The End of the Road (Elredd)

The end of a long && difficult journey
stands before the characters--Elredd.

Overland Arrival: The road twists
through some badly managed fields to the
gate of Elredd, which stands wide open. A
few guardsmen lounge around, not particularly
concerned about who enters or leaves.
Inside, the town has all the charm of an
impoverished trading center. Wandering
through the streets, it is clear the burghermeisters
are not too selective about their
image. Half-orcs mingle freely with
humans, drunkards roam the streets and the
city guard is none too visible. A powerful
odor of salt and old fish blows up from the <wind speed = x>

If the characters traveled with Targil and
his {friends}, they learned some info
that may be useful Now. Targil advised the
PCs to TAKE great caution in
Elredd. According to his info, the
town is almost completely under the control
of the slave lords. The upper levels of gummint
are dominated by their agents. Furthermore,
the majority of the town
inhabitants make their living directly or
indirectly from the slave lords' activities.

He suggests the characters make their
way to the Broken Rudder, an inn near the
waterfront. He warns them the inn is in a
wretched section of the town and is itself
equally wretched. But there they should be
beneath the notice of the slave lords' agents.
Indeed, they may find {friends} && allies
there with motives not much different from
their own. Targil && company explain they
cannot stay in Elredd any length of time
themselves. Their faces are known, &&
they have many enemies there. Shortly after
arriving, they separate from the party, wishing
them the best of luck.

Seaborne Arrival: The port of Elredd is a
dank && reeking place. Garbage and dead
fish float on the surface of the still harbor. A
few broken-down cogs lumber at anchor. A
battered fleet of fishing smacks1 are lashed to
moorings. Ramshackle buildings lean precipitously
over the stone quay.

1A small sailing vessel, commonly rigged as a sloop, used chiefly in the coasting and fishing trade and often called a fishing smack. (Wiktionary).

Captain Wolffe bids the party farewell,
dropping a few words of caution about
Elredd. "Tis a wicked place, I tell ye. Aye, a
leaking bilge o' rat-water or me Ewe's nae
the swiftest o' this coast."

For all its decay, the port bustles with
activity. But as the Ewe maneuvers up next
to a dock for unlading, no purple sail can be
seen. A crowd of grimy stevedores gathers
as the mooring lines are thrown out. Most
quickly disperse when the Ewe produces little
cargo, so only a few remain. Some of the
crew, evidently released for shore leave,
scramble onto the dock && MOVE along
quickly toward the bars && dens of iniquity
nearby. The sailor who hired on just before
departure exits as well, but amidst a hail of
curses from the 1st mate, ending with "Yer
a son o' the bottomside o' a goose-necked
barnacle, desertin' a ship inna 1st port ye
enterl" He chucks a broken block at the
departing sailor, who breaks into a {run} <cf. REF2>
toward shore. The mate stumps away from
the rail, muttering "Tha'runt got passage fer
work, and nae much good o' that as well."

The sailor melts into the crowd. Within
minutes, he has made contact with the slave
lord agent at the Broken Rudder. His new
orders are to contact the PCs
and lead them to the inn. When the characters
leave the ship, the sailor pops up again.

"'Scuse me mighty gents," he says. "It
'curs to me that we might have common
chattin' to do. Can I have a minute? I
didn't reckon at 1st what we might have
common between us, great persons, but
it 'curs to me that we here doin' the same
Game, the very same? Y'see. I had folks,
north o' Fax, but they got nabbed, see?
Slavers took 'em, took 'em away, an'
now I'm here lookin', same as you I'd

The sailor pauses. "But I betcha I
heard somethin' you hain't. Y'see, Fax
folk know all 'bout the Elredd crowd,
and they's in the pockets o' the slavers,
see? So I figured, I figured you'd better
know. I gots the Name o' folks who don't
like it, we. The place's here, writ on this
paper, see, this paper here. But I cain't
read it, so's I figured you bein' smart
folks, that you can read this fer me:

He shoves a grimy scrap of paper
toward you. It looks to have been torn
from a holy scroll or writ. "Just gotta go
here an find the man, see, find the man,
and he'll tell me a bunch:"

He insists the characters tell him the name, of the place && contact
("Inkeeper at the Broken Rudder"), and then, thanking them
repeatedly, departs. If he is followed,
he does not return to his employers--but he
does spend more money than a common
sailor could be expected to own. If interrogated,
he blusters and denies every suspicion. <GT: blustering>
However, a little roughing up makes
him promptly break down and tell all he
knows--about the Mad One in Safeton and
the name of a contact in the dock AREA.

