Apollo (god of the sun, prophecy, music and archery)

Greater god

MOVE: 15"
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Bow; also see below
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Protective haze
SIZE: Roni (20') <>
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good
WORSHIPPER'S ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good, music lovers, archers, sun worshipers

PLANE: Olympus
CLERIC/DRUID: 20th level cleric/14th level druid
FIGHTER 15th level ranger <15th level archer>
MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST: 15th level in each <15th level oracle, not illusionist>
THIEF/ASSASSIN: Master Thief (T15)
MONK/BARD: Master Bard, Magnae Alumnae (B23)

S::25 I: 24 W: 23
D: 25 C: 24 CH: 25
Com: <26+> - -

Apollo appears as an incredibly handsome young man. At will, he can
shape change, polymorph others, turn flesh to stone, cause diseases, cure diseases, && [cure serious wounds] (1 per round).

The range of his +4 bow is that of his line of sight, and his +3 arrows are
made of adamantite. Apollo has a lyre that is able to raise a friendly
being's strength to that of a storm giant for as long as the god plays, if he
so desires. It also bestows curses && casts disintegrate spells (1 at a time, up to once per round).

If Apollo is especially fond of a human (judge's option), he may indirectly
aid him or her in a battle or give needed advice.

In battle, he casts a purple haze around any single being (usu. himself) that will act as a +5 ring of protection.

Apollo has been known to lend his aid in several ways; giving his archery skill to
mortals for special battles; giving his arrows as gifts; healing heroes
in the thick of battle; and using his prophetic power to advise.

Apollo is also the sun god, and it is said that he carries the sun across the sky each day in his solar chariot.

Apollo and his sister Artemis are close companions. If either is in need of aid, there is a
60% chance that the other will come to help.

                                                              Clerics             Raiment                                                             Sacrifice/Propitiation
Sphere of Control Animal M F N-H Head Body Color(s) Holy Days Frequency Form Place of Worship
sun; music; archery falcon X - - laurel wreath tunic gold every 10 days in summer new moon valuables temple, cave

All of Apollo's clerics must wear leaves of laurel on their vestments and <bay leaf?>
must use laurel wood in their devices. The laurel wreath and the sun chariot are
also Apollo's symbols.
Greek Mythos - - - DDG

* "He was the god of the Sun, logic, and reason, and was also a fine musician and healer." (1)
* hunter, very handsome (2)
* Apollo - The Greek God Of Music, Poetry, Arts, Prophecy (3)
* message: "As we look at the statue of a Greek god, an Apollo, the message flashes at once to us across the centuries."
- Isis in the Ancient World, R.E. Witt, The Johns Hopkins University Press, p25.
 * statue: "As we look at the statue of a Greek god, an Apollo, the message flashes at once to us across the centuries."
- Isis in the Ancient World, R.E. Witt, The Johns Hopkins University Press, p25.
* the god of being awesome -- dakkadakka .