III.B. Scrolls

III.B.2. (86-00)
Random Treasure Determination

III.B. Scrolls
Dice Result Spell Level Range or
Experience Point Value Range
Encumbrance Experience Point Value G.P. Sale Value
01-10 1 spell 1-4 - - -
11-16 1 spell 1-6 - - -
17-19 1 spell 2-9 (d8+1) or 2-7* (d6+1) - - -
20-24 2 spells 1-4 - - -
25-27 2 spells 1-8 or 1-6* - - -
28-32 3 spells 1-4 - - -
33-35 3 spells 2-9 or 2-7* - - -
36-39 4 spells 1-6 - - -
40-42 4 spells 1-8 or 1-6* - - -
43-46 5 spells 1-6 - - -
47-49 5 spells 1-8 or 1-6* - - -
50-52 6 spells 1-6 - - -
53-54 6 spells 3-8 (d6+2) or 3-6* (d4+2) - - -
55-57 7 spells 1-8 <or 1-6> - - -
58-59 7 spells 2-9 <or 2-7> - - -
60 7 spells 4-9 (d6+3) or 4-7* (d4+3) - - -
61-62 Protection -- Demons - - 2,500 12,500
63-64 Protection -- Devils - - 2,500 12,500
65-70 Protection -- Elementals - - 1,500 7,500
71-76 Protection -- Lycanthropes - - 1,000 5,000
77-82 Protection -- Magic - - 1,500 7,500
83-87 Protection -- Petrification - - 2,000 10,000
88-92 Protection -- Possession - - 2,000 10,000
93-97 Protection -- Undead - - 1,500 7,500
98-00 Curse ** --- - - -

* 30% of all scrolls are of clerical nature (dice 71-00), and 25% of all clerical
scrolls are druidical. 10% of all magic-user scrolls are illusionist.
This applies only to scrolls 01-60 above. Asterisked numbers indicate
clerical spell levels.
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 - - -
d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 - - -
mu1 mu2 mu3 mu4 mu5 mu6 mu7 mu8 mu9 -
i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 - - -

** It is incumbent upon the DM to do his utmost to convince
players that a cursed scroll should be read. This is to be accomplished
through duplicity, coercion and threat, etc. -- i.e., any
scroll not read has a chance of fading in normal air, but this can be
noted by the archaic wording if read in the still dungeon atmosphere.

A curse takes effect immediately; suggested curses are:
01-25 Reader polymorphed to monster of equal level which attacks any creatures nearby  Random Monster Tables (MM2)
26-30 Reader turned to liquid and drains away  -
31-40 Reader and all within 20' radius transported 200 to 1,200 miles in a random direction  -
41-50 Reader and all in 20' radius transported to another planet, plane or continuum  <note> -
51-75 Disease F.A.T.A.L. to reader in 2-8 turns unless cured  -
76-90 Explosive runes -
91-99 Magic item nearby is "de-magicked".  -
00 Randomly rolled spell affects reader at 12th level of magic-use  roll d6 (or d7 if you use cantrips), then consult the MU spell tables.

<add insanity?>

Question: Must a scroll with spells be read aloud for the spells to work?

Answer: Yes, unless the scroll has a curse on it and just reading the scroll silently will cause the curse to take effect.

Experience Points (x.p.) Value:

Awarded only to characters who can USE the spell(s);
the award should be 100 x.p. per spell level.
Protection scrolls are noted as to x.p. value on the table itself.

Gold Piece (g.p.) Sale Value:

Any scroll can be sold in the "open market" for three times its x.p. value.
Protection scrolls sell for five times x.p. value.

III.B.2. Scrolls
Dice Result Encumbrance Experience Point Value G.P. Sale Value
01-02 Protection -- Acid - 2,500 12,500
03-07 Protection -- Breath Weapons, Dragon - 2,000 10,000
08-12 Protection -- Breath Weapons, Non-dragon - 2,000 10,000
13-17 Protection -- Cold - 2,000 10,000
18-22 Protection -- Electricity - 1,500 7,500
23-27 Protection -- Fire - 2,500 12,500
28-32 Protection -- Gas - 2,000 10,000
33-37 Protection -- Illusions - 1,500 7,500
38-42 Protection -- Paralyzation - 1,500 7,500
43-48 Protection -- Plants - 1,000 5,000
49-54 Protection -- Poison - 1,000 5,000
55-59 Protection -- Traps - 2,000 10,000
60-64 Protection -- Water - 1,500 7,500
65-70 Protection -- Weapons, Magical blunt - 1,000 5,000
71-76 Protection -- Weapons, Magical edged - 1,000 5,000
77-82 Protection -- Weapons, Magical missile - 1,000 5,000
83-88 Protection -- Weapons, Non-magic blunt - 1,000 5,000
89-94 Protection -- Weapons, Non-magic edged - 1,000 5,000
95-00 Protection -- Weapons, Non-magic missile - 1,000 5,000