1. Secret Guardroom 
Sitting at a long table in the middle of the 
room, apparently eating dinner, are several
jebli. They appear to be surprised.
The southwest corner of the
room has been barred off to form a cell
and holds a man covered with bruises.

These 12 jebli are not really surprised.
At a sign from their high jebli leader (hid-
ing in the observation alcove to the side of
the door), they pick up concealed <light> crossbows
and fire at the party. Then they pick up
wooden bats and attack. The high jebli
leader will attack with surprise 1 round
after the goblin charge, with his godentag.

This room is a secret guardpost to
observe the trap at the end of the corridor
and to relieve anyone coming into the
dungeon of their metal weapons and armor.
A constant watch is maintained on the hall
from the spy alcove and this is how the jebli
were warned about the party before
they entered the room. Normally the jebli
allow intruders to be caught by the lodestone
and then burst forth from the secret
room and club them unconscious with
wooden bats. They then remove their gear,
bind and gag apparent spell-casters and lock
them in the cell until their superiors can be
summoned. If the party manages to get past
the trap the jebli send a runner upstairs to
sound the alarm.

The spy alcove has a tall stool with a padded
seat and a spy hole cut in the wall to
provide a view of the end of the corridor.

The only treasure in this room are a
couple of kitchen knives and what the jebli
and their leader carry. The jebli each
have 2-12 sp concealed somewhere <4, 10, 8, 8, 7, 7, 10, 4, 4, 7, 9, 9 = 87 sp>
on their persons. The high jebli
leader has a <large belt> pouch with a large brass key to
the door at 7, 20 gp, and a cracked piece of
ivory worth 75 gp in a <small> cloth sack stuffed
under his armor (scale mail + medium shield).

The man in the cell has been severely
beaten by the goblins and has completely
lost his senses. All he thinks about is food
and he makes only unintelligible grunts.
The 1st thing he will do once released is
charge past the party and start wolfing
down food off the table.
<prunes, broth, meat (longpig), meat (giant rat), porridge>

Jebli (12): AC 6; MV 6"; HD 1; hp 4 each;
#AT 1; D 1-6 by bat or 1-4 by <light> crossbow
XP 14 each (168 total)

High jebli leader: AC 5; MV 9"; HD 1+1;
hp 6; #AT 1; D 2-8 by godentag
XP 32

A. Secret Door
This secret door has recently been constructed
by Markessa's engineer-architect and is not
the best match. Olvenfolk searching for secret
doors automatically find it. In order to
draw attention away from the spot an oil
lamp has been lit and hung at the far end of
the corridor on the west wall.
