Poison: The toxins of Cerilon
by Larry DiTillio
Swallowed poisons (Notes) Insinuative poisons (Notes) Special toxins Contact poisons (Notes) Non-damaging poisons (Notes)
Poison dosage General notes on poisons - - Poison

Previous articles in DRAGON™ magazine
on the use of poison have been helpful.
But those essays did not examine
some essential aspects of poison for the
DM who wants a variety of toxins in his or
her game.

The most significant omission is how
long a poison takes to affect its victim
and how long it will it continue to do so.
Neutralize poison is the only spell
of Heal) which will prevent further
damage. Slow poison simply delays the
effects — however, without guidelines
for the action of a particular poison once
it’s inside a victim, these spells are difficult
to adjudicate properly.
I created a wide variety of poisons for
my Cerilon campaign, delineating each
by smell and appearance and describing
how long each takes to affect the victim
and run its course. By using guidelines
such as these, a wily DM can now accu-

rately play the effects of the poisonbane
In such a system, there is more suspense
for players; sometimes only at
great expense, or at the risk of bodily
harm, can they determine the true nature
of a poison. But once they become familiar
with the “give-away” scents and appearances
of the various toxins, this
knowledge will stand them in good stead
throughout the rest of their adventuring.

Below is a list and description of spe
cially created ingestive and insinuative
poisons, contact poisons, and some toxins
that are designed not to kill but merely
provide means for capturing or slowing
down parties. Each toxin has a base
damage rate, to be used in one of two
ways: A) Roll for damage once and divide
the result by the number of rounds
or turns it takes the poison to run its
course; or B) Continue rolling the base
damage for every round or turn the poison
is in effect. Method B makes poisons
much deadlier, and if used at all it should
only be employed for the heavier poisons
(types C and D). Most of the poisons
allow saving throws, usually for
either no damage or half damage. If a
particular poison seems too deadly or
not deadly enough, just fiddle around
with the numbers to your satisfaction.
You might also wish to allow saving
throws in each round or turn the poison
is still in effect.

Swallowed poisons
Type A

YAKSA: White liquid or powder, smells
like cherries. Does 4-32 damage (4d8),
starting 1-8 rounds after ingestion, runs
its course in 1-4 turns. Save for no damage,
made at +2.

THRUM: Light bluish liquid, smells like
sour lemon. Does 6-36 (6d6) damage,
starts in 1-4 rounds, runs its course in 1-3
turns. Save for half damage.

BRAYLOCK: Odorless, syrupy amber
liquid. Does 5-40 (5d8) damage, starts in
1-2 rounds, runs its course in 1 turn.
Save for half damage, made at -1.

CUPH: Clear liquid, smells like pineapple.
Does 4-24 (4d6), starts in 1-6 rounds,
runs its course in 1-8 turns. Save for no
damage, made at +1.

NIBON: Odorless, colorless liquid. Does
6-48 (6d8), starts in 1 round, runs its
course in 1 turn. Save for half damage,
made at -4.

TUBON: Pale yellow liquid or powder,
smells like ripe melon. Does 5-30 (5d6),
starts in 1-10 rounds, runs its course in
1-6 turns. Save for half damage, made at

Type B

KOLAS: Thick, brown liquid, smells like
roses. Does 8-48 (8d6), starts in 1-3
turns, runs its course in 1-6 turns. Save
for half damage, made at -2.

BREEK: Odorless, colorless liquid. Does
5-40 (5d8), starts in 1-8 rounds, runs its
course in 1-4 turns. Save for no damage.

JIMA: Light red powder or liquid, smells
Iike papaya. Does 8-48 (8d6), starts in
1-10 rounds, runs its course in 1-3 turns.
Save for half damage, made at -3.

LOMAT: Odorless and colorless powder
or liquid. Does 5-50 (5d10), starts in 1-6
turns, runs its course in 1-4 turns. Save
for half damage, made at -2.

FRIN: Pale green liquid or powder, smells
like green apples. Does 3-30 (3d10),
starts in 1-3 rounds, runs its course in 1-8
rounds. Save for no damage.

AJIDA: Odorless and colorless liquid.
Does 5-60 (5d12), starts in 1-6 rounds,
runs its course in 1-3 turns. Vision grows
dim after victim takes 10 points of damage,
continues to dim until 30 points is
taken, at which time victim is functionally
blind. Only a Cure blindness spell will
neutralize this effect. If blindness does
not occur, victim’s vision will clear in 2-5
turns. Save for half damage, made at -4.