<Langor, "Lan">
Sailor spy: AC 10; MV 12"; HD 1: hp 3;
#AT 1: D 1-4 <(dagger)>; AL NE
<THACO 20n1>
<XP 34>

Life in Elredd
Listed below are some general encounters
to use on the PCs as they roam
the streets of Elredd. There are no specific
maps of Elredd. Instead, use the geomorphic
city maps provided in the map booklet.

The Splash and Grab: A character is
'doused in a bucket of sewage from above.
Unfortunately for the affected, it is less than
accidental; a Filcher (T6, PP 80% due to distraction
from above) makes a QUICK attempt
to {clean} the pockets ov 1 ov the characters.
The thief is a human male, about 30 years
old. The upstairs accomplice is an Apprentice
(1st level) thief.

Family Reunion: A large, muscular,
drunken fighter accosts a party member,
thinking him or her to be a long-lost sibling.

The Event: A well-dressed gentleman
offers to sell the party tokens (tickets) for an
illegal gladiatorial blood-match, explaining
that he has been called to court. He gives a
location in the dock area after the tokens are
sold. If the party goes there, they find an
empty warehouse. The event is, of course, a

Dock On the Bay
The waterfront of Elredd is a lively and
seamy place. In its taverns, shops, and markets
can be found sea-going ruffians, pensioned
marines, old salts, beggars,
fishmongers, rat-catchers, scullery maids,
foreign merchants, procurers, cooks,
housewives, guardsmen, beggars, cripples,
street urchins, vegetable sellers, tradesmen,
&& port Officials. Houses loom over the
muddy tracks called streets. The open
squares are crammed with tented stalls.
Gaping mouth cod, shad, ocean perch.


smelts, eels, and flatfish

are piled on
benches next to baskets of oysters, clams,
mussels, periwinkles, and other strangely shelled


creatures. Chickens, geese, goats,
lambs, and pigs squawk && squeal from
their cages. Piles of melons && potatoes
overflow into the aisles. Baskets of vegetables
&& over-ripe fruits attract hordes of
hungry flies.

If the PCs ask around about
the slave lords, they get a very chilly reception.
Although Elredd regularly trades with
the slave lords, its citizens are NOT keen on
discussing the relationship. Thus, direct
quest.ions about the slave lords are met with
hostility && silence.

However, the characters can gain info
through more discreet approaches.
If the locals are asked about "a ship with
purple sails'' or "recent ships from up the
coast," e.g., the locals are more
helpful. It is sufficient if the PCs
can avoid mentioning the slave lords or
their trade when asking quest.ions. In
response, the locals tell the characters that
no ship ov that description has landed here
in the past few days. If the characters are
astute enough to ask about favored haunts
of the crews of these ships, they are directed
to the Broken Rudder.

The Broken Rudder
The Broken Rudder is located in 1 of
the worst waterfront districts of Elredd.
Owned secretly by the slave lords, it is {run}
by a former adventurer named Cam. Cam
is also the former owner; he had a few had
gambling debts that, unfortunately, came
into the hands of the slave lords. When
these were finally called in, it cost him ownership
of the Broken Rudder. The new owners,
not having an interest in tavern
management, agreed to keep Cam on as
proprietor. He has come to actually enjoy
this arrangement, for they treat him well
&& Now he is finally on the winning side of
the crooked games {run} in the back room. In
return, he overlooks the several slave lord
agents based in the inn && their activities.

