More  feather  tokens
by Edward J. Greenwood

Some newly discovered forms of  Quaal’s Feather Tokens are described below. 
Each token is usable but once.
Dragon - Magic Items - Dragon 54
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A token which forms a magical bridge of force (cf.  Wall of
force),  spanning any gap of 67” or less. Duration: 1 day (or less
upon command of the user of the token).
Experience point value: 500
Gold piece sale value: 5,000

A token which upon command forms a container that will
appear as a silvery chest about a foot square. Any volume of
material can be placed in this chest, so long as it can be passed
through the chest’s top (one square foot in area) and does not
exceed 666 pounds in weight. The chest, which will last for one
day, is watertight and airtight (unless the one using the token
wishes otherwise) and always seems to weigh about five
pounds, even when filled to its weight capacity. If the chest is
dropped or thrown, it will drift very slowly through the air and
come to rest gently.

Living things may be placed in the chest, but it will hold only
one living thing at a time, regardless of weight. Anyone within
the chest can control his supply of air and water despite the
wishes of anyone outside the chest— even the person using the
token -and can see out of the chest as though it were transpar-
ent. The chest is in no way a prison, although it may only be
opened from the outside by someone who touches the token
while the command word is uttered. From within, the chest may
at any time be “passed through” and exited. This ability applies
to anything having full awareness and any degree of locomo-
tion, no matter how feeble. Thus, intelligent dancing swords, for
example, could leave such a chest at will. Items in a chest when it
vanishes at the end of a day will vanish with it.
    Experience point value: 1,000
    Gold piece sale value: 5,000

A token which causes the holder to appear richly garbed,
lordly and wise. This illusion last for one full day, or less than
that if the token leaves the user’s hand. Other beings will view
the token-holder as a great personage, leader, or ruler, and will
tend to respect him or her. They may also, of course, decide to
seize or attack such a rich prize.
    Experience point value: 1,000
    Gold piece sale value: 2,000

A token which creates a burst of flame on impact, when a 
command word is spoken and it is thrown. If used as a weapon,
the fireburst will do 2-8 points of damage to each creature or
character in a 1” radius area around the blast. The flame can
ignite flammable materials (such as cloth or wood) even in
extreme cold or high winds, or when the material is wet, frozen,
or otherwise fire-resistant; such a fire, unless quenched by mag-
ical means, will last for one full day, regardless of the amount of
material, or less if so commanded by the user of the token. A
sudden, hard impact upon the token (such as that caused by a
blow or fall) within 1 round after the command word has been
uttered will set the fireburst off.
    Experience point value: 500
    Gold piece sale value: 2,000

A token which grows from a miniature blade to a full-sized
steel weapon, enabling the owner of the token to perhaps
smuggle a weapon in where it is normally forbidden. The full-
sized sword will last for 4 turns, and then it vanishes. This token
is highly prized by assassins. (Magic-users and clerics cannot,
of course, fight with the sword.)
    Experience point value: 1,000
    Gold piece sale value: 6,000

A token which causes miniature wings to appear on all solid
objects (including living things) in a 2” radius sphere about its
point of activation. These act as a  Feather Fall  spell; beings so
affected cannot manueuver in the air, however, without other
means (e.g.  Telekinesis),  but will merely fall slowly straight
down. The wings will disappear from each affected object when
it touches the ground or is grabbed out of mid-air by a character
or creature.
    Experience point value: 1,000
    Gold piece sale value: 6,000

This token, activated by grinding it underfoot, lets the user
take the form of a tree rooted to  the ground at that spot. The tree
will blend perfectly with surrounding trees with regard to type
and size, and it will seem like a normal tree to all examinations
short of a Wish  or  Limited Wish. However, when struck with a
weapon the bleed as the user would normally.

Unlike the druidic Tree  spell, anyone assuming tree-form by
the use of this token loses awareness of self and surroundings,
lapsing into a dreamlike state. He or she will remain so until 7-84
(7d12) days have elapsed, or until cumulative damage of more
than half of the owner’s hit points (at the time of the token’s use)
has been suffered. Awakening from the trance and returning to
normal shape takes one round. All clothing, accoutrements, and
paraphernalia change shape with the user, and are hidden by
the token’s magic so that  Locate Object  or Detect Magic  (in the
case of magical items) and similar magics will not reveal them.
    Experience point value: 1,000
    Gold piece sale value: 5,000

When this token is fitted over one eye, the object instantly
confers upon the user the power of  True Seeing  (cf. the spell),
save that the aura (and thus, nature) of a creature is not visible.
The token vanishes when its powers are transmitted, and all of
the token’s effects last for 2 turns.

Creatures of less than 8 hit dice employing the Eye may look
upon a Prismatic Sphere without harm, and so on. Symbols are
clearly visible, and will not be triggered by the gaze of the token
user, although they are in no way negated and will take effect
upon touch, the gaze of others, etc. (cf.  Symbol  spell). Similarly,
the user is immune to the confusion effects of a creature’s gaze
(e.g. umber hulk).