Type C
GALAS: Pale blue liquid or powder,
smells like horse sweat. Does 4-40
(4d10), starts in 1-3 rounds, runs its
course in 2 turns. Save for no damage.

TRIF: Odorless, light gold liquid. Does
5-60 (5d12), starts in 1-4 turns, runs its
course in 1-12 rounds. Reduces victim’s
DEX by 2 points for every 10 points
of damage taken. This is only restored by
rest. Save for half damage, made at -2.

SILVER LOTUS: Light silver liquid or
powder, smells like lotus flower. Does
7-42 (7d6), starts in 1-2 turns, runs its
course in 1-6 turns. Reduces victim’s
constitution by 1 point for every 10
points of damage taken. System shock
roll required for every point lost; failure
means instant death. Constitution points
can only be restored by REST. Save for
half damage.

BLACK MEAD: Clear liquid or gel, smells
like honey. Does 10-80 (10d8), starts in 1
round, runs its course in 15 rounds.
Causes disorientation (-2 to hit, damage,
30% chance of spell failing) after 20
points of damage are taken; disorientation
increases in 10-point steps thereafter
(additional -1 to hit, additional 5%
chance of spell failure). This effect wears
off 1-3 turns after poison runs its course.
Save for half damage, made at -4.

Type D
DEVIL—ALE: Odorless liquid, very light
orange color. Does flat 60 points of damage,
sets in 1-3 rounds after ingestion,
runs its course in 2-5 (d4 + 1) turns. No
saving throw: antidote is only hope.

KUMBA: Odorless and colorless liquid.
Starts in 1-6 rounds, death follows 1
round thereafter. Save for no damage,
made at -3. Failed saving throw means

TYLATCH: Clear liquid, smells like sandalwood.
Starts in 1 round, runs its
course in 6 turns, doing 10 points of
damage per turn. Victim falls instantly
asleep, cannot be awakened. Save for
half damage, made at -2. If the victim
survives, he will awaken after the 6-turn

VEDYA: Pale purple liquid or powder,
smells like raisins. Does 10-100 (10d10),
starts in 1-6 turns, runs its course over a
period of 1-6 days (assess appropriate
points of damage each day, dividing total
into one-hour increments). Agonizing,
very slow death. No saving throw.

powder made from mold spores; when
mixed with liquid, it poisons just as yellow
mold does. Save for no damage; failure
means death, as per yellow mold.
MUFA: Odorless, colorless liquid. Starts
in 1-10 rounds, throws victim into painful,
twisting convulsions, then does 15
points of damage per round until victim
dies. Convulsions have a 50% chance of
causing an extra 1-6 points of damage in
each round. No saving throw.

GURCH: Dark green liquid or powder,
smells like wax. Starts in 1 round, does a
flat 75 points of damage over 1-10 turns.
Very painful; victim disabled after taking
15 points damage, cannot walk, fight,
barely able to talk. Save for half damage,
made at -4.

PRAKA: Small, blue-and-white speckled
pellets. Starts in 1-4 rounds, does 20
points damage per round until death.
Causes vivid, monstrous hallucinations;
25% chance of permanent insanity if victim
somehow survives. Save in each
round for half damage, made at -5, but
still eventually fatal.

Notes on swallowed poisons
These poisons do no harm unless
swallowed. Some have telltale signs,
others do not. However, even the telltale
signs may be masked if the poison is
placed in a drink of similar smell or taste
(e.g., Yaksa in cherry brandy). A successful
saving throw generally indicates
the poison has lost some or all of its
potency or effectiveness.

Type D poison is almost always fatal.
Antidotes are generally geared to a specific
type of poison (A, B, C, or D). However,
there is a 10% chance that a type C
antidote will cure types A and B, a 25%
chance that type D antidote will cure A,
B, and C, and a 5% chance that a type B
antidote will cure Type A. No “lower”
poison antidote will cure a higher type.

Most of these poisons are fairly rare, or
at the very least difficult to get. Poisons
will affect monsters thusly: Type A will
work on any humanoid up to 4 HD,
type B up to 5 hit dice, type C up to 7 hit
dice, and type D up to 10 hit dice. Trolls,
orcs, ogres, etc., are considered humanoids
and can be affected by these poisons.
Most swallowed poison will not
work on dragons, hydras, grey ooze, or
other non-human type creatures.

