ST | IN | WI | DX | CN | CH | Com |
9 <pc: 10> | 10 <pc: 11> | 16 <pc: 18> | 16 | 15 <pc: 17> | 13 <pc: 11 to non-dwarves> | 12+1+2=15
<pc: 13 to non-dwarves> |
HP: 19 <hp: 25(18+10)>
AC: 6 (scale mail), <pc: 4>
SL: 2
+H: -
+D: -
DB: -2
SB: +2 <pc: +4>
SF: -
R/AT: -
AG: 6 [mature]
AP: 2 [clean]
PO: 2 [scant], <diamond, 1/2 rolled
value>, <1/2 starting money>
SA: 2 [normal]
GT: 11 [trusting]
#H: 0-5 [1]
MI: -, <pc: girdle
ov dwarvenkind>
<loves to sing>
<staff sling>
<20 sling stones>
1st: magick
stone, penetrate disguise,
2nd: slow poison, hold
person, withdraw.