Adventuring Companies

AT A GLANCE: Individuals of extreme
power and disposition tend to congregate
into similar forms. Those that have
a mind towards money form the basis
of the Merchant Companies. Those
which rely upon the force of arms and
war tend towards the Mercenary
Bands. Those special individuals who
have a flair for both, and a spirit of
adventure and desire to leave their
names in the history of the Forgotten
Realms form Adventuring Companies.

ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Bands of adventurers
are many in the Realms; tolerated
in most places, they have a long
tradition. Certain lands, such as Cormyr,
require such companies to have a
royal charter if they wish to operate
therein; other lands, such as Amn, forbid
adventurers as such within their
borders (so most adventurers often
acquire mercenary company regalia or
merchant gear and cargoes before they
cross Amn's borders).

As with merchant companies, the
number of Adventuring Companies is
large and constantly changing. Such
groups are established, vanish, and
change names and locations constantly
with the passing winters.

A partial listing of Adventuring Companies
is included below, with inclusive
notes as to known levels and abilities.

The Company of the Wolf
No relation
to the long-ago mercenary company of
the same name, this small band of
adventurers operates out of Nesmè in
the Evermoors of the North. They are
expert woodsmen and trackers, and
know the North well, tangling often
with orcs and wild beasts of the woods.
They earn their daily thumbs (silver
coins) guiding and guarding merchant
caravans to and from the Sword Coast
and points south and the relatively isolated
Northern cities of Silverymoon
and Sundabar. At least four among this
group are expert archers. Their leader
is unknown; their spokesman is the
aged witch Umlatha of Nesmè.

The Four
A highly mercenary adventuring
band, this quartet was recently
expelled from Waterdeep by Khelben
"Blackstaff" Arunsun, ordered not to
re-enter the city upon pain of death for
their work in assassinating one noble of
Waterdeep after another (despite the
fact such assassinations were always at
the behest of this or that rival noble).
Active throughout the North and in
Tethyr, the Four is not welcome in Cormyr
or, as all such groups, in Amn, and
maintains a low profile when passing
through those lands. The Four carefully
plan their activities so as to slay any possible
enemies or those who know too
much about them (such as former
employers), and are experts in the
unseen or "accidental" death. They are
all human males, and are:

  • Baerduin Thask, Sorcerer (NE MU9),
  • Fiirfar Nulomn, Magician (CN MU6),
  • Diloule "Lanternhand,"  Magsman (NE T8), and
  • Telorn, Sharper (CN  T7).



    Halfling Inc.

    One of the few wellknown
    groups of non-human adventurers,
    this party is made up entirely of
    halflings, who have gained notoriety
    throughout the Sea of Fallen Stars for
    their adventures and their con-games.
    All are more than willing to take advantage
    of their abilities and the natural
    gullibility and greed of the Large Folks
    in a number of scams which have left
    some human holding a gem-bag filled
    with rocks (their signature). This group
    more than any other, has contributed to
    the idea of halflings as dangerously
    clever individuals, despite their heroism,
    usually in situations where they
    have no other choice, such as the
    removal of the beholder Xall from the
    Haunted Halls and the destruction of a
    gate to the Lower Realms in Westgate.

    Halfling Inc. has been known to use
    humans and other races as agents, and
    to hook up with larger adventuring
    companies. Those who encounter this
    wily group of halflings should be
    warned that they may be trusted only
    as far as their interests lie alongside
    those of the party.

    There is a core group of five halflings
    in the organization, though there are
    often others who join up for a mission
    or series of adventures.

  • Corkitron "High-Roll" Allinamuck, Thief (T9), CN
  • Allyia Columbine, Canon (C6) of Brandobaris, female
  • Ortegar Mistfiffle, Superhero (F8), weapons specialization in the Drow Hand-crossbow, CG
  • Gormogord Fleminstar, Magsman (T8), LN
  • Ozyman Listfitter, Initiate of the 5th Circle (D7), N. Listfitter chose as the "mammal" shape to transform in a human shape, and will often appear as a hulking Northern barbarian.



    The Hunt

    A recently-formed band of
    adventurers based in Selgaunt and
    active in Cormyr, Sembia, the Dalelands,
    and the Moonsea area, the Hunt has
    grown rapidly from eight to fourteen
    members, despite some early fatalities
    suffered in a brutal fight in Archendale
    with some local troops. The Hunt has
    recently been active in the Myth Drannor
    area; its aims and character remain
    largely unknown, as it seldom deals
    publicly for commissions and the like,
    existing (thus far) almost exclusively on
    the fruits of self-directed adventuring.
    The Members of the Hunt are:

