,
was burned there, in a hollow at the SW
end of the crest. Many people today use
the Old Skull as a lookout, sheep pasture,
laundry-drying surface, and
trysting-ground. It has never, as far as
can be ascertained, had any religious
and/or secretive political importance.
The Old Skull Inn takes its name from
this prominence.
The Tower earns
its formal name from its location,
guarding the northernmost bridged
crossing of the river Ashaba. Its nickname,
"the Twisted Tower," comes from
its off-center spire. This construction is
due to the inclusion of a 'deck' or half-covered
flight platform (and attached
stables) for the use of aerial steeds.
However, often a Dalesman, fed up with
the latest lunacies of its inhabitants, will
refer to them as "the Twists."
The Tower has many secrets and curiosities
and bears the stamp of many
owners. Many towers across the
Realms have such character and mystery.
Though the Tower is currently the
seat of the Lord of Shadowdale and the
forces of law, this stronghold was once
the citadel of an evil power, which
reached up from the Depths Below.
Azmaer, as the last known drow lord
was called, held the Tower in its waning
days, as its wisely-built fortifications
defended his peoples' retreat into the
subterranean realms. (This was 906
Dalereckoning, when the land called
Shadowdale was just beginning to
undergo human settlement). The last
days of the drow rule were made horrible
by disease, caused by a cistern poisoned
by a human slave, and so the
storming of the Twisted Tower was
comparatively easy. The drow defeated,
the town of Shadowdale began to
grow in earnest, until reaching its
present size.
Once in human hands, the Tower of
Ashaba passed through the hands of a
wide variety of owners, and bears
traces of their differing creeds and purposes.
The last good and lawful lord of
the Tower before the coming of Doust
and his stalwart companions was one
Jyordhan. Jyordhan reigned for a short
time, then took ill mysteriously, traveled
to the great city of Waterdeep, and
died there in the company of the Mage
Khelben. Rumor says that Jyordhan
was in truth an evil usurper whom
Khelben enspelled to come to Waterdeep
and there slew. Despite the relatively
short time since these events, it is
difficult to learn the truth. With the
coming of Doust three winters back,
and his recent abdication to Mourngrym,
the Tower is now the haven for a
large variety of adventurers and their
parties, much to the financial profit and
individual headache of the people of
individuals make up the Court of the
Lords of Shadowdale, who take their
residence in the Tower of Ashaba.
MOURNGRYM, Lord of Shadowdale.
TURNAL RHESTAYN (of Neverwinter), Seneschal of the
Tower of Ashaba and Steward of the Court.
Household Staff (reports to Turnal):
SAMMETH, Cellarer
CORLA, Chambermaid
LETTA, Chambermaid
GEMUTH, Chambermaid
DELUNE, Chambermaid
RIIA, Chambermaid
TANTNA, Chambermaid
EPANEL, Chambermaid
TALA, Chambermaid
NESSEA, Chambermaid
LINDUE, Chambermaid
SANTHA, Chambermaid
DOLBURR, Footman
METH, Footman
RINDOL, Footman
THURBAL, Captain-of-Arms and Warden of Shadowdale
Household Guard
25 archers led by Yeoman
12 men-at-arms led by Serjeant
ESSEN, Herald and Bailiff of the Lord Mourngrym
ASEEL, Chatelaine, Herbmistress, Healer, Keeper of
the Purse, Head of Kitchens.
LALYM, Master Cook
JHANYL, Serving-girl
MURA, Serving-girl
DESSA, Serving-girl
LILUR, Serving-girl
SATHA, Serving-girl
NEENA, Serving-girl
PURK, Kitchen Boy
THORBOK, Master of the Stables
Stable Crew
DAVORR, Hostler
BLINT, Tacksman
HAVOR, Tacksman
DURST, Tacksboy
BELDIN, Tacksboy
VODDAL, Constable
DEGETH, Constable
HETH, Page
LHAEO, Scribe to Elminster
The dale has also served as home to
other groups under Mourngrym reign,
Mane's Band: Mane (fighter), Boots
"the Lucky" (magic-user), Ruldo
(ranger), Kheldarr (fighter), Despar
(cleric), Tamshan (bard).
The Circle: The
Druids Mourntarn
"the Master," Eimair, Deltra, Veshar,
Orben, and Feldel; and the Rangers
Briadorn, Rathagol, Temis, Reptar,
and Selvan.
