13. Alchemist Secret Storeroom
This room is lit by a ruddy glow, and the
air is alive with the aroma of wild herbs <Odor Detection, DSG>
<cleaves (goosegrass), hawthorn, ammoniacum (Persian Gum)>
<peach seed, beet, agrimony (cocklebur, stickwort)

and the pungent rot of decaying flesh.
The room appears to be a storeroom or
pantry, for there are crates, bookshelves,
a <low> table, && a cabinet all piled high with
boxes, books, clay crocks and canisters,
flasks and jars of herbs, && other
<agaric, jurubera, nux vomica (poison nut), arrach (goosefoot), rose>
strange items. The red light seems to
come from behind a <round> table in the southeast
corner. Over the top of the table the head
of a hobgoblin can be seen watching the

There is no hobgoblin in this room,
merely the severed head of one held to the
table by a clamp. The eyes have been
removed. Books, scrolls, bottles, and dissection
tools litter the tabletop. In a footlong,
tubular leather case is a metal rod with
a continual light spell CAST on it. This is stuck
in a holder on the wall and used to light the
room when the alchemist is present.

This room is used as a secret storeroom
and hideaway for Markessa, the evil olv
<bladesinger> who is in charge of the
fort, and her alchemist, Fyndax. The room
also serves as a shortcut through the
dungeon, for a narrow, 5-foot-wide passage
leads north out of this chamber to Fyndaxes'
quarters, bypassing the elite goblin guards. <location link>
There is no one in the room at present.

In this room are stored the various components 
<purple worm gland, olv blood, hawk eye, fire elemental phlogiston, human thalamus gland>

for making potions. There are jars
of dried herbs, parts of animals, and
<digitalis (dead men's bells), fairy bells, fairy cap, fairy fingers, foxglove, etc.), hyssop, fireweed, lotus, adrue, rosemary>
leather-bound books about alchemy which
only a master could use. The books are
filled with strange illustrations and formulae,
but the word "FYNDAX" can be made
out on the title page of each.

In the southeast corner is a round wooden
table containing 2 scrolls and 3
flasks. Inscribed on the scrolls are pictures
of cows in varying stages of health. The
flasks are marked W, U, and H. The flask
marked W contains pond water, while the
one marked U holds cow's urine. The third
flask, marked H, holds a potion of healing
which cures 1-8 points of damage.

Behind the table in the southwest corner
is a grotesque candelabrum sitting on the
floor and the red light comes from here. The
candelabrum is made from the skull of a
wild boar attached to a metal rod. Attached
to each tusk is a flask of red liquid with a lit
wick floating in the fluid. Directly in front
of the candelabrum is a pressure plate set in
the floor. When the pressure plate is stepped
on 1 of the flasks will crash to the floor
and burst into a cloud of smoke to fill the

The smoke is a hallucinatory gas and all
characters must save vs. Poison at -2 or be
affected by the gas. Those who save will be
set to coughing and gasping for 2 rounds
and will be unable to do anything. Those
who are affected by the gas see an efreeti
step out of the smoke and attack them with
a flaming <scimitar>. The efreeti is really the
PC who set off the trap and he
will see the faces of his comrades distort as
they attack him. There will be a roaring in
everyone's ears and they will be unable to
hear for 6 rounds.

The hallucination will end when either
the character who triggered the trap is dead
or when all of the other characters affected
by the gas are rendered dead or unconscious.

The alchemist's supplies are worth 2,000
gp to another alchemist. 2 baskets of
dried beef and roots sit on the top of the cabinet.
There is also a cask of water. Hidden in
the basket <of> beef are 2 flasks and a small
wooden box. The flasks contain potions of
stone giant strength and levitation. The box
contains 5 pellets of a black, earthy substance.
These are flash pellets, and when
thrown to the ground burst into a blinding
flash of light. All those within 20 feet looking
in the direction of the caster will be
blinded for 2 rounds.
