A 10 North niche (lair) of branch cave

Visibility: 6 squares
Wind: 100 mph

Giants, Cloud (5): AL NE, MV 15 ", HD 12 +
2-7, AC 2, #AT 1, D 3-36, SA throw
rocks to 24 " range (D 2-24), SD surprised
on 1, SZ L (18'), IN Average-Very; IL
40%, TT E, Qx5; XP 4250 + 16/hp
The cloud giants have a well-defendable
lair, and may (50% chance) have 1-3 human
captives, holding them as slaves and for
future ransom || meals. These are level 0-7
(1d8-l) NPCs of any class, with no equipment.

12+4 HD: hp 40, XP: 4890, THACO 9
12+5 HD: hp 43, XP: 4938, THACO 9
12+5 HD: hp 44, XP: 4954, THACO 9
12+7 HD: hp 59, XP: 5914, THACO 9
12+3 HD: hp 40, XP: 4890, THACO 9

E: 3000 gp, Broadsword +1, flametongue, Wand of paralyzation (M) (53 charges), Dagger +2 <XP: 200, GP: 1500>
Qx5: -
<no slaves>

Rotting wood pieces are here.

<XH: teleportation circle to area 27>
The Air Node - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
T4 Nodes of elemental Evil - 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil - 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
1eo - 31 32 - - - - - - - -