Alternatively, this token can be used to cure blindness in any
one eye, merely by placing it upon the afflicted orb.
    Experience Point Value: 1,000
    Gold piece sale value: 7,000

When this token is pointed at any visible location and the word
“There!” is spoken, the user will be teleported instantly to the
location desired. This one-shot  Teleport  is limited in range by
direct visibility, and has no chance of error. The user may
choose any location — mid-air, a window, a treetop or minaret
— and will safely arrive there, along with all that he or she was
wearing and holding.
    Experience point value: 500
    Gold piece sale value: 1,000

This token, when touched to a wall, gate, or door, will permit
passage. Through walls, the token will open a passage 4 feet
wide by 6 feet high by 10 feet deep (cf. Passwall). Through gates,
the Key will eat away (in the manner of an acid) a 4-foot-
diameter round opening with the lower edge touching the floor, 
so that one may crawl through. The token will unlock, unspike,
unbar, and unchain any door, negating any traps on it and also
negating spells such as Wizard Lock  and Hold Portal.  The  Key
would not negate or trigger a Glyph of Warding or a Symbol, but
would reveal its presence, causing the rune-or inscription to
glow. so that one may crawl through. The token will unlock, unspike,
unbar, and unchain any door, negating any traps on it and also
negating spells such as Wizard Lock  and Hold Portal.  The  Key
would not negate or trigger a Glyph of Warding or a Symbol, but
would reveal its presence, causing the rune-or inscription to

In all three cases the Key takes one round to make an opening,
and the opening will be permanent, remaining until physically
repaired, blocked up, etc.
    Experience point value: 500
    Gold piece sale value: 7,000

This token will upon command metamorphose into a pitcher
from which will pour clean, drinkable water for 8 rounds,
enough to fill a volume of 4 cubic feet. Once begun, the stream is
unstoppable, and the  Jug  will dissolve into water droplets and
join the tail of the waterflow.

A small number (5%) of these tokens pour holy water, and  5%
give forth unholy water, but only when used by those of good or
evil alignment respectively. A “special” jug will simply produce
normal water when used by an owner of an improper alignment.

    Experience point value: 500
    Gold piece sale value: 2,500

This token, when placed against a door, will adhere to it and
when commanded will close and seal the door with a  Wizard
Lock of power as if it had been cast by a 7th level magic-user. If
placed in an archway or open portal (not more than 6” wide), it
will upon command  Web  the passageway closed if firm anchor
points for the web exist.

If thrown upon or touched to (successful “to hit” roll required)
any one being or monster, it will serve as a Hold spell of 9 rounds 
duration. Creatures so touched can make a saving throw by
rolling their number of hit dice or less on d20. (“Number of hit
dice” is computed by adding one die for each four additional hit
points, as per the saving-throw procedure described in the
Dungeon Masters Guide.) Creatures existing on more than one
plane gain +3 on their saving throws. Undead cannot be held by
this token. Flying creatures so held will hang motionless in
midair and will not fall.

A  Bind  may also be placed on, or just under, a horizontal
surface (ground, stone floor, step, etc.), and will Slow for 9
rounds the first being to step or pass upon, or exactly over, it. 

    Experience point value: 1,600
    Gold piece sale value: 6,000

This token will upon command metamorphose into a plate of a
familiar, hearty meal. A plate replenishes itself until 4-16 people
are fed. The meal keeps warm and palatable of itself, and can be
covered and carried for long periods and distances without
spoiling. The plate is edible, too: A single bite of it neutralizes all
poisons in the eater’s body, dissolves rot grubs harmlessly and
cures the rotting disease of a mummy, the only disease it affects.
    Experience point value: 750
    Gold piece sale value: 5,000

This token can be a stone of any small size, although it is
typically found as a white, round pebble. When thrown or slung,
it becomes a large rock and strikes as a +2 weapon. Such mis-
siles are of the following diameters:

Dice roll Diameter (in.) Damage caused
01-05 4 1-4
06-15 8 2-8
16-30 12 3-12
31-70 16 3-18
71-85 20 4-24
86-95 24 4-32
96-00 28 5-40

Creatures struck are entitled to saving throws — at +1 if rigidly
armored and/or with a ready shield, and with dexterity bonuses
also applying — and, if this save is made, damage is halved (a
glancing blow). The size of missile produced by this token is not
usually known until the token is thrown. The thrown missile
shatters upon impact, and the shards vaporize immediately.

Ten percent of these tokens are a special form: the Avalanche.
This token will cause a rockslide if thrown or slung against a
rocky slope or mountainside. The area affected and resulting
damage are not under the direct control of the user of the token.
If such a token is thrown or slung as a normal weapon, it strikes
at +2 to hit, but splits in mid-air into a hail of 2-24 (2d12) 4”
diameter stones, each of which does 1-4 points of damage. (If
the “to hit” roll is successful,  all  of these missiles will hit the
    Experience point value: 500
    Gold piece sale value: 2,000