Thieves' Cant: A primer
for the language of larceny

by Aurelio Locsin

Introduction Pronunciation and Writing Nouns Modifiers Numbers
Pronouns Word Orders Verbs and Tenses Negative Constructions Prepositions
Word Formation Assembling the Dictionary - - -
Dragon #66 - - - Dragon magazine

English to Cant

Cant to English

This work is made possible through the efforts of several
linguists, many of whom have lost their lives in their attempts to
learn as much as they could about Thieves’ Cant. Although this
primer and the accompanying translation dictionary are admittedly
incomplete, this is believed to be the most extensive
compilation to date of the language.

Vowel sounds in Cant are sounded the same way as in these
English words: “a” as in bad; “e” as in bed; “i” as in bid; “o” as in
lone; “u” as in suit; and “y” as in sly. Optionally, for easier
pronunciation by those accustomed to English, “i” can be
sounded like the “e” in see when the “i” appears in the middle or
at the end of a word, and the “y” sound is shortened to sound
like an “i” if the resulting syllable or word is easier to pronounce
that way.

Vowel combinations such as “ai” or “oe” are pronounced by
sounding each vowel separately. For instance, the Cant word
“laimbo” (20) is pronounced la-im-bo and not laym-bo.

In speaking the language, all words in Cant are stressed
primarily on the 1st syllable. Many words of 4 or more
syllables will be secondarily stressed on the other odd-numbered
syllables if such accenting makes the word more easily
distinguished or easier to pronounce.

There is no specific Cant alphabet, because Cant is only
rarely encountered in written form. For the purpose of this
introduction to the language, the written conventions of the
English language are used to “spell” the Cant words. Note that
many letters of the English alphabet have no representation in
Cant; “c” and “d” are 2 noteworthy examples.

Nouns are words that represent things: inanimate objects,
living things, or concepts. Articles (a, an, the in English) do not
exist in Cant. All Cant nouns are given in the singular form, and
plural forms of those nouns are produced by simply doubling
the word. Example:
English Cant Literal translation
box kal (a, the) box
boxes kalkal (the) box-box

Modifiers are words that describe other words. In English,
these words are called adjectives and adverbs. Those types do
not exist as such in Cant. Instead, any modifier can modify
either a noun or a verb, depending on its location within the
sentence and with respect to the words around it. In the examples
below, note the location of the modifiers and how their
placement affects the meaning of the sentences, even though
both example sentences contain the same words:

English: The fast man runs slowly.
Cant: Obok sen koma ark.
Literal translation: Slowness run speed man.

English: The slow man runs quickly.
Cant: Koma sen obok ark.
Literal translation: Speed run slowness man.

As with nouns, modifiers may be doubled. This indicates an
increase in quality or intensity. For example, sio kal means “big
box”; siosio kal means “very big box”; and siosio kalkal means
“very big boxes.”

Many numbers, including 0 through 10 and some higher
numbers, are included in the accompanying dictionary as separate
entries. To create other numbers, simply “add” two or
more “number words” together. For example, “seventeen” is
imboula, or “10” (imbo) plus “7” (ula); and “seventy” is ulaimbo,
which translates as “seven tens.”

Ordinal numbers, to show the order of an item in a succession
of items, are formed by adding the suffix “nk” to the
cardinal number (or “ink,” if the number ends in a consonant).
Thus, bi (one) + nk = bink (first); lim (five) + ink = limink (fifth).

Fractions are formed by adding the prefix “ob” (which literally
means “opposite”) to the appropriate number: ob + la (two) =
obla (one half); ob + lim (five) = oblim (one fifth).

Pronouns are words used to represent nouns. The following
pronouns exist in Cant:

    1st person singular, o (l, me); 2nd person singular,
    e (you); 3rd person singular, i (he, she, it, him, her).

    1st person plural (including the person spoken to),
    oeo (us, we and you); 2nd person plural, oe (you);
    3rd person plural, ii (they, them).

    1st person plural (excluding the person spoken to),
    oo (us, we but not you).

The word oo is a pronoun form peculiar to Cant, used when
the speaker means “us” or “we” to include everyone but the
person(s) being spoken to. It has been observed that this pronoun
is most often employed in discussions pertaining to the
division of treasure.

When a pronoun is used with a verb, it is generally attached to
the end of the verb form: ken means “to steal”; keno is “I steal”;
kene is “you steal,” and so forth.

When a pronoun precedes a verb (sometimes done for clarity
or emphasis) or stands by itself, a “t” is placed before the simple
form of the pronoun: Ti ken kal means “He steals (is stealing)
the box”; keni kal means essentially the same thing, but with
less emphasis placed on the “he” and more emphasis on what
“he” is doing.

