Weights & Measures, Physical Appearance and Why Males are Stronger than Females; in D&D
by P.M. Crabaugh
Dragon - Races - Dragon 10

Nothing too ambitious. In one article, I hope to
provide a new way of handling encumberance, a way
of describing the physical appearance of your characters,
and — hopefully! — provide an equitable
and reasonable method ofhandling sexual differentiation.
Should space allow it, I will also give you
working blueprints for a warp drive and a one-page
synopsis of the Mind of God. Oh, well.

I’ll start off by saying that I borrowed some of
this from the Warlock rules printed in the Spartan,
#9 — the idea of a Size characteristic, at least. But
the concept is here heavily modified and made more
rational. (I hope.)

Size is an additional characteristic rolled on 3 sixsided
dice. In addition, all characters should also
roll Build on one six-sided, with a 1 indicating a
Light Build, a 2-5 meaning a normal build, and a 6
indicating a heavy build. Build is functional only for
human beings, but roll it up for non-humans anyway.
(I’ll get to that.)

Now that you have your Size and Build, and have
presumably chosen the sex of the character, you consult
the following tables for your height and weight.
Weight is given in pounds; one pound is presumed to
equal 10 GP.

HUMANS (male)
Size Height Weight (lt) Weight (mdm) Weight (hvy)
3 5-1 120 135 145
4 5-2 120 135 150
5 5-3 125 140 155
6 5-4 130 145 155
- - - - -
7 5-5 130 145 160
8 5-6 135 150 165
9 5-7 140 155 170
10 5-8 140 160 175
- - - - -
11 5-9 145 160 180
12 5-10 150 165 185
13 5-11 155 170 190
14 6-0 160 175 195
- - - - -
15 6-1 160 180 200
16 6-2 165 185 205
17 6-3 170 190 210
18 6-4 175 195 215

HUMANS (female)
Size Height Weight (lt) Weight (mdm) Weight (hvy)
3 4-10 100 110 120
4 4-11 105 115 125
5 5-0 105 115 130
6 5-1 110 120 130
- - - - -
7 5-2 110 125 135
8 5-3 115 125 140
9 5-4 115 130 140
10 5-5 120 130 145
- - - - -
11 5-6 120 135 150
12 5-7 125 140 155
13 5-8 130 145 155
14 5-9 130 145 160
- - - - -
15 5-10 135 150 165
16 5-11 140 155 170
17 6-0 145 160 175
18 6-1 150 165 185

ELVES (Male)
Size Height Weight
3 5-0 105
4 5-1 110
5 5-2 110
6 5-3 115
- - -
7 5-4 120
8 5-5 120
9 5-6 125
10 5-7 130
- - -
11 5-8 130
12 5-9 135
13 5-10 140
14 5'11 145
- - -
15 6-0 150
16 6-1 150
17 6-2 155
18 6-3 160

ELVES (Female)
Size Height Weight
3 4-11 95
4 5-0 95
5 5-1 100
6 5-2 100
- - -
7 5-3 105
8 5-4 105
9 5-5 110
10 5-6 110
- - -
11 5-7 115
12 5-8 120
13 5-9 120
14 5-10 125
- - -
15 5-11 130
16 6-0 135
17 6-1 140
18 6-2 145

HOBBIT (Males)
Size Height Weights
3 2-6 35
4 2-7 35
5 2-8 35
6 2-9 40
- - -
7 2-10 40
8 2-11 45
9 3-0 45
10 3-1 50
- - -
11 3-2 50
12 3-3 55
13 3-4 55
14 3-5 60
- - -
15 3-6 60
16 3-7 65
17 3-8 65
18 3-9 70

HOBBIT (Females)
Size Height Weight
3 2-4 30
4 2-5 30
5 2-6 30
6 2-7 35
- - -
7 2-8 35
8 2-9 35
9 2-10 40
10 2-11 40
- - -
11 3-0 45
12 3-1 45
13 3-2 50
14 3-3 50
- - -
15 3-4 55
16 3-5 55
17 3-6 60
18 3-7 60

