Hommlet, Nulb, the Temple—all are vital
parts of Greyhawk. This epic adventure
formed the basis for a mini-campaign within
the larger Greyhawk Campaign. It wasn't
exactly a side show, as it turned out, but the
adventuring began that way. Many veterans
of the Greyhawk Campaign, as well as
many newcomers, began adventuring in
and around Hommlet about ten years ago.
From these episodes rose Burne and Rufus,
Jaroo, Terjon, Otis, Y'dey, and the rest.
After clearing out all of the Temple's agents
in the Hommlet area, various characters
banded together to assault the Temple itself.
Levels rose sufficiently that characters from
the original Greyhawk Campaign became
involved, and Lord Robilar eventually
entered the Temple with a small party.

Robilar arrived on his carpet of flying,
and then set off into the Temple depths,
leaving his trusty orc hero Quij to guard the
transport device and a pair of griffons.
While other adventurers had proceeded circumspectly,
Robilar bulled his way
through. Two days later, much of the Temple
was sacked, bits and pieces of monsters
were spread about, and a certain personage
was loosed. But in the process, the minions
of Good had been alerted, and they too
arrived in the area, in force. Robilar left
with pursuit hot on his tail, Quij wearing a
new poncho he'd made from "master's flying
rug" (two days being a long time to wait
in the cold)! Robilar's ravages were followed
by the army of enraged Good folk, led by
Tenser and associates — including Otis,
Burne, Rufus, et al. Zuggtmoy had been
freed, but not much remained for her after
all this fun, so, like Robilar, she also
departed in some haste. The final result was
a draw, with a strategic edge for Chaotic
Evil. All of this happened on another world
from yours; now you have a similar setting.
Who knows how your campaign will

>> Secret History of The Temple.