Drake, Faerie
by David E.Cates.

FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: 6”/24”//9” (MC: A)
HIT DICE: See Table 5
% IN LAIR: 25%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 claws and 1 bite
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-2/1-2/1-4
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Minor breath weapon,
minor spell use
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Magic resistance,
invisibility minor defensive powers,
minor spell use, spell immunities
INTELLIGENCE: Low to average
ALIGNMENT: Neutral, chaotic neutral
SIZE: S (1½-2’ long)
    Speaking: 80%
    Magic use: 100%
    Sleeping: 30%
LEVEL/XP VALUE: Up to V/365 + 5 per hit
point (maximum age and abilities)

The faerie drake is a close relative of the
faerie dragon. It is slightly larger than its
cousin but has its own distinctive appearance and abilities. Faerie drakes look like
miniature dragons with striped or spotted
wings, prehensile tails, and a metallic
sheen to their wings and scales. Females
have wing tips with a shade of color
lighter than their body color. Males have
wing tips darker than their body color and
also have a stronger metallic sheen than
females. The underbelly scale color
denotes a faerie dragon’s age (see Table 5).

Faerie drakes have innate spell abilities
that slowly increase as they grow older.
Only drakes of young adult and older ages
have offensive spells. Most prefer spells
useful in their everyday lives (as selected
by the DM); such spells are taught by the
older members of a faerie drake group.
Faerie drakes have been known to associate with and spy upon wizards and druids,
especially while the latter learn and cast
their spells. It is conjectured that watching
such activities enables faerie drakes to
learn spells other than those they acquire
early in life.

A faerie drake’s body color reveals what
sort of breath weapon and attack immunity it possesses (see Table 6). The bronze
faerie drake’s repulsion gas causes opponents to move away from the faerie drake
for six rounds unless they successfully
make saving throws vs. dragon breath.

The copper faerie drake?s slow venom
causes victims to move and attack at onehalf normal unless they make their saving
throw vs. dragon breath; this effect lasts
for six rounds. All other attacks do damage equal to the drake?s hit points, or half
that if a save vs. dragon breath is successfully made.

The color of a faerie dragon?s wing
markings is related to its innate magical
defense, as shown in Table 7. These magical defenses often mimic wizard or druid
spells, but they come into effect at will.

Like faerie dragons, faerie drakes can
become invisible at will. They also have
120? infravision and very keen senses of
smell. These drakes are very fond of
swimming, diving, and fishing; one can
stay submerged and active for up to three
turns, or twice that if inactive. While
submerged, they move through the water
with great speed and maneuverability.
They are even more at home in the air,
being able to hover and dart about. Faerie
drakes are omnivores and enjoy fish,
berries, and small-animal meat. They
usually mate for life. If encountered in a
lair, there is a 10% chance that 1-4 faerie
drake eggs are concealed in the nest.

Table 5
Faerie Dragons'<Drakes'> Ages and Spells                                                                                                                                                                                      Mage Spells                        Druid Spells
Belly Magic resistance Age Hit dice C 1 2 3 C 1 2 3
Red 20% Very young 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Red-orange 25% Young 2+2 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0
Orange 30% Sub-adult 2+4 4 0 0 0 4 1 0 0
Yellow 35% Young adult 3 4 1 0 0 4 2 1 0
Green 40% Adult 3+2 4 2 0 0 4 3 2 0
Blue-green 45% Old 3+4 4 3 1 0 5 4 2 0
Blue 55% Very old 4 5 4 2 0 5 5 3 0
Violet 60% Ancient 5 5 5 2 1 5 5 4 1

Table 6
Faerie Drakes' Attacks and  Immunities
Body color Breath weapon's type and frequency Breath weapon's shape and dimensions Attack type immunity
Black Acid, 3 X /day Line shaped, 1/2" X 40' Acid
Blue Electric bolt, 3 X /day Line shaped, 1" X 30' Electricity
Brass Fear gas, 4 X /day Cloud shaped, see below Poison
Bronze Repulsion, 5 X /day Cloud shaped, see below Electricity
Copper Slow venom, 5 X /day Line shaped, 1/2" X 40' Acid
Gold Fire or chlorine gas, 3 X /day Cone shaped, see below Fire and poison
Green Chlorine gas, 3 X /day Cone shaped, see below Poison
Red Fire, 3 X /day Cone shaped, see below Fire
Silver Frost Cone, 3 X /day <mistake?> Cone shaped, see below Cold
White Paralyzing gas, 3 X /day <mistake?> Cloud shaped, see below Cold

Breath weapon notes:
Line shaped: This breath weapon starts at the creature’s mouth and stretches out toward the target in a straight line. Each type of
this breath weapon has its own diameter and range as shown. Diameters are given in real inches.

Cloud shaped: This breath weapon billows forth from the drake’s mouth to form a 5’ X 5’ cloud, 2’ high, around its target.

Cone shaped: This breath weapon begins at the drake’s mouth (here, the cloud is ¼” in diameter) and spreads out to 3’ wide at its
end. The cone-shaped cloud is 8’ long.

Table 7
Faerie Drakes' Innate Defenses
Wing markings Special powers Duration or level of abilities
Black Obscurement, 3 X /day As per druid spell at 5th level of ability
Blue Blink, 3 X /day As per mage spell at 5th level of ability
Brass Mirror image, 3 X/day As per mage spell at 5th level of ability
Bronze Scare, 3 X/day As per mage spell at 5th level of ability
Copper Entangle, 4 X/day As per druid spell at 5th level of ability
Gold Polymorph Self, 2 X/day As per mage spell at 5th level of ability
Green Regeneration, perm. 1 hp/six turns
Red Haste, 1 X/day As per mage spell at 7th level of ability
Silver Gaseous form, 2 X/day As per potion, with a duration equal to the faerie dragons'<x> hit dice in turns
White Control temperature, 3 X/day As per druid spell at 6th level of ability

Crystal Drake Demon Drake - Faerie Drake Shadow Drake
Dragon Dragon 146 - Find Familiar  Monster Manual III