5. The curtain of blue fire
The passageway enters a 30-foot wide,
70-foot long, 20-foot high room. Stone
steps descend into a pool of white, bubbling,
translucent goo and emerge from
the muck at the other end. A 1-foot wide
stone bridge arches some 5 feet above the
pool crossing all the way to the other end
of the room. Bisecting the room exactly
halfway across the bridge is a 30-foot
wide, 20-foot high, 5-foot thick wall of
transparent, crackling blue fire that leaps
from wall to wall and from ceiling to the
surface of the goo. The air smells as if a
lightning bolt has struck nearby. <Odor Detection, DSG>

The blue fire is actually a field of magick
force that strikes any character who tries to
walk through it for 16 points of electrical
damage (save vs. Breath Weapons for 8

A character who walks across the bridge
after 1st coating himself or herself with the
thick white goo suffers only 1/2 damage
(8 points or save for 4 points). Whenever
the electricity strikes a character for
damage (including a thief..climbing the
walls), a Dexterity check must be made to <Climb, DSG/WSG>
see if the character falls into the goo. The
character must roll his or her Dexterity or
less on a d20 to avoid falling in; no damage
is sustained from the fall.

A character crossing through the fire
without touching the bridge, walls, or ceiling
ing (by flying, for example) sutters no damage,
but all metal on his or her body is
strongly "magnetized" for 5 turns; a
drawn sword will attach itself to metal
armor or shield, and so on. This is not true
magnetism, so even non-ferrous metals are

The white goo is 10 feet deep; the bubbles
are caused by air being forced through the
thick liquid. An unencumbered character
can swim through the goo with great effort.
(Swimming is so difficult that a character
who swims the entire length of the room will
take 1 to 4 points of damage from <Fatigue & Exhaustion, WSG>
severe overexertion.) However, the curtain
of fire does not effect characters below the
surface of the goo. A character who walks
across the bottom of the room will discover
that the goo can be breathed without difficulty
and that any taken into the body is
harmlessly absorbed. The goo hides any
character in it from the rest of the party.

Any character walking across the floor of
the room has a 15% chance to bump into the
sheathed Sword of Lyons suspended in the
goo. This lejendary invisible short sword is
+1 (AL CG). While it issheathed, its wearer
is invisible (as the spell invisibility) until he
or she attacks. When the sword is drawn the
invisibility ends, but the sword itself is
always invisible. The sword was dumped
here by order of the slave lords, in hopes
that it would never be found.

A character who wears the ring of free
action may move through the white goo
with no difficulty. Party members will discover
as they leave the pool that the sticky
white goo has coated their bodies and
hardens as it dries. For the next 5 turns
the drying goo impairs fighting capability.
Those so covered attack and defend at -2.
At the end of the 5 turns the rubbery
material is solid enough to peel off easily.
The drying process cannot be speeded up by
any means, nor can the goo be removed
with water, oil, or any other solvent.
