W3 Shelf, rising from the water to 10'
above it at the northern edge.

Vodyanoi (2): AL CE, MV 6 " / 6 ", HD 8, AC
2, #AT 3, D 1-10 + 2x2/1-10, SZ L (8'),
IN Average; IL 30%, TT G:
XP 650 + 10 (1030) (1060)
HP 38, 41

<no treasure>

These SLOW relatives of umber hulks are
hungry, as most potential prey avoids them.
They wander in search of food most of the
time, and will attack a party on sight. They
are currently trying to figure out how to
take control of the koalinth and merrow.
T4 Nodes of Elemental Evil 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1eo 21 22 23 24 - - - - - -