Watcher's Knoll: The knoll opens
into a
clearing in which a great stone pillar
slants to the north, high enough to
afford a view over the forest around. It
has been a watchpost since the days of
Aeancar the Mantled King, who three
hundred years ago ruled all of the lands
between the Moonsea and the Inner
Sea and west to the Stonelands. The
Knoll has been occupied by successive
bands, adventurers, and armies over
the years, particularly in the time since
Castle Krag was built, for the Castle
serves as a home and base for anyone
using the Knoll or the Old Skull as a
Sixty winters ago, when the Lord of
Shadowdale was Joadath, the followers
of Tyr in Shadowdale worshipped here.
These worshipers were discovered and
massacred by Joadath's men, and some
villagers have reported haunts to stalk
the Knoll since that time.
Lord Aumry, who ruled after
Joadath's destruction, was buried in a
cavern here hewn out by dwarves,
elves, and men. Out of respect for
Aumry and love for his lady Sylune,
Aumry's ashes were entombed in a coffin
of stone, atop which Sylune laid his
staff and cloak as per his orders, to
await the next lord. The staff and cloak
were later stolen by Lashan of Scardale,
and though the cloak was later
destroyed in battle, the staff is with
Lashan, wherever he may be at the
As far as it is known, only the elves
visit the Knoll regularly now. Most villagers
alive in Shadowdale today have
gone once to satisfy their curiosity,
found it a small clearing requiring a lot
of careful walking through the forest to
reach, and have never returned. It
remains a meeting place for lovers, kids
playing, and the occasional shady deal
or murder.
Harper's Hill: This peaceful, treecovered
hill deep in the forest is named
for its use by the long-dead bard
Alsaerl, and more recently by Storm
Silverhand, as a place of harping practice
and spiritual renewal. It is a place of
great beauty, and has a secondary function
as a rallying point in the forest. The
elves often danced and played music
there, and most villagers avoid it as a
Fox Ridge: The ridge gets its name from
the pests that the farmers of Shadowdale
often hunt with dogs. The foxes of
the ridge live in many, many holes and
burrows in and around the exposed
rocks along the ridge, which falls away
sharply to the north in a man-height
bank. The ridge is pierced by several
clefts and two cave chambers large
enough for men to use; most have over
the years been used to conceal food,
arms, gold, bodies, and messages. Not
much is known of these caves and their
precise location, but the rangers of the
Circle are the people who best know
the caves and other features of the
The Realms Below: The land beneath
the land of Shadowdale is dominated by
a subterranean river, which runs NWSE
under the River Ashaba, beneath the
Tower, and connects with Elminster?s
Pool on the surface. It comes to the surface
again far to the southeast, in the
depths of the elven woods, and in the
past its phosphorescent waters were
home to troglodytes, the last known of
which was slain by a warrior of Shadowdale
when Elminster was a boy. It is
not known where this river comes
from, nor if it has any magical powers
or strategic importance. The Realms
Below may be accessed by a number of
other means, including caverns such as
those on Fox Ridge and the deeper
levels of ancient keeps and crypts.
Exactly what lives in these realms is not
revealed in current texts, though it
should be noted that the drow once
ruled this land before being driven
underground, and while their shadow
on the land has diminished, their power
beneath may yet be strong.
<get a better quality image>
(being an accounting of the
people of this Dale
That which follows is an excerpt of a
census of the AREA known as Shadowdale,
listing its major inhabitants. Citizens
of the Dale may have several notes
following their entries.
* "Taking the Oath" means that the
individual has pledged loyalty to
Doust, in all surviving cases sworn
again to the new Lord Mourngrym.
* "Weapons Given" refers to weapons
bestowed by the Lord in
return for militia duty.
* "The Battle" refers to the heroic
defense against Zhentil Keep's
army. The army was led by Lyran
Nanther of Melvaunt, a pretender
to the Lordship of the Dale.
Further notation has been made as
appropriate, including description,
occupation, temperament, and local
down Florin Falconhand, Warden of
Shadowdale, in the 1st year of Doust's
lordship, the Year of the Harp, Marpenoth 4-12 *,
and as later amended by
divers hands.
* Two years previous, in the first and
second weeks--see CALENDAR
Tulba, the weaver
* Took Oath
* Aged, balding with white hair
* Lives in house near Inn
Lella, wife to Tulba
* Younger than her husband, fat.
