Archetypal Plane: Light (or the +Positive Material+).

Description of Archetype: A blond, golden-skinned child holding a sceptre.
A rooster crowing.
A lion roaring.
A sleeping gold dragon.

The phoenix rising from flames.
An individual with a tawny complexion, yellowish eyes, and a short, reasonably hairless, handsome body.
A wise, honorable personality, courageous to a fault, but constantly seeking praise.

Planetary Powers: Magick concerned with money.
Fortune && destiny in general.
Any operation involving peace, harmony, &&& friendship.
Long life && health.
Transmutation of the elements.
Spells involving light;
magic whose prime purpose is goodness.
Color: Gold, || bright yellow.
Metal: Gold.
Stones: Amber, Topaz, Heliotrope (Yellow Jasper), Cat’s Eye Agate, Citrine, Jacinth.
Plants: Sunflowers, Saffron plants, Ginger, Gentian, Celadine,
Dittany, Lotus trees, Laurel trees, Poliginia, Ivy, any vines which
climb toward the sun.
Animals: Lions, Roosters, Eagles,Rams, Boars, Shellfish,
Worms, most Beetles, the Phoenix, a Cockatrice.
Day: Sunday.
Numbers: 1, 6, 11, 66, 666.
Selected Deities: Sol, Helius, the Titans Theia & Hyperion, Samas, Tai Yang Ti Chun, Tionatuh, Brigit, Apollo, Suya, Vishnu, Asar, Ra.
Angel: Michael.
Angelic Order: The Shinanim.
Devil: Surgat. (possibly also Mephistopheles).
Demon Order: Type III Demons.
Spirits: Dardael, Hurtapel, Nakiel, Vianathabra, Carat, Haludiel,
Machasiel, Burchat, Suceratos, Capabile, Och, Sorath, Aquiel.
Tarot Trumps: The Sun, The Wheel of Fortune, The Hanged Man.
Incense: Cinnamon, Cloves, Myrrh, Lignam Aloes, Musk, Ambergris, and Olibanum.