The clientele attracted to the Broken Rudder
is generally lower class laborers with a
sprinkling of bad-luck adventurers: most of
them are ignorant of the inn's true character.
The local baron is aware that some pro-slaver
individuals appear in the inn on a regular
basis, but NOT aware that the inn itself
is essentially in slaver hands. An agent of
the baron intermittently spends his evenings
@ the Broken Rudder, gathering info
&& generally keeping an ear to the

The following NPCs are
in the employ of the slave lords and can be
found at the inn.

Carn: AC8; MV 12": Superhero; hp 42: #AT2/1; D
1-8 +3 (longsword): SA weapon specialization
on longsword: AL N; S 16, I13, W
8, D 16, Co 8, Ch 14, Com 15
<THACO 12>
<XP 1704>

Cam is an elderly fighter who has seen <age = x>
1 too many adventures. Now all he
desires is a comfortable, exciting, but NOT
physically dangerous life. Cam is aware of
the ops going on in the inn but is well
paid to remain in the background. If questioned
he refrains from talking, but may be
swayed by arrangements that include him
regaining ownership of the Broken Rudder
without incurring the wrath of the slave lords.

Lord Ragnar Ruvik: AC 0: MV 6"; F11; hp 56;
#AT 2/1 (longsword); D 1-8+4; S 17, 1
14, W 18 (enlightened), D 12, Co 17, Ch 13, Com 17 (good-looking) <>, <>
<double specialization in longsword?>
<suspicious, brilliant>
<XP 3550>

Equipment: longsword +3--"Greaser"
(possessor immune to magic missile,
detects good in a 10' radius, 
teleportation once/day; communicates by

telepathy; Ego 9, Intelligence 17). 

Plate mail +1, medium shield +1, potions of flying,

SPEED, water breathing, elixir of Life,
philter of stuttering && stammering.

Ragnar, a <hill> dwarf, is the bro of Agnar
Ruvik and the ringleader of the slave lords
network in Elredd. He is also the paymaster
of the local spy ring. These duties have
given him the rank of Minor Lord among
the slave lords. He is often confused with
Agnar, the 2 being nearly identical in
appearance. It is bitingly said of the 2
that Ragnar stole all the wit of his brother
&& gave him nothing in return. Ragnar has
all the virtues of Agnar--a wicked sense of
battle tactics && a muscular frame--&& an
ample amount of brilliance && cunning. He
is intelligent, adaptable, && well-read.
Thus, he is an extremely dangerous enemy.

He makes liberal USE of tricks, deceptions,
&& traps, preferring to strike only when all
the odds are in his favor. He almost always
has a plan of ops && usu. has several
in case the 1st goes awry. He will FLEE
without shame. His only qualm about abandoning
others is the loss of useful resources
this may entail. As such, he is perfectly
suited to the fraternity of the slave lords &&
has been quickly rising in their ranks.

If a combat situation is extremely dire, he
uses Greaser’s teleportability to escape to a
place of safety--either to Highport |or| somewhere
else in Elredd. As paymaster, he has
7,500 gp worth of 10-500 gp gems
    <hematite, 500 gp>
    <tiger eye, 500 gp>
    <malachite, 800 gp>
    <azurite, 500 gp>
    <tiger eye, 1500 gp>
    <hematite, 1000 gp>
    <rhodochrosite, 750 gp>
    <hematite, 450 gp>
    <tiger eye, 1000 gp>
    <rhodochrosite, 500 gp>
        <total gem value = 7,500>
&& 500 gp in assorted coins concealed in his room.
    <10,000 pennies>
    <1000 $ilver dollars>
    <200 electrum pieces>
    <100 gold pieces>
    <20 platinum pieces>

Hazzard: AC 5; MV 12”: Sorcerer; hp 42: #AT
1: D by weapon; SA spells; AL NE; S 8, I
17, W 12, D 14, Co 16, Ch 14, Com 12
<THACO 19>
<XP 2538>

