Crystal Drake
By David E. Cates

FREQUENCY:  Very rare
MOVE:  9?/18?  (MC: A)
HIT DICE:   See  Table 1
% IN LAIR:  20%
NO. OF ATTACKS:   1  bite and 2 claws
DAMAGE/ATTACK:  See  Table 1
SPECIAL ATTACKS:  Minor breath weapon,
up to major spell use
SPECIAL DEFENSES:  Spell immunities,
magic resistance, high intelligence,
ethereal travel, special minor powers
from eating gems, up to major spell use
INTELLIGENCE:  Low  to high
ALIGNMENT.  Chaotic good
SIZE: S  (see  Table 1)
    Speaking:  90%
    Magic use:  50%
    Sleeping:  30%
LEVEL/XP VALUE:  Up to VI/775 + 6 per
hit point (maximum age and abilities)

This nomadic offshoot of the faerie
dragon prefers caves and caverns in uncivilized deserts for its lairs, but lone wanderers may be found in any clime, especially
near gem deposits. Some clans led by
ancient crystal drakes have found their
ways into the plane of elemental Earth,
where they seek gems.

Crystal drakes are noted for their scintillating, crystal-like hides, and some unscrupulous hunters trap and kill these
wondrous creatures to gain their skins.
Crystal drake hides are popular in many
lands and make beautiful leather apparel
that flashes and sparkles in the light. Even
lands that have outlawed the sale of crystal drake hides usually have buyers for
these illegal goods. An unmarred hide
from a mature, adult crystal drake brings
as much as 1,000 gp. The crystal drake?s
hide is the prime component of a  robe of
scintillating colors,  but such hides must be
specially gathered and treated to be used
for this purpose. The same hide that
causes these miniature dragons to be
hunted also gives them an unusually low
armor class and immunity to many spells.

Though crystal drakes enjoy a good joke,
they play their tricks only when they will
not bring attention to their lairs. They
often spy upon a passing group of intelligent creatures known to be carrying
gems; if they satisfy themselves that the
creatures are safe to trade with, these
drakes might offer to trade gold and other
items for jewels. This trading always takes
place some distance from their lairs, as
crystal drakes have learned to be very
wary of travelers?even friendly ones.

Crystal drakes can spit acid four times a
day. They expel this acid with great force
and accuracy (gaining a +4 to hit). This
acid does double damage against creatures
or objects composed of earth, stone, or
crystal (see Table 1).

All ancient crystal drakes are known to
have the ability to go ethereal once per
week, and they have the ability to transport up to four of their clan members
with them. These ancient drakes often use
this ability to travel to and forage on the
plane of elemental Earth, as well as to
escape capture or worse.

Because of the nature of crystal-drake
hides and their inherent magical abilities,
some spells behave in an odd manner
when used against such a creature. Color
spray, energy drain, hypnotic pattern,
lightning and other electrical attacks like
shocking grasp, and sunray spells are
instantly reflected back upon the caster.
Magic missiles are reflected back to the
caster only if the drake makes a saving
throw vs. wands, harming the drake if the
saving throw is failed. Eyebite, prismatic
sphere, prismatic spray, prismatic wall,
and rainbow pattern spells have no effect
on the drakes. Light and continual light
spells cannot blind them—however, these
latter two spells, if successfully cast on a
crystal drake, blind anyone within 20’
who fails a saving throw vs. spells. This
blindness lasts 2-12 rounds.

Crystal drakes are very fond of jewels,
gems, and crystals. They each have two
cheek pouches, much like hamsters, in
which they can store up to four gems.
Their senses of smell and taste are very
keen, and they can actually sense the
presence of precious stones within 10’.
Indeed, crystals, gems, and jewels are a
necessary part of a crystal drake’s diet.
Each drake must consume at least 5 gp of
gems per week, or its hide loses its crystalline sheen and the powers associated with
it. A crystal drake loses one point of armor
class per week without the diet of gems,
down to a minimum of AC 5. Once its
proper diet is reestablished, it gains its
armor class back at the same rate. For
each week without a gem diet, there is a
cumulative 25% chance that its spellreflecting power will not function. After
one month without eating the required
amount of gemstones, the crystal drake’s
immunity to the spells given above is lost,
and its hide becomes a dull gray. Even if
the specific spell immunity is lost, the
crystal drake still retains its natural resistance to magic.

