2. Curtain  Wall -- Second Floor

This inner walkway has a bad reputation
among the hobgoblins in this fort. Work
parties have been in the past to clean it out,
but they would come back nervous, and
usually with stories of one of their number
who had gone mad and had to be killed
before he killed them. A guard patrol
reported the same thing, and seeing a
ghostly shape that strangled the life out of
one of the guards. For this reason, the hobgoblins
will not enter this area and they
have learned to ignore strange sights and
sounds that come from here.

2a. West Walkway
You stand in a narrow, dusty corridor.
There is a door at the eastern end of the
corridor. You have just climbed up a <Climb, WSG>
crude rope made of knotted rags and in
through a small open window. The window
was once used to throw slops and
nightsoil out into the warding ditch but it
appears to have been some time since the
window or this room has seen active use.
Cobwebs cover the ceiling and walls.
There is a single line of footprints in the
dust, made by a naked human foot.
They lead from the east and end at this
window. The only light in the room <Vision and Visibility, WSG>
comes from shafts of moonlight filtering <Fighting in Poor Visibility, WSG>
in through the window and the arrow slits
spaced every 10 feet, that are cut in 
each wall.

This corridor is empty. Characters with a
Wisdom score of 15 or greater will feel
vaguely uneasy, though there is no logical
reason for their unease.

2b. West Guard Post
This room appears to once have been a 
guardroom, but it has been long abandoned.
There is a door opposite the door
you used to enter. In the south end of the
room, along the south wall, are stone
stairs leading up and down. The ceiling
and walls of this room are covered with
dusty cobwebs, and shards of a brittle,
white material litter the floor. Broken
furniture lies scattered about. A line of
footprints in the dust reaches from the 
door to the stairs.

Closer examination by the party reveals
that the splintered white material is bone,
and that there are brown stains on the walls,
floor, and broken furniture.

<bucket, shelf, pegs, wood billets, shrine, barrel>
<6 rats; AC 7; MV 15"; HD 1/4; hp 1; D 1>
<THACO 20n1>
<XP 6 each>

2c. Stairs
The stairwell is dimly lit by moonbeams  <Vision and Visibility, WSG>
flickering through arrow slits in the <Fighting in Poor Visibility, WSG>
southern wall. The upper part of the
stairs going up has been bricked up. At
the foot of the stairs, partially hidden in
darkness, is a barely discernible wooden

The escaped slave was apparently lucky
going up these stairs for starting halfway
down the steps are 3 trip wires placed
1 after the other at varying intervals. If all
3 of the trip wires are not discovered
(requiring 3 find traps rolls to find all
3), at least 1 of the traps will be triggered.
2 large globes will fall from the
ceiling where they were hidden in shadow.
1 will fall at the foot of the stairs and
explode with a blinding flash of light and a
dull rumbling accompanied by the tinkling
of breaking glass. The flash will blind all <Blindness, PH>
party members on the steps or in the room
for 4 rounds. The 2nd globe will fall
at the head of the steps and will burst,
releasing about 3,000 round glass beads. If a
character is standing in that same spot, the
globe will strike him for 1-6 points of damage.
The beads bounce down the steps,
striking the characters' feet and legs, scattering
all over. After 1 round it will be quiet
again. The first character to move without
stating his or her intention to be very careful
will slip on the glass beads and go tumbling
down the steps, causing all those in front to
fall also. Those who fall take 1-6 points of
damage plus 1 point for each person who
falls on them. The players may avoid falling
by not moving while blinded or by stating
their intention to move cautiously, either by
crawling or moving with a sweeping motion
to remove the heads in front of them. No
guards come to investigate the noise.

The door at the foot of the stairs is latched
shut from the inside. Once all the party exits
and steps into the outer courtyard a breeze <wind = x>
springs up and slams the door shut, latching
it. There is no latch to open the door from
the outside, so a dagger must be used to
raise the latch. This takes 2 rounds

2d. Room Over the Gate
This room appears to once have been
used for warding off invaders who had
broken through the gate and were pouring
through the passage below, as there
are murder holes in the floor for pouring
oil on invaders. Opposite the door used <Grenade-Like Missiles, DMG>
to enter, is another door. The room is
dusty and filled with cobwebs. There are
no discernible footprints in the dust. The <Vision and Visibility, WSG>
room is only lit by what little moonlight
filters in through arrow slits. A thick
paste of dust coats the floor.

This room is empty. Several murder holes
in the floor open into the avenue between
the drawbridge and the outer courtyard. <link>
The chains and pulleys for raising the portcullis
and drawbridge are in this room, but
will not budge as the winch below is locked. <Open Locks, PH>
In one corner of the room is an old wooden
cask which contains about an inch of rancid,
black oil. Beneath cobwebs against one
wall is a collapsed, rusty iron tripod. The
dust in this room clings to a residue of spilt
oil and makes a thick, gooey paste on the
floor. As the characters progress farther into
the room, they hear a faint moaning coming
from somewhere beyond the far eastern
door. Party members with Wisdom scores
of 14 or higher begin to get the feeling that
they are being watched.

2e. East Guard Post

This room appears to once have been
used as a guardroom. About the room
are broken benches and tables. In one 
<trestle table (x2), small table, low table (x2), long table>
comer lies the ribs and iron rings of a
sundered barrel. The furniture shows
signs of having been hacked apart. The
ceilings and walls are coated with dusty
cobwebs, and shards of a brittle white
material litter the floor. Shadows in the
room are deep and velvety, despite the
arrow slits. There is a door in the opposite
site wall, while on the south side of the
room appears to be a closet.

