32. Treasury
This enormous square building is made
of solid stone, and entry is restricted to a
single, closed iron-bound door behind an
iron portcullis. There are 2 sentry
posts flanking the doorway, in which are
stationed 2 soldiers.

The soldiers sternly command any loiterers
to MOVE on. If menaced, they sound
their whistles or shout to alert the nearby
patrols and the guards within. Through the
protected doorway, a 10-foot corridor leads
to another iron-bound door, securely barred
and locked. Beyond this is the actual treasury <Open Locks, PH>
complex, a warehouse of small 10 foot
x 10 foot x 10 foot iron vaults arranged in
clusters of 4, forming narrow aisles
around them. A double strength guard
detachment (20 soldiers plus 1 sergeant) is
always posted here; they have a small room
in the southeast corner in which they spend
their time..gambling, but they will be alerted
if any trouble breaks out. The iron treasure
vaults are protected by magick mouth alarms
and sealed with intricate trap and lock
mechanisms built into their doors. Each
vault is double trapped: 1st by a needle
coated with a paralytic agent, 2nd by
sleep gas, 20 foot radius (both require saving
throws vs. Paralyzation). There is no
chance the 2nd trap will be detected by a <Find and Remove Traps, PH>
thief unless the thief again tries to find traps
after dealing with the 1st trap. Further, due
to the complexity of the lock, a thief will
have only 1/2the normal chance to open a
VAULT after the traps have been passed. Each
VAULT is lined in lead to prevent magickal
spells from penetrating inside.

Specific treasure contained within the
building is as follows: 75,000 CP;
65,000 SP; 50,000 GP;
20,000 EP; and 15,000 PP
There are small gems and jewelry

worth 170,000 gold pieces. Treasure is
scanned for magick, and any found is appropriated
by the slave lords, but occasionally
something is confiscated and slips through
the cracks in the system. In this case a rather
ordinary-looking ring is actually a ring of
regeneration. The vial of medicine for Dame
Golds' brother is not present here, however!

Soldiers (20 Vets): AC 4; hp 8;
#AT <3/2>; D broadsword 2-8
<broadsword specialists>
XP 44
