17. North Guardposts
Crenellations surround this flat rooftop except at one corner,
where archways lead into a covered area.

The rooftop is bare except for 2 stacks of stones, roughly piled.

As noted in the descriptions for areas 15 and 16, hidden levers
here activate and deactivate the traps at the tops of the staircases.
The levers are located in the walls separating each guardpost from
the nearest stairwell. The guards here are accustomed to deactivating
the traps when anyone in a stairwell calls out, without stopping
to identify the newcomer.

During daylight hours, 2 human guards are on duty here. They
use the same tactics as the guards in area 6.

Human Guards (2): AC 4 or 5; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 4 each; #AT
1; D 2–8 (broadsword) or 1–6 (shortbow). Each guard carries a
<medium> shield (AC 4) but cannot use it while wielding a shortbow (AC
drops to 5). <shortbow specialist> <broadsword specialist>

After sunset, 4 goblin warriors stand guard here. The goblins
toss their spears, then try to hang back and use their slings, though
they use their short swords if necessary.

Goblins (4): AC 6; MV 6”; HD 1–1, hp 3 each; #AT 1, D 1–6
(spear), 1–6 (short sword), or 1–4 (sling).
<xiphos, gladius, katzbalger, model 1832 foot artillery sword>

The guards here, whether human or goblin, keep watch over the
quarry pit below. If they notice anyone approaching area 23 on
the lower level, they hail the visitors and most likely attack, as noted
in the area 23 description.

Combat at 1 guardpost immediately alerts the guards at the
other post, and they lose no time in coming to their comrades’ aid.
The reinforcements use missile weapons, if possible, to attack the

Both sets of guards eventually notice any fighting in area 10 (and
in area 6 if the sergeant becomes involved there), and they send
1/2 their number to assist. Likewise, the residents in areas 6 or 10
assist their comrades here, as noted in those area descriptions.

If the guards at area 22 face a fight, they come to the north posts for
help, and the guards here send 1/2 their number to join the battle.
Brubgrok (if present in area 19) and Glyrthiel (if present in area 18)
are alert to any disturbances here, and after 2 or 3 rounds,
they become involved in any battle that involves the guards.
