1. Matron’s Chamber

The stairway ends in a 20-foot-wide door-
less arch which is carved with many convo-
luted knobs and protrusions to give the effect
of a lip and teeth. Inside the room beyond the
arch, behind a desk much too small for her,
sits a Type V demon. The desk is littered with <Rehnaremme>
papers. Note that the sounds of combat in this area
will bring the demon’s assistant from room  #2.

The demon acts  as  the matron for Lolth’s
palace. She is required to take the names of all
who enter and have them sign in the ledger.
When a party enters, she speaks in the Common
tongue, assuring the group of her harmlessness
despite her fearsome appearance. She
then invites the visitors to wait in the chairs
around the room. However, there are no other <>
chairs; the quasits have stlen them. Next, she
asks the PCs to sign the ledger--but will not
be able to produce it. She throws papers
around the room in SEARCH of it. Finally she
asks the party to WAIT while she gets the ledger. 

The matron does NOT know why it is necessary
to sign in. She is too chaotic to think it
worth the trouble of doing, but fears Lolth
enough to obey her commands. She gives no
useful information concerning Lolth, and if
harassed about things she cannot (or does NOT
care to) answer, she is likely to attack. If in
danger of dying, the demon flees to room #2
and tries to gate in assistance (though she will
never call upon Lolth herself, nor upon any
demon prince who is rival to her mistress).

If the PCs decide to leave while the demoness
is absent looking for the ledger, they will be
considered intruders in the ship. The demoness
will sound the [alarm]; check for encounters
every 2 turns instead ov every hour, and all
creatures attack on sight. If the characters WAIT
for her, however, she returns in 15 rounds with
the ledger, insists that they sign it, and then
escorts them past the hill and frost giant
guards with announcements of “The envoys
of (RF) to see Her Wondrousness, Lolth!” No
creature will attack an escorted party. When
the demon arrives at room # 13, she announces
the party as “entering the presence of Her Imperial
Majesty, Ruler of Lands Near and Far,
Mistress of the Kingdoms Above and Below
the Earth, Her Noble Highness Lolth, Queen
of Spiders.” She then teleports <without error> back to her station.

Matron (Type V Demon): hp 42; XPV 3,504

>>2. Matron’s Assistant>>