Tracking Down the Barbarian
Creating better barbarians for AD&D® 1st Edition games
by David Howery

The new barbarian Barbarian Types - - -
Dragon - - - Dragon 148

The barbarian subclass, as described
in UA, is
a unique type of fighter with
many interesting abilities. The
class has come under fire recently with
claims that it is too powerful and too
vaguely defined. While I agree with these
criticisms, I don?t agree that the class
should be eliminated. This article presents
a revision of the barbarian, making use of
the new material in the DSG and the WSG, for AD&D® 1st Edition games.
The main problem with the barbarian is
that the rules concerning it are vague.
There are several proficiencies given, but
no real guidelines on assigning them to
different types of barbarians. In addition,
many of the abilities can be replaced by
proficiencies in the DSG and WSG. The
purpose of this article is to create standard
barbarian types based on cultures
from history, which can then be placed
into any campaign world. Note that this
article does not affect Oriental barbarians,
which are already well defined in Oriental
The new barbarian

The following characteristics of the
barbarian are unchanged from the information
given in UA:

  • Minimum ability scores of 15 in strength

  • and constitution, 14 in dexterity, and a
    maximum wisdom of 16;
  • No principle attribute or dual class, and

  • class allowed only to humans;
  • Armor-class bonus of +2 per point of

  • dexterity over 14, reduced to + 1 per
    point if wearing bulky or fairly bulky
    armor (reaction/attacking adjustment
  • Hit-point bonus of +2 hp per point of

  • constitution over 14;
  • Non-lawful alignment;
  • 15? movement;
  • Limited language skills;
  • Experience points and hit dice per level

  • (UA, page 19);
  • Actions and abilities per level (UA, page 20), unless otherwise

  • noted in this article; and
  • Barbarian-horde summoning powers.

  • The following characteristics of the
    barbarian, as given in UA,
    are now dropped:
  • Ability to hit creatures that can only be

  • harmed by magical weapons; and
  • Saving-throw bonuses vs. poison, paralyzation,

  • death magic, petrification, polymorph,
    rods, wands, staves, breath
    weapons, and spells.
    Since the barbarian is eventually able to
    use most types of magical items available
    to fighters, these bonuses and to-hit abilities
    are not needed; if kept, they give an
    unfair advantage to this subclass.

    These primary abilities, taken from
    UA (pages 19-20), are possessed
    by all barbarians:

  • Hide in natural surroundings;
  • Leaping and springing;
  • Surprise;
  • Leadership;
  • Back protection; and
  • Healing (1 hp/day normally, 2 hp/day if r e s t i n g ) .



    The following primary abilities from
    UA are now dropped:

  • Detect magic; and
  • Detect illusion.



    It is hard to justify giving these latter

    two powers to the barbarian. Even if
    barbarians do grow up in the boondocks
    and hate magic, they should have no better
    chance to detect magic and illusions
    than any other fighter.

    ?Barbarian characters must take proficiency
    with the spear, knife, and hand axe
    at 1st level. Among foot tribes, the spear is
    5-6? long. Among mounted tribes, the
    spear is 7-13? long, serving as a lance.
    The barbarian has three other weaponproficiency
    slots at 1st level. The weapons
    chosen will depend on the barbarian?s
    background. Although the barbarian is
    restricted in his choice of weapons at 1st
    level, slots gained at higher levels can be
    spent on any weapon. The barbarian
    receives one weapon-proficiency slot for
    every two levels beyond the 1st (3rd, 5th,
    etc.), but he cannot specialize or double
    specialize with a weapon as a fighter or ranger can.
    Secondary and tertiary abilities granted
    by UA have herein become
    various nonweapon proficiencies granted
    to certain types of barbarians. In UA, secondary abilities were
    given to all barbarians. This is not entirely
    appropriate. Some barbarian cultures had
    an agricultural base, so not all barbarians
    should know how to track. In addition,
    barbaric clans usually had only a few
    people who knew how to set bones and
    prepare herbal medicines; not all barbarians
    should know first aid.

    The abilities to climb cliffs and trees,
    perform long-distance signaling, and build
    snares are now considered to be wilderness
    proficiencies, as per the table in this

    Due to the many abilities that barbarians
    receive at 1st level, barbarians receive
    only one nonweapon proficiency slot at 1st
    level, then gain one slot for every four
    levels beyond that (5th, 9th, etc.).