A relative pronoun introduces a clause that describes a noun.
In English, these are words such as “which,” “who,” and “that.”
The Cant language has only 2 relative pronouns: nita, used to
refer to persons, and om, used for animals or objects. Examples:

Cant: Sen ark nita tyn tif.
Literal translation: Run man who has helmet.
English: The man who has the helmet is running.

Cant: Sen simar om tyn tif.
Literal translation: Run dog that has helmet.
English: The dog that has the helmet is running.

Word order is extremely rigid in Cant, since only by its position
in a sentence can the function or relationship of a word be
determined. The following word-order rules apply to clauses,
phrases, and complete sentences.

Standard word order:
time+verb+subject+place+indirect object+direct object
(Note: Nouns used to modify or explain other nouns always
precede the word they modify.)

Cant: Labne kene kal.
Literal translation: Yesterday steal-you box.
English: You stole the box yesterday.

Question word order:
question particle+question word+standard word order
(The question particle ste serves as a verbal question mark
and is always used to introduce an interrogative sentence.)

Cant: Ste tehel labne ken kal.
Literal translation: ? Who yesterday steal box
English: Who stole the box yesterday?

Command word order:
subject+verb+time+place+manner+indirect obj.+direct obj.
Cant: Te ken kal!
Literal translation: You steal box!
English: Steal a box!

The basic (infinitive) form of a verb in Cant ends in the letter
“n.” (Note that some words that end in “n” are not verbs.) The
basic form does not change, except for the possible addition of
a trailing pronoun. Tenses are indicated by placing a time
expression at the front of the sentence. Indefinite past and
future can be indicated by using the word for future (kar) or
past (bir) in front of the sentence. Verbs used without accompanying
time indicators are in the present tense. Examples:

Cant: Labne bano.
Literal translation: Yesterday go-I.
English: I went yesterday.

Modal auxiliaries: These are verbs used with other verbs to
form expressions of mood, such as the words “can,” “may,”
“might,” and “should” in English. Modal auxiliaries in Cant are
placed before the main verb.

The Cant word sib (may) expresses permission to do something.
Miban (must) expresses compulsion; it may also be used
like the word “should” would be used in English. Beben (can)
expresses the ability to do something.

Kutin (might) is used differently from sib (may). Kutin expresses
conditional action: something that can be done if
something else is done first. Example:

Cant: Kutin bano beti mublini.
Literal translation: Might go-I if rain-it.
English: I might go if it rains.

Takin (would) is not necessarily related to will or desire. It is
used to express determination to do something in a conditional
sentence. Example:

Cant: Beti tyni barbo, takin bano.
Literal translation: If have-he boat, would go-l.
English: If he had a boat, I would go.

The verb Mon: This word is loosely equivalent to the verb “is”
or “to be” in English. Its primary use is as a helping verb in
passive sentences. Passive sentences differ from active sentences
in that in the former, the action is performed on the
subject. In the latter, the subject performs the action. Examples:

Labne keno fuid translates as “I stole the crown yesterday.”
This is an active sentence. The subject (I) is doing the stealing.

Labne mon keno fuid translates as “The crown was stolen
yesterday.” This is a passive sentence. The person or thing
responsible for the action is not indicated; instead, the sentence
indicates that the action was performed on the crown.

Mon is also used to denote equivalency between two nouns
and/or pronouns: Mone kawabi translates as “You are a cleric.”

Mon is never used to express the possession of a quality or
location. Instead, tyn (to have) and bilin (to stand) are used,
respectively, for these purposes: Tyni sio literally translates as
“Have-he tallness,” and its English equivalent is “He is tall.” Ly
lakat bilini translates literally as “In book stand-it,” and its
English equivalent is “It is in the book.”

Cant uses the single word hibni to express negation. The
word negates an entire sentence when it is placed at the beginning:
Hibni bano literally means “No go-I” or “Not go-I,” and its
English equivalent is “I am not going.”

To negate individual parts of a sentence, hibni is placed
before the word it negates: Keno urtel moky hibni kanab means
“I am stealing the diamond but not the chest.”

Hibni may also be used to negate an entire clause by placing
it at the beginning of the clause: Labne bano moky hibni burono
means “I went yesterday but I didn’t stay.”

Prepositions are words that show relationships between objects.
Unless specified otherwise, Cant prepositions are used
as in English.

Ro (of) is used to show possession only: lakat ro ark means
“(the) book of (the) man,” or “the man’s book.”