Tethgar, a retired merchant
* Took Oath, given short sword
* Lives in private house near Inn.
Senma, mistress of Tethgar.
Bronn Selgard, smith.
* Took Oath
* Lives in house near Inn
Leath, wife of Bronn
Aleena, daughter, apprentice smith
Traith, daughter
Maela, daughter
Surd, son, apprentice smith
* Took Oath
* Badly wounded in battle
Doane, son, apprentice smith
* Took Oath
* Slain in battle.
* Remembered as having a sharp tongue
Helve, son, apprentice smith.
* Took Oath
* Slain in battle.
Berr, son, apprentice smith.
* Took Oath
Janth, son & apprentice smith
* Took Oath
Jamble "the Eye" Retired (thief?) merchant
* Took Oath, Given dagger
* A slick character, appears crafty
Leel, wife of Jamble
Serbon, son to Jamble.
* Took Oath. Given dagger
Boorga, Jamble's man
* Took Oath, given dagger
Naithra, wife of Boorga.
Lila, daughter of Boorga.
Burr, son of Boorga.
* Took Oath, Given dagger
Meira Lulhannon. Potter, breadmaker.
* Took aoth, given shortsword.
* Badly wounded in battle.
Sulatha, wife of Meira.
Betra, daughter of Meira.
Jassa, daughter of Meira
* Took oath, given dagger
* Noted as being slim and beautiful
Jhaele Silvermane. Innkeeper, the Old
Skull Inn.
* Took oath, given spear.
Braun, youngest son to Jhaele
* Took oath, given dagger
* Jhaele had a number of sons, but all have left home
Durman Hilesta. Carpenter, bouncer.
* Took oath, given spear.
Bardag Shultu. Hostler, Stablemaster.
* Took oath, given spear.
Dora Leen, Maid, chamber lady.
Sasha Baddja: Maid, chamber lady.
Turko Breem. Cook, waiter
* took Oath, given spear.
Erek. "Philters, Potions, Physics, Purveyor & Maker"
* Took oath, did not fight in battle
* Lives in house next to Beregon Farm
Hoareb "Nimblefinger" . Midwife/Surgeon/Healer
* Took Oath
Latha Brannon. Boardinghouse owner
* Took oath, given short sword
* Badly wounded in battle.
* Wife, Leela, died Year of the Arch
Uda, aunt to Latha
* Family Matriarch, very crusty.
Ester, daughter to Latha.
Emra, daughter to Latha
Ilil, daughter to Latha
* Ilil and Emra are noted as being true beauties.
Hammerhand Bucko. Wagonmaker, Woodworker.
* Took oath.
* Sarcastic intelligent, mulish, and strong.
Leeta Bucko. Wife to Hammerhand.
* Took oath.
* Known for her cooking.
Apprentices to Hammerhand Bucko:
Skulp, Fennir, Tulpas, Hlack, Orve, Naith, and Typyas
* All Took Oath
* Skulp badly wounded in battle
* Hlack and Orve SLAIN in battle
* Handwritten scrawl by Typyas
entry indicates that "Tip" might be
a woman working in disguise.
Mother Tara. Proprietor of the local Fest-hall
* Took oath
* Noted as being good humored and witty
Briig. Bouncer:
* Took oath.
* Noted as not being very swift
Fest-Hall Employees
Lune Lyrohar, Astara Miliip, Reehta
Lorn, Sabra Immerhund, Olma Dansyra,
Hela Marshoola, Estel Morna
* None required to TAKE oath
* Lune Lyrohair was revealed to be a
weretiger and SLAIN
by Florin
Falconhand this day Alturiak 15,
Year of the Worm.
Icehyill. Trader, retired merchant.
* Swore oath very reluctantly.
Sulcar Reedo. Farmer.
* Took Oath, given shortsword.
Astga Reedo. Wife to Sulcar.
* Took Oath
Sulcar's Sons
Presper, Sullman, and Courrta Reedo
* All took Oath
* Courrta SLAIN in battle
Beregon Hillstaar, Farmer
* Took Oath, given spear
* Badly Wounded in Battle
* Brother of Urnan Hisstar
* Influential in local AREA
* Wife Bereet died in Year of Worm
* The most recent entry listed indicates
that Beregon has semi-retired,
and is farming the Tower
Farm for Lord Mourngrym to the
north of Shadowdale. The land of
his old farm has been used to erect
a Temple to Lathandar<>.
