J. Panic at the Docks
There seems to be a huge melee under
way on and around these 3 docks,
but it’s not always clear who is on whose
side, if there are any sides. There are
3 fishing boats at each of the 3
long piers. Several more out on the lake
are moving toward the far shore and one
appears to be capsized. Townsmen,
slum-dwellers, guardsmen, ex-slaves,
and assorted humanoids are all fighting
over possession of these boats. To add to
the confusion, a number of grotesque
gray-green humanoids are climbing out
of the water and falling indiscriminately
on the other combatants, biting and
clawing them to death. There are at least
200 figures battling it out in this AREA.

The easternmost pier is a terrible scene of
carnage. The boat at the end of the long <Boating, WSG>
dock had been taken over by 13 hobgoblins,
who were just figuring out how to USE the
oars, when 8 lacedons clambered out of
the water and attacked. The battle is still in
progress: 2 lacedons and 5 hobgoblins
are down, and the rest are fighting back and
forth in the boat. On the pier, 30 feet away,
stands a mixed group of 9 humans,
watching the battle. If the lacedons win, the
humans will FLEE, but if the hobgoblins win,
the humans will attack the weakened squad
and attempt to take the boat from them.

Lacedons(6): AC6; MV9”//9”; HD2; hp9
each; #AT 3; D 1-3/1-3/1-6; SA paralyzation
XP 83 each

Hobgoblins (8): AC 5; MV 9"; HD 1+1;
hp 5 each; #AT 1; D 1-8

XP 30 each

A band of slave lords’ mercenaries (16 in
all) are contending with 13 city guardsmen
over possession of the other 2 boats. The
city guards have been pushed to the end of
the dock and are gradually being cut down
by the mercenaries. Both groups are 0 level
fighters in leather armor (AC 8). Neither
group has noticed that the westernmost of
the 2 boats is slowly sinking--a hole was
knocked through the side when the guardsmen
wrested the boat from its original

The middle pier is one huge, swirling
melee, strictly every man for himself.
Involved are 32 townspeople (0 level), 19
ex-slaves (0 level), 9 men-at-arms (0 level), a
thief (level 3), a fighter (level 2), a priest
(level 2), 4 orcs, and 3 lacedons who are
picking off stragglers && wounded. The
northernmost boat has caught fire somehow. 
<Boating, WSG> <Ship's Burning Time of Uncontrolled Fires, DMG
An organized, coordinated group could push its way through this mob, but it

would have to FIGHT some of them for possession
of a boat.

The westernmost pier is a bizarre scene of
greed over fear. At the2nd cross-pier 6
huge gnolls armed with halberds are holding
at bay a mob of nearly a hundred screaming
townspeople (0 level). With the gnolls is
their leader, a man in black leather armor
and <small> shield, who is only allowing people to
pass to the boats if they will give him 50 gp
or more. Naturally, few of the townspeople
are carrying this much wealth. Some of the
people are trying to organize a rush on the
heavily-armed gnolls, without much success,
while others are fighting and robbing
each other to get the 50 gold pieces. At the
end of one of the docks, 7 people are
ripping up the flooring to make a raft.
Beneath the pier, 4 cunning lacedons
wait patiently for the rafters to come down
to the water.

The lacedon colony normally lives off
shore, where they devour the dead bodies
(mostly slaves), garbage, and unusable fish
parts the town dumps into the lake. Occasionally
1 or 2 would sneak into
Scumslum and grab a derelict, who as likely
as not would never be missed. They are taking
advantage of the chaos to slay as many
of the hated nondead as possible.

Gnolls (6): AC 5; MV 9"; HD 2;
hp 16, 15, 13, 13, 12, 11; #AT 1; 
D 1-10 by halberd
XP 60, 58, 54, 54, 52, 50 (total: 328)

Gnolls' leader (5th level assassin): AC 7;
MV 9"; hp 20; #AT 1; D 1-8 with long sword
XP 420