Insinuative poisons
Type A

TROLLSBLOOD: Grayish-green liquid.
Does 4-32 (4d8), starts in 1-4 rounds,
runs its course in 1-6 rounds. Save for no

KOTRA: Clear, oily fluid. Does 5-30
(5d6), acts in 1 round, runs its course in
1-10 rounds. Save for half damage, made
at -1.

STIRGE SWEAT: Brownish, sap-like liquid.
Does 6-24 (6d4), starts in 2-6 (d4 + 2)
rounds, runs its course in 2-8 (2d4)
rounds. Save for no damage.

Type B
TEKO: Light blue oil. Does 4-32 (4d8),
starts in 1 round, runs its course in 1-3
rounds. Save for half damage, made at

AYALA: Scarlet fluid. Does 4-24 (4d6),
starts in 2 rounds, runs its course in 1-3
rounds. Save for half damage, made at

BLUE LOTUS: Topaz-colored gel. Does
5-30 (5d6), starts in 1-4 rounds, runs its
course in 1-8 rounds. Paralysis sets in
after 15 points of damage, wears off in
1-3 turns if victim survives. Save for half
damage, made at -2.

PINK LIGHTNING: Pinkish fluid. Does
5-20 (5d4), starts in 1-6 rounds, runs its
course in 1-3 rounds. Save for half damage,
made at -4.

Type C

DREAM JUICE: Green, black, or white
fluid. Does 3-24 (3d8), sets in immediately,
runs its course in 1-10 rounds. Causes
victim to fall down, become catatonic,
and have vivid, pleasant dreams while
dying. Save for no damage.

SILVER LIGHTNING: Silvery liquid. Does
5-40 (5d8), sets in immediately, runs its
course in 1-6 rounds. Save for half damage,
made at -3.

VILMAT: Clear, oily fluid. Does 6-36
(6d6), starts in 3-7 (d4 + 3) rounds, runs
its course in 1 turn. Reduces intelligence
by 1 point for each 6 points of damage
taken. This loss is permanent (restoration
necessary). Save for half damage.

CHAK: White, chalky fluid. Does 2-16
(2d8), starts in 1 round, runs its course in
1-3 rounds. Reduces DEX by 1 point
for each 4 points of damage taken. As
with Vilmat, this loss is permanent (restoration
needed). Save for no damage,
made at -5.

Notes on insinuative poisons
These are in general more fast-acting
than swallowed (ingestive) toxins. Coating
a blade with venom must be done
fairly close to its use. When a sword is
sheathed after being envenomed, there
is a 50% chance the venom will be
rubbed off, and a 75% chance the venom
will be partially rubbed away.

Blade venom wears off after three hits.
The first hit does full damage, the second
hit half damage, and the third hit
one-fourth normal damage. After that,
venom must be reapplied. Blunt weapons
may not be envenomed unless the
weapon has some sort of spike for injecting
the poison.

Most of these poisons will be encountered
in needle traps, or spread on darts
or arrows. Type A will affect humanoid
monsters up to 3 + 2 hit dice, Type B up
to 5 + 2, Type C up to 7 hit dice. None will
appreciably affect non-human monsters.
Normal animals will be affected 50% of
the time.

Special toxins
DEATHWINE: Odorless, burgundy-colored
liquid. Could be mistaken for wine.
May be used both ways, as blade venom
or as a swallowed poison. It is tremendously
lethal. A saving throw is allowed,
at -5; if it fails, death occurs in 1 round. If
the save is made, the victim still takes 25
points of damage, 12 in one round and
the other 13 in the subsequent round. An
antidote must be administered within 6
segments of the poison’s introduction
into the system or it is useless. Deathwine
and jts antidote are exceedingly
rare. The poison affects any humanoid,
even trolls and the like, but no other type
of monster.

LUPTAK: A nerve toxin that may be injected,
or can be rendered into gas. It
appears to affect DEX, causing the
victim to stumble, fall down, be unable to
fight, cast spells, etc.; however, it does
no direct damage. There is a 50% chance
of a victim taking physical damage from
a fall while affected by the toxin, and a
victim who is poisoned during melee
would be quite helpless. Its effects last
from 3-6 (d4 + 2) turns. Save for no effect.

Contact poisons
WITCHHAND: A clear liquid, almost impossible
to detect. Upon contact with
flesh, it does 3-24 (3d8), starts in 1-4
rounds, runs its course in 1-10 rounds.
Save for no damage.

