A1. The salt slide

The rough-hewn north passage ends in a
dimly seen door. As the party
approaches within 40 feet of the door,
the floor suddenly drops out from under
the lead characters! They land on a great
pile of salt and begin to slide rapidly
down into the darkness.

Up to the first 2 ranks of the party falls
through the floor. The floor section snaps
shut after 1 round unless it is held or
spiked open. All those who fall drop 15 feet
and take 1 to 6 points of damage. This
trap can be found by searching for traps or <Find & Remove Traps, PH>
by magickal means and can be sprung safely
if discovered. The door at the end of the
hallway is false.

There is a 20% chance that a character
falling through the trap drops 1 or more
items (1 to 2) that are in hand. Any
object dropped into the salt mountain has a
75% chance of being lost forever. In addition,
fragile items (like flasks of oil or
potions) may break. Use the appropriate
save vs. Fall, with penalties for height cancelled
by the soft impact surface. For example,
a ceramic oil flask will save on a roll of
11 or better.

Those sliding down the mountain of salt
pass through a large natural chute,
which has strange luminous fungus <Fungus Identification, DSG>
growing on the walls.

The cavern and the salt remain from
thousands of years ago when a subterranean
river wended its way through here.
The combination of the fungal spores
and the salt acts as a slow spell lasting
5 turns. Neutralize poison or dispel magick
counter its effects. Salt taken from
the slide area is normal salt with no special
properties. It only has slowing properties
when crystals are touched and the
spores are inhaled.

Any character who does not contact
the salt or breathe the spores is not
slowed; for example, those using a fly
spell or 1 of the bark toboggans found
in room B. Armor or clothing does not
negate the salt's effects. However, if a
character attempts to slide down on a
large shield he or she has only a 40%
chance (minus his or her dexterity) of
being slowed. Descent takes 1 round if
tumbling, sliding, flying, or levitating; it
takes 2 rounds for a controlled descent
using ropes.