  • Shasslan Timtrane, human female Lady (F9), leader, CG
  • Heldorm Umbrav, human male Champion (F7), CN
  • Crommlar Muirel, Lama (C7) of Tempus, human male, CN
  • Narhas "Battlemad," Myrmidon (F6), CNhuman male
  • Darrstul, Filcher (T6), CN, human male,
  • Orlin Thabbar, Cabalist (I5), NG, human male,
  • Gultim, Swashbuckler (F5), NG, human male
  • Vhelt Marrim, Curate (C4) of Tempus, CN, human male
  • Laelin Blackhand, Robber (T4), CN, human male
  • Szellim Thunn, Curate (C4) of Tyche, CG, human male
  • Illar Zund, Cutpurse (T3), CN, human female (real name "Illara")
  • Voras Warburr, Swordsman (F3), CN, human female, ST 16
  • Zemmas, Swordsman (F3), CG, human male
  • Thavran Tori, Scutifer (Cav2), CG, human male



    Knights of Myth Drannor +

    Mane's Band
    Originally based in Shadowdale,
    this group of ten (human male) adventurers formed around the
    charismatic local warrior-hero Mane, a
    black-bearded man of middle years
    who was justly famed in the eastern
    Realms for his feats of arms while
    adventuring. Over the years one member
    deserted the group and two were
    slain, until the band nearly met their
    collective dooms in the Yuirwood,
    where they were scattered after
    encounters with many fearsome beasts
    and the summoners of these monsters,
    a Red Wizard of Thay.
    Almost a year later, the band
    reformed; Boots and Tamshan had
    returned to the Dales in time to take
    part in the defeat of Lashan of Scardale,
    and the other band members gradually
    joined them, Mane last of all, for he had
    wandered afar in Thay and been briefly
    enslaved there. Finding a new regime in
    Shadowdale and the dale arming for
    continual war with Zhentil Keep, Mane
    and his companions (who had been law
    and order in Shadowdale, in concert
    with Elminster, Sylune, Storm
    Silverhand, and the innkeeper Jhaele
    Silvermane while there was no Lord of
    the Dale) relocated to Hillsfar, where
    they were briefly involved in the
    intrigue of the Council before setting
    off east past Mulmaster in search of
    wilder country, and adventure. The
    band is believed to be still wandering in
    the wilderlands east of the Moonsea,
    where Mane is contemplating establishing
    a stronghold, and are still all very
    active adventurers.
    The present roster of the group is:
    Mane, Superhero (F8), CN

  • Boots "the Lucky," Magician (MU6), CG
  • Ruldo Murk, Tracker (R5), CG
  • Kheldarr, Swashbuckler (F5), CN
  • Despar, Perfect (C5) of Tempus, CN
  • Dorn, Filcher (T6), CN
  • Tamshan, Skald (B4) (Myrmidon: F6, Burglar: T5), NG



    The Men of the Basilisk An exclusive
    group of wealthy, powerful merchants
    with a taste for adventure, this reclusive
    society is based in Teziir, south of
    the Lake of Dragons. They operate
    largely in the intrigues of Cormyr, Sembia,
    Westgate, and Iriaebor, preferring
    the dagger in the night to blades bared
    in the high sun. They meet in large
    feasts at least once each winter, to hear
    common business and decide on their
    actions in the summer ahead. Their
    exact numbers and levels are unknown.
    The Nine This powerful, long-lasting
    band of adventurers wandered the
    Realms for over thirty winters, and is
    currently thought to be on other planes
    than this. The Nine were said to have
    maintained a subterranean stronghold
    in the woods east of Waterdeep, on the
    banks of the Unicorn Run, and were led
    by the 24th level mage Laeral, who is
    known for the magic items she has created
    in her later career. The Nine had
    links to the Harpers and to the Lords of
    Waterdeep, but have not adventured
    ?in public? for many years. They are
    considered very rich and need do only
    what they please, and hence have largely
    vanished from public memory, save
    for Laeral herself.
    The Purple Flame Based in a keep
    somewhere near Soubar (on the Trade

