23. Lower Entrance
The stony pit here has a fairly smooth floor broken by cracks.
Weeds sprout from the fissures, and gaps in these bands of low
foliage form a path of sorts. A crude stone guardhouse rises from
the quarry pit floor, clinging to the pit wall for 1 story before
rising 2 floors higher. The top story, perhaps 30 feet above
the pit floor, has a crenellated parapet that overhangs the walls
slightly. It’s hard to be sure, but a few armored guards seem to
be pacing to and fro atop the battlement.

On the pit floor, 2 pairs of double doors stand about 20 feet
apart. No guards are posted at either set, but the guards on the parapet
above (area 17) watch the doors while keeping out of sight.
If the PCs try to force a door or scale the walls, 1 <rough walls?>
guard from area 17 goes to area 6 for reinforcements while the others
attack with arrows or with rocks tossed from the parapet. See
area 1 for details on resolving attacks with dropped rocks. Rocks
dropped from area 17 deal 2–8 points of damage to targets on
the pit floor. <the damage should be more!>

The parapet at area 17 provides 50% cover (+4 bonus to AC) against any attack that has to cross it.

A guard stationed in area 17 can reach area 6 in 3 rounds.
After the guard arrives there, a chain of alarms is raised (see areas
6, 10, 17, 18, 19, and 20).

Entering the Guardhouse: The double doors are secured from
the inside with simple iron latches. A successful Open Doors roll
allows a character to force 1 set of doors open. The latches cannot
be picked, but a successful Open Locks roll allows a character
to jimmy the latch and open a door without making an Open
Doors roll. A knock spell opens a door.

The characters can try to bluff their way into the guardhouse by
announcing their presence (by knocking on the doors, shouting, or
something similar). Doing so alerts the guards at area 17; see the
Openly Entering section of this adventure (page 9) for details on
how the slavers deal with nonviolent visitors.