Ingesting certain gemstones has strange
effects upon crystal drakes. They are
aware of these effects and often carry
some of these gems in their mouth
pouches for emergencies. For a gemstone
to affect a crystal drake, a minimum
amount of that particular gem must be
consumed. These gems and effects are
given in Table 3. Only one of these gem
effects can be in effect at one time. If a
new gem is ingested before the effects of
the last gem is over, the prior effects are

Crystal drakes speak their own language, their alignment tongue, and
1-4 other languages, as chosen by
the DM.

Table 1
Crystal Drakes' Statistics
Crystal drake age Length Hit dice Bite damage Claw damage Breath weapon Base AC
Very young 1' 1/3<?> 1 0 0 7
Young 1'6" 1 1-2 0 1 6
Sub-adult 1'9" 1+3 1-3 0 1-2 5
Young adult 2' 2 1-4 1 1-3 4
Adult 2'3" 3 1-6 1 1-4 3
Old 2'6" 4 1-6 1-2 1-6 2
Very old 2'6" 5 2-8 1-3 2-8 1
Ancient 2'6" 5+3 2-8 1-4 2-8 0

Table 2
Crystal Drakes' Spell Abilities
Crystal drake age Magic resistance Wizard level Cleric level Druid level Illusionist level
Very young 5% 0 0 0 0
Young 10% * ** *** ****
Sub-adult 12% 1 1 1 1
Young adult 15% 2 2 2 2
Adult 20% 3 3 3 3
Old 25% 4 4 4 4
Very old 30% 5 5 5 5
Ancient 35% 6 6 6 6

* At this age, the crystal drake may use four magic-user (wizard) cantrips, as per Unearthed Arcana.

* * At this age, the crystal drake may use four clerics’ orisons, as per DRAGON® issue #108, “Cantrips for Clerics.”

* * * At this age, the crystal drake may use four druidical orisons, as per DRAGON issue #108, “Cantrips for Clerics,” and issue #119, “Cantrips for Druids—Naturally.”

* * * * At this age, the crystal drake may use four illusionist cantrips, as per Unearthed Arcana.

Table 3
Crystal Drakes' Spell Gem Powers
Gemstone Type Min. gp when consumed Effect and duration
Alexandrite 100 Adds +2 to saving throws for one turn
Amber 100 Grants immunity to disease for 3 rounds, or cures same
Amethyst 100 Grants immunity to paralysis and poison for 1 turn, or cures same
Beryl 100 Improves armor class by two steps for 1 turn
Carbuncle 100 Allows use of polymorph self into dragon form 10 X larger in size, once per week
Chrysoprase 100 Grants improved invisibility  (as per the illusionist spell) for 2-8 rounds
Coral 100 Grants immunity to insanity for 10 turns, or cures same
Hematite 10 Heals 1-4 hp damage, up to four times per day
Jacinth 250 Grants a + 1 on all saving throws and armor class for 2-8 hours
Jasper 50 Grants +4 to saving throws vs. poison for 1 turn, or allows for a new saving throw at
+ 4 if consumed after eater was poisoned
Lapis Lazuli 50 Adds + 1 to to-hit scores for 1 turn
Peridot 250 Adds +4 to all saving throws for 1 turn
Ruby 100 Adds + 2 to saving throws, and acts as a luckstone, for 1 turn
Sapphire 250 Allows the casting of known spells only as if one level higher, only once per day
Topaz 250 Creates a minor globe of invulnerability  around the eater for 1 turn

Note:  See the 1st Edition Dungeon Masters Guide, pages 26-27, for the possible effects of other consumed gems.

Crystal Drake Demon Drake - Faerie Drake Shadow Drake
Dragon Dragon 146 - Find Familiar  Monster Manual III