63. Mudtiger Nursery
This chamber stinks of decaying fish and something even more
horrid. A low wooden table sits between a pair of turbid pools.
Scraps of dismembered fish and globs of old fish guts stain the

The quarry’s <evil priests> raise mudtigers in here. The south pool
contains a mudtiger that is ready to lay eggs. The north pool teems
with little mudtigers, each no larger than a human’s index finger.
A troglodyte always works here, tending to all the mudtigers but
taking special care to keep the fingerlings in the north pool fed.
Every hour or so, the troglodyte takes fish from a half dozen baskets
stashed under the table, chops them to bits with a cleaver, and
tosses the mess into the north pool. A few times each day, it feeds
the adult mudtiger a whole fish.

Troglodyte: AC 5; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 9; #AT 1; D 2–5 and 1–8

(battle axe) or 1–6 (javelin); SA revulsion odor; SD camouflage,
surprise on a 1–4 on 1d6.
<THACO 16>
<XP 54 total>

The troglodyte notices the adventurers approaching if they fight in
areas 62 or 64 or if they use artificial light in either of those areas.
If alerted, the troglodyte takes up a javelin and does its best
to blend into the walls. It tries to surprise the intruders and toss the
javelin at a likely target. If the characters manage to sneak up on
the troglodyte, they find it busily cutting fish at the table.

If any combat occurs in this chamber, the mudtiger in the south
pool becomes agitated and climbs out and attacks. It is not affected
by the troglodyte’s stench and is not careful about where it uses
its shock powers. The troglodyte tries to stay out of range of the
mudtiger. It uses stone weapons and does not wear metal armor,
so it ignores the magnetic effects of the shocks. The troglodyte’s
weapons are better quality than those used by the <evil priests>, so it
has no attack penalties for attacking armored targets.

Mudtiger: AC 6; MV 6”//12” (3”); HD 2; hp 8; #AT 1; D 2–5; SA
electric shock (D 2–8), magnetize; SD immune to electricity.

The mudtiger fingerlings do not leave the north pool. However,
they can collectively generate a shock that is as potent as one from
the adult mudtiger. The shock fills the whole pool and a 10-foot
radius around it. The collective shock recharges just like an adult
mudtiger’s shock does.

If anyone enters the north pool, the fingerlings attack en masse like
a school of piranhas. A character wading in or immersed the pool
takes damage each round equal to 1–4 points plus 1/2 the
character’s ACs, not including shield (minimum 1 point of
damage). Just sticking a hand in the pool results in a painful bite.
