18. Glyrthiel’s Chamber

The characters can peek in here through the windows on the north
wall. As with the other windows in the guardhouse, sheets of translucent
parchment cover the windows from the inside of the chamber.
The PCs can easily slit the parchment with a
sharp weapon, but doing so alerts anyone in the room.
Bright light fills this genteel chamber. A thick rug covers the floor,
and a chandelier of silvery metal hangs above. There’s a 4-poster
bed, a hearth where a carefully banked fire glows, and
a leather-covered <round> table with an ornate desk pushed against one
end. A comfortable-looking chair is pushed under the desk, and
2 padded chairs sit near the table. Tapestries depicting woodland
scenes cover the walls. <add art>

The light in here comes from a continual light spell placed on
1 arm of the chandelier. The chandelier is made from highly
polished steel. It looks expensive but has negligible market value.

The bed, table, and desk are well made but not worth a great deal.
The desk has several drawers and numerous cubbies and pigeon
holes. A false bottom in one drawer hides Glyrthiel’s spellbook,
which contains the following 1st-level magic-user spells: friends,
read magic, shield, sleep, and unseen servant. The rest of
the desk holds an assortment of trinkets and personal items, including <lamp, vase, jug, beater, beater>
a silver and bloodstone ring (75 gp), 3 small jade figurines
(100 gp each), and a pouch containing 10 sp, 15 gp, and 5 pp.
The desk also has a lead cap for dousing the continual light effect
on the chandelier and a multipiece wooden rod for placing or removing
the cap. It takes 2 turns to completely search the desk.

The room’s carpet weighs 50 pounds and is worth 75 gp. The room
has 8 tapestries; each weighs 30 pounds and is worth 30 gp.

Brubgrok’s chief assistant, Glyrthiel, lives here, but she is present
only about 1/3 the time (roll 1d6; Glyrthiel is here on a 1–2).
The rest of the time, the elf is out supervising activities around the
guardhouse and quarry or leading patrols. In a fight, Glyrthiel
uses her bow if she can or her sword if she must. She uses her
shield spell to protect against counterattacks, and she looks for a
chance to drop her sleep spell on as many foes as possible while
limiting the number of allies she affects. If necessary, she waits until
a few allies fall in combat before casting sleep.

Glyrthiel (<high elf> warrior/evoker): AC 5; MV 9”; HD 2;
hp 9; #AT 1; D 1–8 (long sword) or 1–6 (long bow); spells memorized:
sleep, shield. <THACO 19>

When Glyrthiel is in her room, she keeps an eye (or at least an
ear) on the rest of the upper level. If the guards at areas 17 or 22
begin dealing with a situation, Glyrthiel joins the effort after 2
or 3 rounds. She immediately responds to any trouble at areas
19, 20, or 21.