Equipment: bracers of defense AC5, ring of
free action, wand of negation (35

Spells: affect normal fires, magick missile,
unseen servant, ventriloquism, fool’s
gold, invisibility, strength, feign death,
haste, suggestion, dimension door, polymorph
self, teleport.
    <a piece of string, a bit of wood>
    <a small cone of parchment>
    <500 gp topaz>
    <eyelash, gum Baklunish>
    <a shaving of licorice root>
    <snake's tongue, honeycomb>

Hazzard is a male human nearing late
middle age. His role within the organization
is Ragnar’s right hand man. He xamines all
reports for details otherwise missed &&
checks the truth of all statements. He is well
known by the patrons as a spellcaster
although he does not dress the part. At
times he drinks too much; when drunk, he is
given to showing off with minor spells.

When sober, he is an efficient if not overly
brave combatant. He keeps an eye peeled
for characters about to USE a device so that
he may use his wand of negation. He quite
sensibly avoids combat && has a particular
dislike of those using missile weapons. In an
emergency, Hazzard will dimension door to
his room for his spell books before teleporting away
to safety in Highport.

In his room at the inn he has hidden away
travelling spell books with his most commonly
used spells and a ring of swimming.

Knocker: AC4; MV9”; Burglar; hp 33; #AT 1;
D by weapon (gladius); SA backstab
for x3 damage; AL N, S 10, 114, W
10, D 18, Co 16, Ch 9, Com 8
<THACO 19>
<XP 573>

Knocker is a small-time thief, Now a renegade
from the thieves’ guild. Although NOT
particularly gurd |or| virtuous, his sense of
propriety has been disturbed by the activities
of the slave lords, all ov which have
received the support of the guild. Removing
himself from their association, he Now
makes a poor living practicing his skills in
the AREA of the Broken Rudder. So far, the <more food, more art, more romance>
guild has not been able to touch him, but he
has had visits from its members, questioning
him && occasionally roughing him up.

Fortunately, early in his career he gained a
little local notoriety && popularity for
stealing the brass knocker from the door of
the city’s Council Hall, completing the
audacious act by selling the knocker back to
the council for a pretty penny. He has many
non-guild contacts willing to give him shelter
&& assistance.

Knocker harbors aspirations of staging a
coup against the guild, replacing it with his
own organization, which would not be
exclusively built of thieves. To this end, he is
always on the lookout for new contacts and

Knocker is aware of the slaver ops
at the inn, but knows any interference by
him would he fatal. He has no love of the
slave lords, considering them the most
likely threat to his ambitions, && will
secretly aid any well-reasoned effort to hurt
them. As such, he may secretly pass on
damaging info to the PCs
(if they broadcast their goals) concerning
the activities of Ragnar && Hazzard. He
may also arrange tor a safe house for the
characters, through a 3rd party. In the
xtreme case that the PCs get
involved in a FIGHT in the Broken Rudder,
Knocker may join their side--but only if the
characters stand a good chance of winning
&& he can act without discovery. Thus, he
may throw a dagger from the shadows, trip
up an attempted ambush, |or| even protect
the rear of the PCs (without
their seeing it). He will NOT fight under the
orders of the characters && will NOT take

In +addition+ to these major characters at
the Broken Rudder, there are assorted customers
who come && go. Most of these,
however, do NOT become involved in any
events at the inn. As the center ov the local
spy network, there are always 1-4 slave lord
agents present.

Minor Agents: AC 7; MV 12”: T2-4; hp 7-
13; #AT 1; D 1-4 or 1-6; AL NE: SA
Backstah x2

<adjust the RG stats with the above statblock>
<eg. all of the agents are NE>

Greasy Guillespie +

Geddessia +

Diego Montoya +

Rob the Robber +

Life at the Broken Rudder
There are 2 main events that can occur
at the Broken Rudder, depending on how
well informed the slave lord agents are
about the PCs.

This encounter should be used if the slave lord 
agents know the identities && intentions of the PCs, either

through The Mad One, Targil && Agnar, |or|
the seaman aboard the Ewe.