Size Height Weight
3 4-0 85
4 4-1 90
5 4-2 95
6 4-3 100
- - -
7 4-4 105
8 4-5 110
9 4-6 115
10 4-7 120
- - -
11 4-8 125
12 4-9 130
13 4-10 135
14 4-11 140
- - -
15 5-0 145
16 5-1 150
17 5-2 155
18 5-3 160

DWARVES (Female)
Size Height Weight
3 4-0 80
4 4-1 85
5 4-2 90
6 4-3 95
- - -
7 4-4 100
8 4-5 105
9 4-6 110
10 4-7 115
- - -
11 4-8 120
12 4-9 125
13 4-10 130
14 4-11 135
- - -
15 5-0 140
16 5-1 145
17 5-2 150
18 5-3 155

Bonuses and Penalties: If a character has a Size
greater than or equal to 16, he may add 1 hit per die.
If it is less than or equal to 5, he may subtract 1 hit
per die. It is highly recommended that you calculate
armor weight as a fraction of body mass. Specifically,
leather armor weighs 15% of the body mass;
chain mail 30%; and plate mail 60%. The only other
mods are for being female: Females add 2 to their
Constitution score and 1 to their Dexterity score.

That and body mass are the only differences between
male and female. Before somebody throws a
rock, let me explain. As Jacob Bronowski pointed
out, as well as, no doubt, many others, there is remarkably
little difference between male and female
humans (the term is here extended to include the
Kindred Races), compared to the rest of the animal
kingdom. There is little physiological difference, no
psychological difference (Think about it. Consider <no psychological difference?>
that human societies have been both matriarchies
and patriarchies. Don’t let your own experience
blind you to history.), and so forth. (For example,
we are one of a ridiculously tiny number of species
that mate face-to-face, accenting the lack of difference.)
(Most of us, anyway.)

Therefore, rolling female strength with a six-sided
plus and eight-sided, or any other method that
causes gross differences to occur, must be rejected as
incorrect (Although you are free to include what you
want in your own fantasies, as the Kindly Editor has
pointed out.) Why have any differences at all?
Well . . .

At last count, the Constitution bonus should be
there because it happens to be true. The last reports I
saw showed that females are more resistant to Disease,
are better-suited to endurance events, and so
forth, than males — strongly suggesting a higher
Constitution. The Dexterity bonus is because I assume
that a somewhat lighter build overall, with associated
somewhat more slender fingers, would
make females more suited to picking locks and such
than us thick-fingered clods with facial hair.

<error in the PDF here>
Why not have every character female? Beca
a moment, I'm going to define carrying capac
terms of body mass, putting females at a di
tage.  It seems to me that there are really 2 ki
strength:  How well muscled a person is, in the
of how developed the musculature is, and
physical force, which is largely dependent on
The former seems to be to be reflected in
Strength characteristic, and females have no
penalty there; the latter should be reflected
Carrying Capacity.  (I myself am in terrible shap
but I weigh more than anyone else I know, a
and somewhere in that mass there are enoug
cles, however poorly developed, to cause me
the one used as a pack mule by my friends.)

To get on with it, to determine maximum ca
capacity, check your strength against the fol
table and find your multiple by race.  This m
is applied against your body weight to get your maximum
carrying capacity.

Strength Human Elf Dwarf Hobbit
3 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0
4 1.2 1.2 1.7 2.2
5 1.3 1.3 1.8 2.3
6 1.4 1.4 1.9 2.4
- - - - -
7 1.6 1.6 2.1 2.6
8 1.7 1.7 2.2 2.7
9 1.8 1.8 2.3 2.8
10 2.0 2.0 2.5 3.0
- - - - -
11 2.0 2.0 2.5 3.0
12 2.2 2.2 2.7 3.2
13 2.3 2.3 2.8 3.3
14 2.4 2.4 2.9 3.4
- - - - -
15 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.6
16 2.7 2.7 3.2 3.7
17 2.8 2.8 3.3 3.8
18 3.0 3.0 3.5 4.0

After you get through multiplying, you have the
maximum amount the character can carry and still
stagger along at speed 3. He can carry 1/2 the maxium
and move at speed 6; 1/3 at speed 9; and 1/2 at
speed 12.