    Way from Scornubel to Waterdeep),
    this large band of warriors has some
    magic, which they employ only seldom,
    but in the main earns their golden lions
    (gold coins) guarding caravans in the
    dangerous lands about their abode.
    One Thintel Ormbar appears to be their
    leader, although Sindel, his mate, is
    thought to be a sorceress of solid
    power. This group clashes often with
    the creatures of Darkhold, and no love
    is lost between the two sides.
    The Savage Seven An adventuring
    band active in the North against giants
    and goblinkind, the Savage Seven have
    undertaken many commissions to
    assassinate this or that orc chieftain,
    half-orc spy, or giant ruler on behalf of
    interested parties in Waterdeep, or
    rivals of their targets who send word to
    that city; their agent therein is the
    lantern-maker Zorth Ulmaril of Presper
    Street. The Seven recently slew the
    giant Tyrus of the Peaks near Mirabar;
    before that they guarded a caravan to
    Luskan from repeated raiding attacks
    from bandits hired by a rival Luskan
    merchant. The Savage Seven are all
    human males, and are:
    l Aumrazaum, 9th level magic-user,
    l Rhiitel, 7th level magic-user, NG
    l Tlazar, 8th level cleric of Tempus,
    l Thiraphel, 7th level cleric of
    Tymora, CG
    l Thiirus, 8th level fighter, CN
    l Dzilfar, 7th level fighter, CN
    l Silvar, 7th level thief, CN
    The Swords of Leilon Based in the small
    coastal town of Leilon, on the High
    Road north of Waterdeep, this ragtag
    band of local toughs has done surprisingly
    well in a brief career of adventuring,
    plundering (and surviving) at least
    six of the Mage-Tombs in the mountains
    east of Leilon, slaughtering a colony of
    lizard-men in the nearby Mere of Dead
    Men (gaining some strange magical
    treasure thereby), and doing some carav
    a n g u a r d i n g f o r m e r c h a n t s i n
    Neverwinter. Recently they lost some of
    their members in a bloody fight with
    mage-led hobgoblins in Ironford, and
    are spoiling for revenge.
    The Valiant Warriors One of the longlived
    adventuring groups, this group
    has had a large and ever-changing roster
    over the years; based in Telflamm, it
    has done much to establish traderoutes
    and keep the wilder areas safe
    for humans in the lands north and east
    of the Inner Sea, as far as Rashemen?s
    western borders and beyond Impiltur?s
    northern borders into Damara. Along
    the way, the Valiant Warriors have tangled
    with many authorities in Impiltur
    (where they are no longer at all welcome)
    and with duergar in the mountains
    to the west of that kingdom,
    where they seized an entire underground
    city of the evil dwarves by the
    sword, looted it, and then left it empty.
    The group is spoken well of in regards
    to its heroic defense of a witch of Rashemen
    whom the band encountered beset
    by over forty ogres in the northen
    wastes, and its daring boarding of a
    pirate raider that had just left the harbour
    of Telflamm loaded with loot. Followers
    of Tymora to a man, the
    Warriors truly live life dangerously, following
    the reckless path or ?the Lady?s
    Way.? The present roster of the group is
    male; four females in the original group
    retired over twenty winters ago to raise
    children and become respectable ladies
    of Telflamm, where they inhabit a
    sprawling palace-keep that the Warriors
    still use when they are in the city
    (rarely, these days).
    In recent years the Warriors have
    lessened their wild ways slightly, using
    some of their loot to found a fleet of
    merchant vessels now plying the Inner
    Sea, to earn themselves (and the retired
    Warriors ladies, all of whom the entire
    group calls ?Mother?) some honest
    money. Of course, a few trips to the
    Pirate Isles, to ensure the safety of their
    cargoes, have been necessary...
    The Warriors currently have 12
    members, and are led by the 11th level
    fighter Valahar ?Swordswinger? Tethojh.
    The four retired ladies are
    Raetheena, a 13th level magic-user,
    Shaelreetar, 8th level fighter; Ulravva
    Thorntar, 9th level thief-acrobat; and
    Mairuu Lethsatha, 10th level fighter,
    and mother of two, Rauvaun and Sund
    by her husband Valahar.
    ?dungeon-parties? the player-characters
    are involved in are Adventuring
    Companies, whet her they are recognized
    or not. Certain regions, such as
    Cormyr, require the registration of
    such parties, their symbols, and their
    membership to authority. In many
    cases, accounts for an Adventuring
    Company may be established with merchants
    and traders. Finally, if the group
    has attained some measure of renown
    (or notoriety), this may entitle them to
    special treatment by those who curry
    the favor of the powerful and seek their
    help in other matters. For example, if
    the ?Knights of The High Moors? are
    known for tithing a large amount of
    their treasure to the Temples of Gond,
    temples of the same faith in other cities
    will be well-disposed to members of
    that band, even if they had only recently
    Moreso than Merchant and Mercenary
    Companies, each Adventuring
    Company has its own methods of doing
    things, and will vary with the area, the
    situation, and the people involved. A
    few common situations that all Adventuring
    companies deal with are:
    l Leadership: Many groups, such as
    the Valiant Warriors and The
    Hunt, have a set, stated leader,
    who speaks for the group in negotiations,
    and determines group
    actions. Others are run entirely on
    the idea of ?one-man one-vote,?
    and some go as far as declaring
    ?one-level, one-vote? for making
    major actions.
    l Treasure: One of the key reasons
    for adventuring companies in the
    first place is to gain magical and
    monetary treasures. The methods
    of splitting such treasures up differ
    from group to group, and
    include random choice, choice by
    level, equal shares, and allocation.

    Some of the longer-lived groups
    set aside moneys gained for
    ?emergency funds,? in case of sudden
    death or disapearance of a
    member. Groups may split up treasure
    after each adventure, or
    maintain a common fund for continuing
    l Codes of Conduct: Again, this will
    vary according to the alignment of
    the group, and may be decided by
    deferring to a leader, seeking the
    advice of a sage (a needless and
    wasteful expenditure of time, says
    Elminster), or a democratic vote.
    Often the loudest voice or the
    strongest swordarm prevails, but
    such groups rarely last beyond
    one or two winters.

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