Upon entering this room, all party members
must make a saving throw vs. Spells.
Those individuals who fail notice nothing,
but those who save hear the song of the
crickets take on the din of a distant battle.
The battle noises have a dreamy and unreal
quality. These characters (who made their
save) also start to see motion out of the corner
of their eyes, but when they turn to confront
it, there is nothing there. Loud noises
cause the strange sounds to cease, but they
resume after a brief interval.

Behind a <low> table in the north end of the
room lies a partial skeleton of a man: his rib
cage, spine, skull and left arm. If the room is
searched, the party will first notice its bony
hand draped over the edge of the table. The
white shards are bones and this room is also
spattered with brown stains. There is nothing
of value in the room.

The closeted space is open to the east and
has no door. It is a garderobe or latrine
which opens onto a pit beneath the wall.

3 Rats: AC 7; MV 15”; HD 1/4; hp 2;
#AT 1; D 1
THACO 20n1
XP 3

2f. East Walkway

The eastern wing of this wall walk is a
dusty, cobwebbed, narrow corridor with
arrow slits every 10 feet in both walls.
The corridor appears unused. At the end
of the passage, stuck in a joint in the
wall, is the burned out remains of a
torch. A flickering light plays across the
wall at the end of the uassare.

As a party enters this corridor, a low
moaning begins and all characters hear the
din of a distant battle in the song of the
crickets. The pale flickering light has no
apparent source, but this cannot be determined
until one gets closer to the light. The
corridor is cold and the party's breaths will <temperature = x>
fog. Any light brought here will begin to
flicker and the party will see their shadows
seem to take on the form of ancient warriors
in battle. In this room, long ago, a group of
human guardsmen made their last stand.

As the light at the end of the hall is
approached it will be seen to actually be a
glowing mist. The mist will slowly take on
the shape of a wasted man with black holes
where his eyes should be. The moaning will
echo from all around and the figure will
reach forward to touch a character. Any
attack on the figure will cause it to disappear.
2 rounds later the figure will reappear
between the party and the exit.

This figure is a haunt, the restless spirit of
a person who died leaving a vital task unfinished.
A haunt is required to remain within
6" of the place where the person died until
the haunt can possess a body in order to
complete the unfinished task. Since haunts
are tied to the area where they died, they
cannot be turned or dispelled by <priests>.

The touch of a haunt drains 2 points of
Dexterity every time it makes a successful
hit on a character. As the character's Dexterity
is drained, he becomes subject to the negative
adjustments due to low Dexterity (PH,
page 11). The victim feels an increasing
numbness. When the character's Dexterity
reaches 0, the haunt possesses the body.
Once possessed, the body's Dexterity
returns to normal.

Once the haunt has possessed a person's
body, it tries to complete the mission left
unfinished by its death. In the new body the
haunt is no longer tied to the area of its
death and may leave. However, if the possessed
body dies before the task is completed,
then the spirit must haunt the place
where the possessed body was slain.

Once a haunt completes its task it returns
control of the borrowed body to the owner,
and passes on to its final REST. When the
haunt leaves a possessed body, the character
has a Dexterity of 3. Lost Dexterity is
regained at a rate of 1 point per turn of complete

If the character a haunt is trying to possess
is of opposite alignment (good vs. evil),
the haunt becomes furious and tries to
strangle the victim. The haunt fastens its
ghostly hands around the character's throat
on a successful hit. The victim takes 1 point
of damage the first round, 2 the second, 4
the third and so on, doubling each round
until the victim is dead or the haunt

Haunts can only be hurt by silver or magickal
weapons or by fire. Silver weapons only
cause 1 point of damage per hit, while magickal
weapons do 1 point plus any magickal
bonuses per hit. Normal fire also causes
only 1 point of <fire> damage per blow, hut magickal
fire causes full damage. When a haunt
reaches 0 HP it dissipates to
reform in 1 week. Only an exorcism spell
will destroy a haunt permanently.

Because haunts are tied to an area, the
best defense is to simply walk away. A hold
person spell will force a haunt to leave a
possessed body.

This haunt was once a sergeant of the
guard named Jon. His task had been to
defend the inner walkway and the trapdoor
at its end from invaders, hut he died as the
last man of his force, with the knowledge
that he had failed. In order to end his existence,
Jon must successfully defend the area
against all intruders, either slaying them or
driving the intruders off. Jon may enter the
eastern guard post, but may not follow any
further as this is 60 feet from where he died.

Haunt: AC 0; MV 6”; HD 5; hp 23; #AT 1;
D drain 2 points of Dexterity; AL LG
XP 267

At the end of the corridor in the ceiling is
a wooden trapdoor. There is no ladder leading
to the trapdoor, but the bolt holes,
where a ladder was once bolted to the wall,
can be seen. The trapdoor is barred from
above by the fearful hobgoblins. If the party
attempts to open the trapdoor and climb
through, the hobgoblins will sound the
alarm and will be waiting to shoot missiles,
at +4 to hit, at anything which comes up
lhrough the trapdoor.

If 1 of the party members is possessed,
he or she learns that an iron box with 37 gp,
51 sp, 317 cp, and a ruby ring worth 200 gp
is buried under 1 of the floor’s paving
stones. The possessed person will be able to
tell this to the party only after the haunt is
destroyed or expelled. The box cannot be
discovered otherwise because the covering
stone is cemented in place.
