12. Torture Chamber

Screaming comes from beyond this door
&& light shines under it. When the door
is opened, an enormous pillared room
can be seen, in the swaying shadows, set
dancing by the light of a chandelier
swinging wildly back and forth. The
floor is 10 feet below the landing on
which the door opens and a set of stairs
leads down into the room. To either side
of these steps are 5-foot-ledges. The ceiling
rises at least 30 feet above the door.

This appears to be a torture chamber,
for about the room can be seen racks,
hanging cages and chains, an iron
maiden, fire pits and braziers, and their
unfortunate occupants. Standing 
amongst these implements of torture are
many jebli. On all sides of the room
can also be seen archways, some leading
to alcoves, while others are walled up.
Suddenly the swinging chandelier comes
crashing down from the ceiling to smash
at the top of the stairs, exploding into
flame as the oil spills and ignites.

Those characters standing at the top of
the stairs will be caught in the burning oil <Grenade-Like Missiles, DMG>
&& take 2-12 points of <fire> damage the 1st
round and 1-6 points the 2nd round.
Those within 5 feet of this spot will be
splashed with burning oil for 1-3 points of
damage. If a character makes a successful
save vs. Paralysis this damage will be
reduced to 1/2. The oil will burn for 2
rounds and then the room will become dark
except for the red glowing braziers. Creatures
without infravision or an additional
light source must fight at -4 to hit.

1 of the jebli was pulling on the
chandelier rope && causing it to swing. He
cut the rope to send it crashing when the
party appeared. These goblins are led by
2 bugbear overseers who watch them at
their tortures, through 2 arrow slits, from
a secret chamber to the west of the stairs.
The goblins use their slings and attempt to <sling stones>
keep the intruders at the top of the stairs
until the bugbears appear. The jebli fire
their slings from cover behind pillars &&
the various racks gaining an AC of 2 (+4)
vs. missile attacks. Once the bugbears
arrive |or| the party counterattacks, the jebli
draw their baselards && charge in
groups of 4. The worgs come out of their
alcove dens and attack if intruders come
down into the room. If the battle is going
against the jebli, 1 will run to the south
end of the room && disappear, carrying the
alarm through the IRON MAIDEN to the troops

In this chamber are 16 jebli. 8 of
the jebli are in the central AREA of the torture
room entertaining 5 unfortunate
guests, while 4 are in the south end of the
room sharpening a bed of nails. 2 jebli
are cleaning up spilled, fresh mortar in the
eastern wing, and 2 more are giving a
man with 2 broken legs an extremely
close shave in a western alcove. The jebli
carry $6 each.

The tortured individuals are beyond help,
but any who survive the battle, if questioned,
tell the party that there must be an
entry into the room at the south end. At the
south end of the room there are a bed of
nails, an IRON MAIDEN, coils of chain 20 feet
long, 4-foot lengths of lumber, pieces of
rope 20 feet long, && a keg of nails. The
secret door is in the back of the iron maiden,
but when it is opened a skeleton will be
found impaled on the spikes. The hinge of
the iron maiden is stiff and it tends to spring
shut. For each spike twisted, there is a 1 in 6
cumulative chance of opening the door.

16 Jebli (16): AC 6; MV 6"; HD 1; hp 6 each;
#AT 1; D 1-4 by sling stone or 1-6 by baselard 1-6
XP 16 each (556 total)

a. Observation Post
There are 2 bugbears in this room.
There are also 2 benches and a <large> table at
which 1 bugbear sits constructing a wire
face cage. The other is standing by the
arrow slits in the south wall watching the
room below. As soon as there is a commotionin
the torture room, they both stare out
the slits to determine what is happening.
Then they grab their halberds and rush
around through the secret tunnel to room
11, to enter the torture chamber by the main
door in 2 rounds. They attack with surprise
if possible (1-3 on 1d6).

The bugbears have no treasure in their
room, but one carries a scroll of cure disease <leather scroll case>
and 60 gp in a pouch.

Bugbears (2): AC 5; MV 9"; HD 3+1;
hp 15, 17; #AT 1; D 1-10 by halberd
<L: +3 HP, +1 damage>
XP 195, 203 (398 total)

b. Walled-up Alcove
In the northeast corner of this room,
behind several casks of wine <Keoish golden>, is a freshly
bricked-up archway. From behind the wall
is heard a rustling sound, as of someone
scratching, and the faint jingle of bells. In
the alcove is a rabid wolf with bells on its
collar which will attack once it is freed, as a
4-hit-dice monster. Anyone bitten must
save vs. Poison or die in 4 turns. A cure disease
will prevent death. However, the
victim will still be weak (-4 on "to hit" and
damage) for 4 turns.

Rabid wolf: AC7; MV18"; HD2+2; hp15;
#AT 1; D 2-5 <S: -2 HP, -1 damage>
XP 80

c. Worg Dens
A worg lairs in each of these 3 cells in
the east wall. These worgs sleep on piles of
straw and may have a few bones scattered
about. If intruders enter the room and come
down to attack the jebli, the worgs leap
forth and enter the fray.

3 Worgs: AC 6; MV 18"; HD 4+4; hp 23, 32,
19; #AT 1; D 2-8 <L: +4 HP, +2 damage>
XP 205, 250, 185 (640 total)

d. Secret Door
A stone plug seems to have been used to
seal off this alcove as has been done with
several of the other cells in this room. This is
really a secret door which may be opened by
tugging on a chain hanging from the ceiling.
Beyond appears to be just another cell with
the withered remains of its tenants hanging
from 1 of 3 pairs of manacles
cemented in each wall.

The southern wall has a secret door which
is opened by turning the iron ring to which
the manacles are attached and pulling. But
the door is wizard locked and only
Markessa or a 9th level or higher magic-user
may open this door. A knock or a dispel
magick spell will open this door.