When the PCs arrive at the
Broken Rudder, Carn spots them && passes
a signal to Hazzard who is sitting at a <round> table
near the rear exit. He, in turn, passes a secret
signal to Ragnar, standing in the shadowy
entrance to the kitchen. This series ov signals
sets the plan in motion.

During the next 1/2 hour, 10 Thugs,
agents of the slave lords, enter the Broken
Rudder && lounge around. They do all the
things normal patrons would do, ignoring
the PCs. They form groups ov
2s && 3s, spread well apart from
each other. They are stationed on all sides of
the PCs.

After all have arrived, Carn slips a few
drops of a poisonous plant in their drinks.
This does NOT kill but acts as a muscle relaxant,
slowing their reactions &&& physical
control. All characters who take a drink
must make a SAVE vs. Poison.
Those who SAVE are unaffected. Those who
fail are -1 on init rolls && -2 on all
chances to hit. This effect lasts for 1-3

A few <rounds> after the drinks are served,
the ambush is sprung. Hazzard slips into the
shadowed doorway w/ Ragnar && gives
the signal to attack--a haste spell CAST upon
the Thugs. These men close calmly on the
characters && then 1 group attacks.
While the characters are fighting this group,
the others try to strike from behind, gaining
their hackstab bonus. If all succeeds,
Ragnar && Hazard won’t have to intervene.
However, if things do NOT go well,
Hazzard uses his spells from the darkness, starting
with his magick missile. Only in
xtreme cases does Ragnar become
involved. Although the goal is to destroy
the PCs, the villains will NOT
refuse the opportunity to TAKE a prisoner
should it present itself.

<stats for Thugs!>

Character Assault!
If the characters become suspicious of the
Broken Rudder, they may decide upon a
blatant frontal assault. In this case, Ragnar,
Carn, && Hazzard are present along with
1-4 slaver agents. The slaver agents are
unprepared, but FIGHT back as best they can.
Unless specifically identified by the PCs, however, Ragnar will NOT take
part in the battle. He pretends to be an innocent
bystander && flees the inn (like all the
other innocent bystanders) at the 1st possible

The Rewards of the Broken Rudder
Within the chambers of Ragnar && Hazzard
are papers && documents recording
the activities ov the slave lords in the AREA. If
either is able to reach his room, he gathers
these documents, destroying some in the
fireplace && taking the REST along as he

If they do NOT reach their rooms (for
whatever reason) the documents remain
hidden in secret places--under a floorboard,
behind a sliding panel, in a false
drawer, |or| wherwer you decide. This hiding
place can be found by a successful find
traps roll (or a find traps spell). The hiding
place is also trapped with a poison needle
(SAVE vs. poison |or| die). A 2nd find traps
roll must be made to find this needle, once
the hiding place is located.

The Documents: Following is a list of the
documents that can be found in each room
and the info contained on each. IF
the NPC escaped, only those documents
marked with an asterisk will he found, &&
these are in the fireplace && only partially

Ragnar's Room
Account Ledgers: This is a sheaf ov yellowing
parchment (about 100 pages) bound
with red ribbon. Each page is covered w/
columns ov crabbed writing. The 1st
column lists the item, the 2nd the
receiver ov the payment, the 3rd amounts
paid out, and the 4th amounts paid in.
Unfortunately, Ragnar used a system ov simple
shorthand && abbreviations, written in
dwarvish, for most entries. Most deal with
routine matters, but examining the ledgers
carefully (several days of verk) gives the
following name abbreviations: "Ag., Haz.,
MO, Safe., Tar., Sturm-HP'" Ov these, the
first 4 entries are payments out && the
last always records payments in.

A careful xamination reveals that payments
in xceed the combined total of payments
out && the coins in the pay chest.
Hidden elsewhere in Elredd is a secret fund
set up by Ragnar. If the characters decide to
pursue this, decide the location of the cache.
They will have to ask around town to see if
anyone has seen Ragnar && USE this to find
his hideout. He may |or| may not be present.