That takes care of the functional distinctions.
Now, if you want to get a mental image of your
character, starting rolling on the following tables.  If an
image clicks before you reach the end, go ahead and
stop rolling -- although I suggest that you write
down the rest of the categories.  This can help your
identification with the character in question enormously,
I've found.  Note that these tables are intended
for humans, and work poorly to not at all for
non-humans.  I'm sorry, but I simply haven't seen
enough elves to be aware of the range of physical appearance
they have.

The first thing is Build -- which you already
rolled.  This does not only affect body mass, it can
affect appearance.  A Light build generally means
someone who would be described as "slender".  A
Heavy Build, well, for a Heavily Built male, think of
Conan.  For a Heavily Built female, think of Wonder

The rest is located on these tables:

Eyes (20-sided)
Die Color
1-7 Brown
8-13 Blue
14-17 Green
18-19 Steel-Gray
20 Golden

Hair (20-sided)
Die Color
1-8 Brown
9-10 Black
11-16 Blonde
17 White
18-19 Gray
20 Red

Hair Length (10-sided)
Male Female Length
1-5 1-2 Short (4")
6-9 3-7 Medium (8")
10 8-10 Long

Males have a 30% chance of
having a beard.

Skin (20-sided)
Die Complexion
1-2 Pale
4-6 Fair
7-11 Normal
12-14 Tanned
15-16 Dark
17-18 Black
19-20 Oriental

Voice (4-sided)
Die Pitch
1 High
2-3 Medium
4 Low

Handedness (2 six-sided)
Die Handedness
2 Ambidextrous
3-4 Left
5-12 Right

Habitual Expression (20-sided)
Die Expression
1-2 Carefree
3 Cynical
4-6 Neutral
7-8 Serious
9 Cold
10 Gentle
11 Angry
12 Preoccupied
13 Aloof
14 Puzzled
15-16 Frowning
17-18 Smiling
19 Aristocratic
20 Amused

Facial Features (6-sided, 20-sided)
Roll a six-sided and subtract two. If the result is positive,
the character has that many non-average facial features;
roll them up with the 20-sided. If two possibilities are given,
each has a 50% chance of occurring.
Die Feature
1 Large/Small Eyes
2 Sharp/Soft Features
3 Round/Narrow Face
4 High Forehead
5 High Cheekbones
6 Large/Small Nose
7 Large/Small Jaw
8 Large/Small Teeth
9 Full/Thin Lips
10 Epicanthic Fold
11 Large/Small Ears
12 Facial Scar
13 Freckles
14 Curly Hair
15 Upturned Eyebrows
16 Pointed Ears
17 Wide/Thin Nose
18 Overbite
19 Round/Narrow Eyes
20 Eyes Set Far Apart/Close Together

Put the rocks down again, if you read the Complexion
table. The reason that 16 out of 20 possibilities
are variations on caucasian is not that I think
that that represents the actual population-distribution;
it is because the literature of swords & sorcery
is primarily (but not entirely) concerned with caucasians.
You will note that some strange combinations
can turn up in appearance — e.g., blue eyes, white
hair, black skin, epicanthic folds. If you don’t like
them, rule them invalid. Personally, I like the variety.
Carbon-copy people are dull.

Probably the best way to use this stuff is in combination
with the Birth Tables in The Dragon #3.
Not only do you get a large amount of data on which
to build your character’s character, so to speak, you
also get a kind of mini-game, spending hours just
rolling up new characters