1. Entry
The path runs along a gaping pit chiseled from the rock of the 
bluffs. A stone guardhouse rises from the pit wall. The building 
has a mix of light and dark stones, giving it a mottled and de-
caying appearance, though the stonework looks solid.

The guardhouse is separated from the main slope by a stony <slope=?>
crevice, perhaps 10 feet wide and at least twice that deep, with 
crumbling, mossy walls. A narrow wooden bridge with no rail-
ings spans the crevice, ending in a sturdy-looking wooden door.

About 10 or 12 feet above the bridge and door, a crenellated 
parapet overhangs the walls slightly.

There doesn’t seem to be a soul in sight.

No guards are posted at the door, but the guards on the parapet
in area 22 watch the bridge and door while keeping out of sight.
If the player characters try to force the door or scale the walls, one
guard from area 22 races to area 17 for reinforcements, and the
rest attack the party with arrows or with rocks dropped through the
murder hole in area 22. If the guard reaches area 17, a chain of
alarms is raised (see areas 6, 10, 17, 18, 19, and 20).

The rocks stacked in area 22 weigh 15 pounds each, and the
guards can drop them through the murder hole onto anyone stand-
ing in the map square directly below the hole (shown as a shaded
area on the map for area 1). A hit deals 1–6 points of damage.
If the rock misses, it bounces into an adjacent space (use the miss
procedure from page 64 of the DUNGEON MASTERS GUIDE).
If the rock bounces into a space where a character stands, roll a
new attack against that character; if this second attack misses, the
rock does not bounce again.

The murder hole grants 90% cover (+10 bonus to Armor Class)
against any attack that has to pass through the hole. The parapet
at area 22 grants 50% cover (+4 bonus to Armor Class) against
any attack that has to cross the parapet.

The crevice here has rough walls (see page 19 of the DUNGEON <Climbing, WSG>
MASTERS GUIDE), which allows climbing characters to descend
to the bottom in 2 rounds and ascend to the level of the bridge
in 2 rounds. However, the crumbling stone and moss are slightly
slippery, doubling the chance that a climber falls. If that occurs,
the climber slides down the crumbling wall and takes only 1–4
points of damage from the fall.

The guardhouse’s stone wall is fairly rough, and a climber can
reach the parapet in 1 round, with the normal chance for a fall
It takes an additional round to scramble over the parapet, with
double the normal chance for a fall.

A fall when climbing the guardhouse wall or the parapet results in
1–6 plus 1–4 points of damage as the character plummets to the
base of the wall, then slides into the crevice.

Entering the Guardhouse: Characters can knock down the
door here to enter the guardhouse. The door is barred from the
inside, effectively locking it. A knock spell opens the door, but an
Open Locks attempt does not because the door has no external
lock to open. A character can force the door with an Open Doors
roll, but reduce the chance for success by 1. A successful Bend
Bars/Lift Gates roll also forces the door. Finally, the party can beat
the door down with weapon attacks; the door can withstand 40
points of damage before splintering.
