9. Gatehouse Wall Top
(The Gatehouse)

This wall top joins the stockade parapet,
so that the guards from the gatehouse may
reinforce the stockade walls if there is an
invasion. If the alarm is sounded, the hobgoblins
within the guardhouses arrive in
2 rounds to reinforce the wall guards.

9a. Gatehouse Wall Walks
2 hobgoblins patrol each of these sections.
They are armed with composite <long> bows
and <long> swords. They use their bows to attack
any intruders sighted on the ground below.
Each hobgoblin carries 2-12 sp. <6, 4>

On each section, chained to the wall, is a
blue-gray, 3-foot-tall, vaguely humanoid
creature. These are boggles (MMII, page
20). The boggles have a very keen sense of <Odor Detection, DSG>
smell and can detect even invisible creatures
up to 40 feet away. The boggles are used as
guardians and watchbeasts to sound the
alarm if the guards fail to. The boggles will
set up a keening wail if they sense an

Hobgoblins (2): AC 6; MV 9"; HD 1+1;
<x> hp 5 each; #AT 1; D <1-6 by composite long bow or 1-8 by long sword>
XP 30 each

Boggles: AC 5; MV 9"; HD 4+3; hp 21 each; #AT 3: D 1-4 each;
able to spider climb; -1 point of damage per die from
weapon attacks
XP 275 each

9b. Western Guardhouse
This room appears to be a guardroom.
There are 7 hobgoblins in the room
sitting on benches at <trestle> tables or leaning
back against the wall talking. They jump
to their feet and draw their weapons. In
the southeast corner of the room there is
a trapdoor in the floor and 1 in the
ceiling with a ladder leading up to it.

6 of the hobgoblins are normal guards,
the 7th is their sergeant. The hobgoblins
are sitting around talking about their
past exploits, waiting for their shift. 1 of
the hobgoblins leaning against the wall is
sleeping and will be too stunned, if awakened
suddenly, to do anything for 2
rounds. Another 1 of the hobgoblins is
sitting quietly chewing on a hunk of hickory
bark. If intruders attack them he will first
spit in their eye (save vs. Breath Weapon or
be blinded for 2 rounds) and then attack.
Each hobgoblin has 2-12 sp, and the sergeant
<8 sp, 10 sp, 9 sp, 9 sp, 6 sp, 7 sp, 11 sp (60 sp total)>
has a silver, horn-shaped amulet
worth 20 gp. The trapdoor in the floor is
bolted shut from below.

6 Hobgoblin guards: AC 5; MV 9"; HD 1+1;
hp 6 each; #AT 1 or 2; D <d6+1 by spetum ("tri-spear")>
XP 32 each

Sergeant: AC 4; MV 9"; HD 2; hp 9; #AT 1
or 2; D <2-8 by broadsword or 1-6 by composite short bow>
XP 38

9c. Eastern Guardhouse
This room appears to be a guardroom.
There are several hobgoblins crowded
around a <round> table in the center of the room.
3 other hobgoblins are asleep on
pallets on the floor. In the southeast corner
of the room there is a trapdoor in the
floor and 1 in the ceiling with a ladder
leading up to it. A wolf cub is running
around the room and spots the party as
they enter and begins to yip at them.

The hobgoblins in the center of the room
are watching their sergeant arm-wrestle
another 1 of their number. On either side
of the contestants hands are 2 steaming
plates of very hot stew.

The hobgoblins turn to see who has
entered the room and will be surprised by
the party unless a lot of noise was made
prior to entering. The sergeant will kick
over the <round> table, dumping his opponent on the
floor, and yell to his troops to attack. The
sleeping hobgoblins will take 2 rounds to
enter the battle. There are 11 hobgoblin
guards in this room armed with <long> swords. The
sergeant is armed with a footman’s mace
and will grab a stool to use as a shield. The
wolf cub will be a nuisance in battle weaving
about the party’s legs and nipping at
their ankles, but causing no damage. Each
round a character is attacked by the wolf
cub the character must roll his or her Dexterity
or less on 1d20 or fall and be stunned
for 1 round.

The hobgoblins each carry 2-12 sp. The
<4 sp, 12 sp, 9 sp, 9 sp, 10 sp, 8 sp, 8 sp, 9 sp, 5 sp, 11 sp, 12 sp (97 sp total)>
sergeant has 8 gp and a silk handkerchief
worth 5 gp.

11 Hobgoblin guards: AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1+1;
hp 6 each; #AT 1; D <1-8 by long sword>
XP 32 each


Sergeant: AC 4; MV 6”; HD 2; hp 9; #AT 1;
D 2-7 by footman’s mace (+1 damage for STR)
XP 38

Wolf cub: AC 6 due to size; MV 9”;
HD 1+1; hp 5; #AT 1; D nil
