10. Armory
This L-shaped chamber has pairs of narrow windows on the
north and west walls. The southern arm of the L is screened off
with a barrier made of wood and canvas.

The northern arm of the L holds a long rack hung with suits
of chainmail. The rack also contains helmets, shields <large shields>,  swords <long swords>, bows <short bows>, and quivers <cap: 20> of arrows.

A pair of barrels stands near the rack, along with a few 3-legged
stools and a small anvil.

The sergeant of the guard lives in the screened area to the south.

Sergeant of the Guard (human fighter 2nd-level): AC 2; MV
6”; HD 2; hp 15; #AT 1; D 2–9 (longsword plus Strength) or 1–6
(shortbow). <long sword specialist: 3/2, THACO 18, D d8+3>

The sergeant spends most of his time here. He attacks anyone spotted
prowling around the guardhouse unaccompanied by Brubgrok
or Glyrthiel.

In a fight, the sergeant concentrates on the toughest-looking opponent
while bellowing for the guards in area 6, who arrive to assist
in 2 rounds. Likewise, the sergeant notices any combat that takes
place in area 6 and joins that battle in 2 rounds.

If the sergeant is allowed to continue bellowing for 3 rounds or
more, his shouts alert the guards in area 17. Once alerted, 1/2 the
guards there descend the stairs at areas 7 and 9 and join the fray.

If an alarm is raised from area 1 or area 17, the sergeant

The sergeant has a comfortable bed, a chest of drawers, a writing
table with a hard chair, and an armchair. He also has a brazier
similar to those in area 3, except a small charcoal fire burns in this
one. A bucket of charcoal sits below the brazier.

The chest of drawers contains personal items and mundane
equipment. <personal items: basin, vial, scraper, small silver mirror, pickles, kettle>
<equipment: bronze lamp, iron pot, sheet of vellum, bedroll, manacles, bell>

A loose stone under the bed (treat as a secret door) contains the
guards’ pay chest. The <small wooden> chest is locked (the sergeant has the key)
and contains 5,000 sp.

The weapons and armor on the rack are well used but still serviceable.
If the characters examine the weapons and armor, they discover
that about 1/2 the items are made for small creatures. These
smaller weapons and armor are intended for the quarry’s goblins.
<fauchard-fork, bill-guisarme, footman's military pick, hand crossbow (quiver with 20 quarrels), dagger and scabbard>
<small shield, small padded gambeson, buckler, medium full plate, medium shield, medium banded mail>