    New Barbarian Wilderness Proficiencies
    Proficiency Slots required Appropriate ability Die roll modifier
    Climb cliffs and trees Dexterity  0
    Long-distance signaling Intelligence  0
    Snare building Intelligence  0

    Barbarian types

    The descriptions of barbarian types are
    broken down as follows:

    Proficiencies: These are the nonweapon
    proficiencies from the DSG and WSG that
    are given to barbarian characters of the
    type in question. The proficiencies from
    the table herein are also used. These replace
    all secondary and tertiary abilities
    given to barbarians by UA..

    Preferred weapons: These are the weapons
    that the barbarian must take proficiency
    in at 1st level, in addition to the
    spear, knife, and hand axe. In some cases,


    Native terrain: This is a term required
    by some of the primary abilities, classifythe
    player is given a choice between two
    ing the barbarian's homeland terrain.

    <Hierarchy of Terrain (WSG.9) is used for links to crossover terrain types.>

    Barbarian horde: This describes the
    armor and weapons of the common warriors
    that can be summoned. All the barbarians
    in the horde are zero-level humans
    with 5-8 hp, except for the leaders.
    Leaders are armed as desired by the DM.
    The notes for each type provide a general
    background and historical basis of the
    barbarian type in question.

    Foot Nomads

    Proficiencies: animal lore, fire building,
    foraging, hunting, plant lore, tracking
    Preferred weapons: (stone) battle axe,
    club, sling
    Native terrain: forested mountains or hills
    Barbarian horde: 50%--spear, club; 20%?
    sling, club; 20%?battle axe; l0%?hand
    axe, club
    This barbarian type is based on Stone Age
    Cro-Magnon humans, not Neanderthals or
    any other race. A barbarian horde of
    cavemen is not really feasible, since cavemen
    would spend too much time finding
    food. But the AD&D® game is a fantasy
    game, so rules for the horde have been

    Desert Tribes
    Proficiencies: alertness, animal lore, endurance,
    fire building, foraging, hunting,
    long-distance signaling, running,
    snare building, survival (desert),
    Preferred weapons: short composite bow,
    Native terrain: mountainous desert
    Barbarian horde: 50%?short composite
    bow, spear, knife; 50%?short composite
    bow, hand axe, club
    These tribes live in the midst of brutally
    hot mountainous deserts. They are very
    skilled at finding water and game. They
    are also fiercely protective of their possessions;
    trespassers and thieves will be
    tracked and killed. This barbarian type is
    based on Lipan Apaches.

    Forest Tribes
    Proficiencies: animal lore, boating (canoes),
    fishing, foraging, hunting, plant lore,
    running, snare building, tracking
    Preferred weapons: short bow
    Native terrain: temperate forest
    Barbarian horde: 75%?short bow, hand
    axe; 25%--spear, hand axe
    These tribes live in villages among the vast
    temperate forests. They make excellent
    dugout canoes, grow small gardens, and
    hunt and fish extensively. Like people
    everywhere, some of the tribes are
    friendly while others are hostile. This
    barbarian type is based on native peoples
    of eastern America.

    Mounted Nomads
    Desert Nomads
    Proficiencies: animal trainer (horse or
    camel), direction sense, land-based
    riding (horse or camel), long-distance
    signaling, survival (desert)
    Preferred weapons: scimitar, javelin, or
    short bow
    Native terrain: subtropical desert
    Barbarian horde: 75%?scimitar, spear,
    javelin, or short bow (mounted on war
    horse or camel); 25%?as above, but
    with a shield
    These people live an arduous life in the
    worlds barest and hottest deserts. Mounts
    are vital to survival, as are sheep and goat herds. This barbarian type is based on
    Bedouin and Berber tribes.

    Prairie Nomads
    Proficiencies: animal handling, animal
    trainer (horse), animal lore, fire building,
    foraging, hunting, long-distance
    signaling, plant lore, land-based riding
    (horse), tracking
    Preferred weapons: short bow, club
    Native terrain: temperate grassland
    Barbarian horde: 100%?short bow, spear,
    knife, shield (mounted on war horse)
    These tribes, based on Comanches, are
    fast and fierce raiders. Luckily, they have
    to spend a lot of time gathering food, since
    they have no real agriculture. Bison and
    wild cattle are hunted extensively. Intruders
    are hated and will be tracked for
    days; the nomads will attempt to rob and
    kill them.