{Message} from the Slave Ship: This small,
curled slip of paper states, "Received ms.
Raiding good on bay. Sailing direct to
port--Capt. Joinville" If partially burned it
states, "rectly to port--Capt."

Transcript of a Magickal Communication:
Scrawled across several sheets ov paper is
the following. (Passages in italics survive in
the fireplace.) <>

"Ms. from Bloodwort--Capt. Joinville.
Rding in Safe AREA. Voy. good, profit
expected. Losses {light}. Cargo inv. Woman,
40, of station and breeding. quite ransomable;
3 boys, fit to stand on block; husband
&& wife, trained servants, suitable for special
needs; 4 males, mid-20, no visible TRADE,
suitable only for block; trained artisan, giving
good treatment, suggest arranging
patron; scholar && alchemist, special auctions

Secret Communique: This {message} is
written on white linen paper, edged with red
gold. (Only the italicized portions survive if
the letter is burned.)

"Ragnar of Clan Hargirt, Greetings to
Your Illustrious Self; Much warmed is my
heart to harken to thy recent successes. So
much do the virtues of your spirit shine, my
heart yearns to call thee to my side. Thou
art the source of my courage and the headwater
of my desire to pursue the course
which lies ahead of us. Patience is the counsel
1 give to thee. Our stars must he arranged
before we can act. Alas, that the token 1
send can only dimly reflect the Love that I

''I write to advise thee caution, my Love!
Send the aid that you must for us to succeed
by the most circumspect route, for old KIim
grows nervous. I must watch him carefully
For thyself, remember the traps of the others
on the Council are many and convoluted.
If thou art discovered Now, then thy
life is lost!

<inverted elven font?>

Hazzard's Room
Orders from Ragnar: A scrap of paper
has orders to Hazzard from Ragnar. "Ship
NOT stopping, continuing down coast
instead. Cancel unloading plans. Let out
that masters are displeased w/ support
here && considering diverting traffic. May
require friendlier attitude from the locals to
keep our TRADE. Make them nervous.
Highport may become port of choice."

If the burned scrap is found, all that
remains is "Ship NOT stopping, continuing

Hazzard's Journal: The 2nd {item}
found in Hazzard's room is his daily journal,
a collection of vellum scrolls. They are
filled with careful handwriting, illustrations, <add illustration>
and illuminations. It is clear he has <add illumination>
spent much work && effort on these.
Studying the scrolls carefully takes 2-4 days
&& must he done by a wizard, since
there are many references only understood
by those in that TRADE.

The writings cover many mundane
details, all of no interest to the characters.
Many references are made to activities of
the slave lords' network in the AREA, but
most are those ov an insider. Thus crucial
facts are left unexplained && people NOT

However, characters can learn that
Ragnar's brother (unnamed) && his associates
are part ov the network. There are several
references to "our man in Safeton." It is
also clear that Hazard is an agent ov 1
of the major Lords, having direct (but secret)
communications w/ this Lord, known only
as The Servant of the Earth DRAGON. Hazzard
was hoping to ADVANCE himself through this
arrangement, while The Servant of the Earth DRAGON
used Hazzard to watch Ragnar,
whom he does NOT trust. The reasons for this
distrust are NOT explained, but several times
Hazzard notes that he was exhorted to
secrecy, NOT just from Ragnar but all those
associated with the slave lords.

Utter Failure
If the characters survive the Broken Rudder
encounter but totally miss any possible
clues |or| allies there (either through bad
luck, inattentiveness, |or| stupidity), they can
still get a lead. Sometime after leaving the
inn, a merchant offers to sell them some
goods they obviously do NOT want. Once
rejected, he offers them slaves, |or| @ least
info about where they can pick
some ^up^. He reveals nothing if threatened,
&& if NOT, he demands the most xorbitant
price the PCs look to be able to
afford. He accepts both money && goods in
TRADE although he is NOT too keen on magickal
items the characters don't obviously USE.
Since you are giving the PCs
such an obvious clue, you should make
them pay dearly for their previous failures.

>>Leaving Town (Elredd)>>
^^ Follow this link ^^