FREQUENCY: Very rare (desolate countrysides, moors, etc.)
MOVE: 15"
% IN LAIR: 10% (1 Groaning Spirit: swamp, TPL30:5th, REF3.61)
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 ~ 13
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Death groan, fear
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Hit only by magic weapons, some spell immunity
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
LEVEL/X.P.VALUE: VII | 2450 + 10


The groaning spirit, or banshee, is the {spirit} of an evil female elf -- a Very rare thing indeed.
The spirit returns to {harm} the living.
It is found only in desolate countrysides, moors, etc.

The groaning spirit can attack by its chilling touch, causing 1-8 HP of damage/attack when it strikes.

Exorcism kills them.

Death Groan: Its more fearsome mode of attack, however, is its wail, or keening, which will
cause the hearers within 3" to save vs. Magic or die on the spot. <why not a save vs. Death Magic?>
It can wail but once per day, and only during darkness.

Fear: The sight of a groaning spirit causes fear unless an appropriate save is made.

Spell Immunity: Groaning spirits cannot be affected by charm, sleep, or hold spells.
They are impervious to attack by cold || electricity.

ADQ: Can a groaning spirit be turned
by clerics?
ADA: No. Although it is stated to be a
type of undead, it is not subject to
clerical turning.
(Polyhedron #17)

FREQUENCY: Very rare (desolate countrysides, moors, etc.)

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VII])

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Cold Civilized Hills], [Cold Civilized Forest], [Cold Civilized Plains], [Cold Civilized Desert])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Cold Wilderness Hills], [Cold Wilderness Forest], [Cold Wilderness Plains], [Cold Wilderness Desert])

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate Civilized Hills], [Temperate Civilized Forest], [Temperate Civilized Plains], [Temperate Civilized Desert])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate Wilderness Hills], [Temperate Wilderness Forest], [Temperate Wilderness Plains], [Temperate Wilderness Desert])

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Tropical Civilized Hills], [Tropical Civilized Forest], [Tropical Civilized Plains], [Tropical Civilized Desert])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Tropical Wilderness Hills], [Tropical Wilderness Forest], [Tropical Wilderness Plains], [Tropical Wilderness Desert])

FREQUENCY: Uncommon ([Ethereal Plane])

<BEAN SI: A Dictionary of Fairies (p.14), by Katherine Briggs.>

<chilling touch: there is a reference to "the deadly cold that freezes from inside" in the song At Dawn They Sleep, by Slayer>

<FREQUENCIES: compare to the Climate/Terrain for elves. note: drow elves are very rare at best>

Q: Can a cleric turn a banshee?

A: According to the rules, no. Individual
DMs might allow them to be turned as
special monsters, however.

Was the Groaning Spirit (Banshee) created as an undead?


Or was it some other form of creature that has undead characteristics?

Another form od spirit creature entirely, that has some powers that are also held by some undead.

If it was created as an undead, what row would it have been turned as (Spectre maybe) on the Cleric Turning Table?

It is not an undead creature.

Originally posted by MerricB
Geoffrey, don't forget the Banshee, nor the drow vampire in one of Gary's modules. (I'd say which, but I don't want to spoil it for people... )


Ho Merrick!

The banshee isn't undead, but a member of the Unseelie Court.

The vampire drow is indeed as noted.
I am really not sure of exactly how the non-humans like that become vampires, as they don't have souls--maybe a process similar to that of becoming a lich...


Originally posted by MerricB

Oh, I see - I was misled by "The groaning spirit, or banshee, is the spirit of an evil female elf - a very rare thing indeed. The spirit returns to harm the living." (MM 1E, pg 50).

Despite the fact that a cleric can't turn them, it did sound somewhat undead. 

Indeed, in AD&D I "fudged" the banshee to be a spirit of an evil female elf--that flying in the face of elves being soul-less...
So you were basically correct, and I was using my revised treatment, returning the banshee into the ranks of the sidhe where they belong 


Originally Posted by Geoffrey
Gary, I have two AD&D monster questions:

1. Why can't clerics turn groaning spirits?
As noted by another poster, the Banshee is a "Special" undead monster and is turned accordingly.

A Banshee is not a normal human undead so is to be treated as a special sort of evil spirit entity.

<note that REF5 lists the banshee as undead>