60. North Rubbish Heap
A low mound of dirt and rubbish nearly fills this chamber. Many
odds and ends, from broken crockery to bone shards, protrude
from the mound. A few scattered fungi grow among the bits of junk.

A steady draft seems to flow through this chamber and up
through a wide opening in the ceiling. <wind speed = x>

The ceiling in here is domed and peaks at the opening, 20 feet
above the floor. The shaft leads up 60 feet to area 50 on the quarry
lower level. The draft keeps the shaft’s walls drier than the rest of
the level. For the purposes of climbing, walls are somewhat rough <climbing, WSG/DSG>
and slightly slippery (see page 19 of the DUNGEON MASTERS
GUIDE), which allows climbing characters to travel 6” per round,
with double the normal chance for a fall.

The guards in areas 51–53 <51, 5253> above toss all manner of organic material
down here, including the occasional corpse. The ghouls from
area 62 visit this place regularly and confiscate anything edible.

The slavers have stationed 4 zombies in this chamber to serve
as a buffer between the ghouls in area 62 and the troglodytes in
area 59. The zombies have orders to attack any living thing that
enters the chamber. They tolerate the ghouls because those creatures
are not alive.

Zombies (4): AC 8; MV 6”; HD 2; hp 8 each; #AT 1; D 1–8; SD
always strike last.
<THACO 16>
<XP 144 total>

The zombies can hear combat or other loud noises in areas 59 or
62, but they are too stupid to react.

The slavers have hidden an unholy relic amid the junk. This item
is a steeply sloped pyramid of blackened, greased iron adorned
with discs of black onyx and tarnished copper that resemble staring
eyes. The item is worth 500 gp as an art object. Its power creates an
unholy aura in a 30-foot radius. This aura imposes a –2 penalty to
all rolls to turn undead and a +2 bonus to all rolls to control undead.