Lhurt Hillstar, Son of Beregon
* Took Oath, given dagger
* SLAIN in Battle
Milda Hillstar, Sister to Beregon
* Took oath
Pulda Hillstar, Young Daughter
* Took oath.
Elminster. Sage.
* Took oath.
* On 100 gp/month retainer to Lord Doust (Now Lord Mourngrym)
Lhaeo, Scribe/Cartographer
* Elminster's Assistant
Weregund "the Trader". Trader, chief
merchant in town. Deals in all goods,
largely hardware for the dale.
* Took oath..
* Noted for greed and cowardice
Dabragund. Son to Weregund
* Took oath.
Dletagund. Daughter to Weregund
* Took oath.
Meershand. Wife.
* Took oath.
* Noted as being large and beefy, and
tending to tell Weregund what to do
Hamlin Zhul. Farmer
* Took Oath, given spear
* Badly wounded in battle.
Belna Zhul. Wife.
* Took Oath
Thurl. Hired man.
* Took oath, given dagger.
Abor. Boy.
* Took Oath
* SLAIN in Battle
Kulnar Ohane. Farmer,
* Took oath, given spear.
* Noted as being influential and a no-nonsense individual
Lest Ohane. Wife to Kulnar.
Riita Ohane. Daughter.
Han Ohane. Son.
Chruce Ohane. Son.
Arnblas Ohane. Son.
Purn Ohane. Son.
* Lest and all Ohane children Took Oath
* Purn and Han were SLAIN in battle
Blaesgerd. Ohane Hired hand. Retired fighter.
* Took oath, given shortsword.
Riist Huldane. Farmer,
* Took Oath, given spear.
Liliphar Huldane, Wife.
* Took Oath
Maxer. Huldane Hired hand.
* Took Oath
* SLAIN in battle.
Buldor Ulphor. Farmer, influential
* Took oath, given spear
* Brother of Ruldar Ulphor
Neena Ulphor. Wife to Buldor
April Ulphor. Daughter
Marest Ulphor. Son
Knulan Besmar, Ulphor Hired Hand
* Entire Ulphor household took Oath
* Knulen Besmar was SLAIN in Battle
Urnan Hillstar. Farmer,
* Took Oath, Given Spear
* Member of influential Hillstar family
* Brother of Beregon Hillstar
Adlma Hillstar, Wife.
* Took Oath
Helmark Hillstar. Son.
* Swore Oath, not given weapon
* Note that Helmark is a rogue and
that he should be watched carefully
in his duties
Selence Hillstar. Daughter.
* Took Oath
* Noted as beautiful and soft-spoken,
with interests in poetry and music
Mara Hillstar. Daughter.
* Took Oath, asked for weapon
* Noted as tomboy, fought very well in battle.
* Candidate of militia
Korhun Lhrar. Farmer.
* Took oath, given spear
* SLAIN in battle.
* A sour cynical man, Korhun died
without family. His farm is currently
unowned and considered property
of the Dale itself
Besmil, Hired hand
* Took oath, given shortsword.
Turst Rhellogar, Hired hand
* Took oath, given shortsword
Hunil Rhellogar, Turst's son.
* Took oath; given dagger.
* SLAIN in battle.
Borst Bestil, Farmer
* Took oath, given spear
* SLAIN in battle.
* Brother of Hyne Bestil
Elma Bestil,. Wife.
Kiiran Bestil, Son.
Axmar Bestil, Son.
* All members of the Bestil household Took Oath.
* Borst, Kirran, and Axmar all died in
battle. Elma living with her
Brother-in-law Hyne
Storm Silverhand. "The harper of Shadowdale."
Farmer and retired adventurer (bard)
* Took Oath
* Storm is recorded here and elsewhere
as being a beautiful and
intelligent woman, fond of wearing
silver jewlery and having hair of a
silver hue.
* It is noted here that at the Time,
Silverhand kept 2 fierce wolf-hounds
as pets.
Maxam. A follower of Storm, probably
a henchman acquired in earlier
* Swore oath, but said his 1st loyalty
was to Storm. Given short sword.
Lular. Hired hand.