    Steppe Nomads
    Proficiencies: animal handling, animal
    handling (pony), endurance, land-based
    riding (pony), survival (desert)
    Preferred weapons: scimitar, short composite
    bow, lasso
    Native terrain: desert grassland
    Barbarian horde: 90%?short composite
    bow, spear, scimitar, lasso (mounted on
    pony); 10%?as above, but with armor
    equal to AC 5
    These nomads herd cattle and sheep on
    the cold dry steppes. They are a hardy
    and ruthless people. Ponies are important
    to their way of life; the ponies are short
    enough to provide a stable base for
    mounted bow fire. Raiding neighboring
    countries and other tribes is a favorite
    pastime. This tribal type is based on Yakka

    Forest Clans
    Proficiencies: animal lore, climb cliffs and
    trees, endurance, foraging, hunting,
    running, snare building, tracking
    Preferred weapons: long sword
    Native terrain: temperate forest
    Barbarian horde: 75%--spear, shield;
    25%?long sword, shield
    These are tribes of large, fierce clansmen
    based on Cherusci Germans. The warriors
    are most highly regarded among them.
    They live by a combination of agriculture,
    hunting, and gathering, and they place
    great value on weapons forged in civilized

    Highland Clans
    Proficiencies: animal handling, charioteering,
    climb cliffs and trees, running
    Preferred weapons: two-handed sword or
    long sword
    Native terrain: forested hills
    Barbarian horde: 50%--spear, knife, ring
    mail; 15%--battle axe, knife, ring mail;
    10%--spear, shield, ring mail (mounted
    on normal horse); 25%--spear, chain
    mail (two-man chariot)
    These semi-civilized clans live in forests
    and swamps, and they depend heavily on
    agriculture for their living. The clan leaders
    and champions ride to battle in small
    chariots. The clans forge excellent weapons
    and armor. This barbarian type is
    based on various Celtic tribes of Britain.

    Sea Raiders
    Proficiencies: boating, direction sense,
    endurance, fishing, running, swimming
    Preferred weapons: long sword, battle
    axe, short bow
    Native terrain: mountainous forest
    Barbarian horde: 90%--battle axe, short
    bow, chain mail, shield; 10%--long
    sword, short bow, chain mail, shield
    The kingdoms of the sea raiders consist of
    nearly civilized groups. They are excellent
    sailors and savage raiders. Although their
    economy is based on agriculture, their
    land is poor for farming and grazing
    Thus, raiding is almost a necessity. The sea
    raiders make excellent steel weapons and
    armor. Both sexes tend to be taller and
    heavier than the folk of other lands. These
    barbarians are based on Viking groups.

    Tropical Natives
    Jungle Tribes
    Proficiencies: animal lore, boating (canoes),
    climb cliffs and trees, hunting, longdistance
    signaling, running, snare
    building, survival (heat), tracking
    Preferred weapons: club, short bow, or
    Native terrain: tropical rainforest
    Barbarian horde: 100%--spear, club, short
    bow or blowgun, shield
    These primitive tribes, based on various
    west African and Brazilian natives, live in
    the depths of the jungles that are hostile to
    men of northern lands, due to disease and
    wild beasts. The tribes subsist on food
    from small garden plots, augmented by
    hunting. Although some tribes have cannibals
    and headhunters, others are a vital
    part of the trade routes, trading spices and

    Savannah Natives
    Proficiencies: animal handling, direction
    sense, endurance, long-distance signaling,
    running, survival (heat)
    Preferred weapons: club, javelin
    Native terrain: Tropical grasslands
    Barbarian horde: 90%--javelin, shield;
    10%--club, shield
    Although they are called barbaric, some
    savannah tribes may have highly organized
    armies. Some tribes have elevated
    the status of the warrior above all other
    social positions. The tribes depend on
    small gardens and cattle and goat herds
    for their living. The organized tribes are
    usually friendly if treated with respect.
    This group is based on the Zulu and other
    Bantu cultures.