FREQUENCY: Very rare
NO. APPEARING: 5-20 <(often found with faerie dragons : V)>
MOVE: 6"/12"
% IN LAIR: 5% (20 Pixies: forest, TPL42:7th, REF3.51)
TREASURE TYPE: [R], [S], [T], [X]
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 ~ 20
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Special arrows, spell use, magic
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Invisibility (-4 on opponent's "to hit" dice)<edit, link>
SIZE: S (2'tall)
X.P. VALUE: III | 105 + 1

SAVES: <illusionist 1>

Pixies dwell only in the most idyllic of woodlands.
They are naturally invisible and are thus almost never noted even though some creature
passes near their secluded home.

Pixies normally carry slim swords and fine bows similar to those of sprites (qv).
Their swords are equal to daggers,

but their arrows are more effective and are of three types.
All have +4 chance to hit.
    ->The pixie war arrow inflicts 2-5 HP of damage.
    --> Their second type causes sleep in a comatose state for 1-6 hours to any creature which fails to save versus magic when struck.
    ---> The third sort which the pixies use causes no harm physically,
        but being struck causes a complete loss of memory which can only be restored by clerical exorcism unless the victim saves versus magic.
<added ->>

Pixies can become visible at will, polymorph themselves at will,
create illusions with both audial && visual components which last without concentration until magically dispelled once per day each,
and know alignment.

Pixies can, by touch, cause confusion in any creature which fails its save vs. Magic.
Confusion is permanent unless a remove curse spell is applied.

Once per day pixies are able to use dispel magic (at 8th level/ability), dancing lights, ESP, and 1 in 10 can use Otto's Irresistable Dance spells.

Invisibility: Because pixies are normally invisible, they gain the advantage of
subtracting 4 from "to hit" dice rolls of all opponents unable to detect invisible objects.
Similarly, pixies can attack while invisible.
<Improved Invisibility>

Pixies are highly mischievous, and they will be prone to bother, harass, or fool creatures.
They speak their own tongue, that of sprites, and common speech.

FREQUENCY: Very rare
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Cold Wilderness Forest])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate Wilderness Forest], [Temperate Wilderness Swamp])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Tropical Civilized Forest])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Tropical Wilderness Forest])

by Howard David Johnson