DARKSNAKE: Reddish powder, leaves a
pale red discoloration on flesh or other
surface when applied. Does 4-24 (4d6)
starts in 1 round, runs its course in 1-3
turns. Save for half damage, made at -1.

BULUKA: Bluish, paint-like substance.
Touch does 3-30 (3d10), starts in 1-6
rounds, runs its course in 1 turn. Save for
half damage, made at -2. Leaves a
discoloration after being applied.

GOLDEN FOOL: Gold powder. Touch
does 4-48 (4d12), starts in 1 round, runs
its course in 1-8 rounds. Save for half
damage, made at -3. Undetectable when
used on golden-colored objects; otherwise
it leaves a pale gold discoloration
when applied.

Note on contact poisons
All contact poisons must be touched
by bare flesh, and do not affect monsters
larger than 2 HD. Generally, something
treated with such a poison will affect
only the first toucher.

Non-damaging poisons
These substances are designed to render
victims helpless rather than kill them.

CHAYAPA: A blue liquid, used on arrows,
darts, needles, sometimes in daggers
of venom. It must be injected, and
works only on humanoids (i.e., characters),
never on a monster of any type.
Chayapa smells like mulberries, sets in
immediately. Its effect is to cause deep
sleep for 3-7 (d4 + 2) rounds. It works
even on elves. Save for no effect.

MORPHUS: A clear, citrus-smelling liquid.
Victims sleep for 1-6 turns after
breathing fumes for round. Morphus is
used like chloroform for abductions and
the like, and is a potent gas as well when
mixed properly. Works on elves. Save for
no effect, made at -2.

GHOUL SWEAT: A scummy green gel,
used like Chayapa. Smells like rotten
meat. Its effect is to paralyze for 5-10 (d6
+ 4) rounds. It acts immediately. Save for
no effect, made at +1.

FLYDANCE: A green, odorless liquid.
Can be made into a gas, otherwise used
as Chayapa. Acts in 1-3 rounds; causes
convulsions that knock the victim off his
feet and cause him to shake and twitch
around. Lasts for 1-6 rds. Save for no
effect, made at +2.

OPIA: A brown powder with a honey/almond
smell. When drunk (it dissolves in
liquid instantly) it causes blindness within
1-6 rounds This is temporary, lasting
1-10 rounds. Save for no effect.

Notes on non-damaging poisons
None of these substances work on
monsters. However, Chayapa, Morphus
and the others of similar type will work
on normal mammals, such as wolves,
apes, and bears. In such cases, the effect
will come on more slowly than in a mansized
creature; a large victim such as an
ape or a bear will be affected after 3-9 (d6
+2) rounds.

Poison dosage
A “dose” will always indicate the
amount of the poison or drug necessary
to affect one creature; e.g., a three-dose
vial will be enough to affect three creatures
or one creature three times. Taking
more than one dose of a poison requires
a saving throw against each dose, and all
effects are cumulative.

An “application” indicates enough
poison to cover one sword or like weapon,
2 daggers. 3 spear heads, 5 arrows,
or 10 darts. Remember, blunt weapons
may not be envenomed.

Most liquid blade poisons will evaporate
within one hour after application if
exposed to the open air. All will generally
give a blade a slight discoloration or flat

General notes on all poisons
Characters are assumed to know nothing
about a poison until they have encountered
one. Poisons with a smell will
of course give hints, and all such poisons
sniffed at will be described as having
their characteristic smell, unless it is
somehow masked. A tiny sip of poison
type A or B will not do harm; a type C
poison has a 50% chance of taking effect
after a tiny sip; and a type D poison will
always do its damage no matter how
slight the taste.

A poisoned character will be aware he
is poisoned only when the toxin takes
effect. Symptoms can include a burning
sensation, queasy stomach, shortness of
breath, feverish feeling, shakes, coldness,
etc. The character will definitely
feel bad. A victim taking more than 20
points of poison damage will generally
have his “to hit” and damage rolls lowered
to simulate the effects of the poison,
say by -1 for every 10 points of damage
beyond the first 20.

Most of these poisons can be turned
into gaseous form by a knowledgeable
alchemist, but it is a dangerous and expensive
process. In gaseous form, a poison’s
effect is the same; however, all
saves are for no damage (simulating the
intended victim’s failure to breathe in a
good whiff before it dissipates). Poison
gas will usually be made from a swallowed
poison type, though this is not a
hard and fast rule.