* Took oath, given spear
Sylune; Spell-caster and self-described Witch
* Swore loyalty to Dale, but refused
Oath to Doust, saying she would
not serve any living Lord
* Died in battle with an ancient Red
Year of the Prince
Durgo Silvermane. Farmer
* Took Oath, given spear
* Grown son of Jhaele Silvermane.
Farm is in her(Jhaele's) Name.
Nelil Silvermane. Daughter to Jhaele.
Purn Silvermane. Son to Jhaele.
Belestar Silvermane.
Raith Silvermane.
* All of Silvermane household
Luth Mlennan. Farmer, semi-retired
(grows herbs, cabbages and melons,
potatoes and other tubers.)
* Took Oath
* Full of tall stories, and a glazier of some skill.
Ruldar Ulphor, Farmer.
* Took oath, given spear.
* Influential Landowner.
* Brother of Buldor Ulphor.
Lana Ulphor. Wife.
Bertil Ulphor, Oldest son.
* Took Oath, not trusted with weapon.
* Handwritten notes beneath this
entry refer to Bertil as a callow idiot
and sanctimonious fool. It
may be surmised he is not well-
Ulman Ulphor. Son.
* Took Oath, not trusted with weapon.
* Handwritten note beneath reads
"Schemer--watch this one"
Jalnar Ulphor. Youngest son.
* Took oath, given a dagger.
Hyne Bestil. Farmer.
* Took oath.
* Noted as a weasel-like,
whining man
* Brother to Borst Bestil
Merna Bestil. Wife to Hyne.
Britaria "Bit" Bestil
Huld Bestil
Krayan Bestil
* All given daggers at oath-taking.
Neldock Elventree. Farmer.
* Took Oath, given spear.
* Wife died 17 winters ago.
* Brother of Ilcurt Elventree.
* Considered good-natured, intelligent.
Meltan Elventree, Son.
Neld Elventree, Son.
Imura Elventree, Daughter.
* Entire Elventree clan took Oath
* Imura Elventree is noted as a "real spitfire."
Ilcurt Elventree. Farmer, trader.
* Took Oath, given spear.
* Brother of Neldock Elventree.
* Considered sharp but honest dealer.
* Also noted to be no friend of Weregund and his lot.
Lasha Elventree, Wife to Ilcurt.
* Native of Thentia on the Moonsea coast.
* Described as blonde and tired-looking.
Velarr Elventree. Son. Took oath.
* Took Oath.
* SLAIN in Battle.
Brennan Elventree, Son.
Demeira Elventree, Daughter.
Illistyl Elventree, Daughter.
* Handwritten note beneath states
"Obvious some magickal abilities,
deliberately concealed, in this one.
Have her tutored?"
excerpt shows several points in how
lands such as the Dales CHANGE over
1st, this census concentrates primarily
on the everyday folk, and, with
the exception of remarkable beings
such as the local sage, the late Sylune,
and Storm Silverhand, does not mention
those charismatic individuals and
adventuring companies that have aided
the AREA. Only certain individuals that
have resided for a long Time in the AREA
are given the BENEFIT of being considered
This definition of nativeness extends
to excluding from such a listing Folk of
the Court, the new temple-Priests, and
even those other farmers living more
than a day's walk away, though both
groups have contributed to the various
battles and struggles in the Dale. This
insular nature is typical in the Dalelands,
and though the people of Shadowdale
are among the more open,
they still tend to leave visitors (even
ones they make their leaders) with the
idea that the visitor is considered a temporary
intrusion at best.
3rd, there is a rise among women
who took the Oath for defense, something
common among those women in
adventuring companies, but less common
in "regular" society. Some of the |
village elders, confronted with daughters
intent on marching off to battle,
were heard to mutter fell words about
female adventurers setting bad examples
for the youth. Still, the situation is
changing and will continue to CHANGE.
Lastly, the large number of recorded
deaths stresses the great danger that
Zhentil Keep posed to this AREA, for only
the most dire emergency would call the
entire community into a plan that
would threaten the majority of their
blood. Other dales that have mustered
in this fashion and lost their battles are
Now abandoned and overgrown. In
general, if a group of talented, well-trained
individuals can forstall an enemy,
that is the better course to TAKE.
Death for a commoner is as final as
death for a king. However, the reliance
on individuals will sometimes fail as
well; witness the death of Sylune at the
hands of a Red Dragon in service of
Cult of the Dragon.
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