16. Hallway
This hallway is lit and the air is very cold.
All of the walls except the one between the
hallway and room #16A are coated with frost.
The floor is slushy, and care must be taken <qv. Movement On Slippery Horizontal Surfaces, WSG>
when walking on it. The wall and (unlocked)
door to room #15A is a permanent illusion
(see hall 15). The white dragon in room #16A
knows of this illusion, and (as the black) will
attack through it with surprise, if possible.

16A. Cold Chamber
The air in this chamber is very cold and crisp,
and frost covers the walls. Great icicles hang
from the ceiling, and mounds of snow and ice
fill the corners. In the center of the room rests a
young adult white dragon (no speech nor magic
use). It is NOT asleep. Lolth allows this pet to keep
a small amount of treasure to guard: 10,000 cp,
10 gems (10-100 gp each), 2 potions of extra
healing (400 XP), and a potion of flying (XP 500). Should loud
noises of fierce combat occur in this room, there
is a 10% chance per round that 1-4 icicles will
fall from the ceiling (random targets, THACO
16, Dmg 2-12 each).

White Dragon: HD 6; hp 24; XPV 619

<2 x 20 gp: hematites>
<1 x 30 gp: citrines>

<2 x 40 gp: sardonyx>
<1 x 80 gp: pearl>

<4 x 100 gp: tourmaline>

>>17. Stairs Up>>