Ka (on) is used with horizontal surfaces, while li (on) is used
with vertical surfaces, such as a wall, upon which things are
hung or affixed: Bilin lakat ka ruba means “The book is on the
table”; Bilin likob li liki ro obark means “The necklace is on the
woman’s neck.”

New words may be formed in Cant by combining 2 or more
simpler words, trimming letters from 1 word or another if
such a shortening does not cause misinterpretation and makes
the resulting word easier to pronounce: hunar (death) + hin
(room) = hunarhin (crypt), which is shortened to hunahin.

Forming a noun from a verb is usually done by simply dropping
the final “n,” and possibly the vowel that precedes it, from
the verb form: hunaran (to die) becomes hunar (death); asefan
(to drink) becomes asefa (drink).

The opposite of a word can be formed by attaching the prefix
ob to the front of the word: ob + ark (man) = obark (woman); ob
+ ine (day) = obine (night).

Assembling the dictionary
Each of the 4-page segments following this page can be
removed from the center of the magazine and folded and
trimmed to produce a pair of pocket-sized translation dictionaries
for Thieves’ Cant. Pages 37, 38, 43, and 44 will make the
Cant-to-English volume of the dictionary, and pages 39 through
42 comprise the English-to-Cant volume.

Remove each 4-page section from the magazine by carefully
bending the staples out; then re-close the staples to keep
the remainder of the magazine bound together. To construct
the English-to-Cant volume, for example, hold that 4-page
sheet in front of you so that page 40 is right side up on your left.
Fold the top of the sheet down, using the line across the middle
of pages 39 and 42 as a guide, to meet the bottom of the sheet.
Then fold the right-hand half of this strip across to meet the
left-hand part. This produces a 4-sheet thickness of paper
which is half the size of a regular magazine page.

The 3rd and final fold brings the left-hand edge of this sheet
over to meet the right-hand edge, using the vertical line between
page 16 and page 1 of the dictionary as a guide. Trim the
bottom, right-hand, and top edges of the dictionary to the
proper size, and put 2 or 3 staples along the crease to
bind all the dictionary pages in place.

Pocket Dictionary
Vol. II: English to Cant

about = syhi
above = fu
across = ne
after = bira
afternoon = salance
against = bus
alchemist = simikir
alchemy = simik
ale = ymus
amethyst = balolot
amulet = binto
animal = raoka
any = at
anything = atbura
anytime = atnau
approach, to = beslin
arch = ahak
arm = nakau
armor = rokato
armorer = rokatin
armory = kosohin
around = lema
arrest = sanili
arrive, to = isimin
arrow = tot
arson = hinunta
arson, to commit = hinuntan
artery = fanil
as = bina
as soon as = kusuo
ask, to = esun
assassin = bitama
at = na
attack, to = kalan
aunt = toa

back = sakam
backpack = sakambar
backstab, to = uneklin
badness = frun
bandit = ykanan
bank = falsa
banker = falsat
barding = burfe
barge = falaka
barkeep = kalakar
barn = kiset
barracks = kauhin
barrel = sahas
basin = huso
bat = ibit
bath = liko
battle = tabo
beard = inat
because = ibli
because of = libi
bed = nako
bedroom = nakohin
beer = amus
before = moly
begin, to = fasren
beginning = bone
behind = obul
believe, to = esoan
below = nu
belt = sintur
bench = syili
beside = sa
betray = rolkon
between = flo
bigness = sio
bird = syt
birth = hibar
black = koret
blackmail, to = barsan
blame, to = hisuin
blanket = tomuk
blood = fanbo
blue = nerb
boat = barbo
body = salarka
bone = botu
book = lakat
boot = telu
booty = relbat
borrow, to = baylan
boss = ukal
bow = rafak
box = kal
bracelet = omban
brain = sankot
breath = mafit
breathe, to = mafitan
bribe = madli
bribe, to = madlin
brick = kilu
bridge = hili
broach = toka
brown = noru
bucket = kubak
building = kusal
burglar = kalinta
burglarize, to = kalintan
burial = maleto
burn, to = balsan
but = moky
buy, to = kun
by = ky

call, to = laryn
can (to be able) = beben
candle = ylo
caravan = lusok
cart = kest
case = mibar
casket = hunakal
castle = ornek
cat = aram
cave = kuena
ceiling = filu
cell = myo
center = het
chain = sambil
chair = yli
charisma = lisema
chest (torso) = fatib
chest (container) = kanab
chief = ukal
child = berkin
chin = banal
choice = uha
choose, to = uhan
city = holyat
cleric = kawabi
client = hinlyot
climb, to = san
climb walls, to = sanlun
cloak = loab
close, to = heryan
clothing = mys
cloud = kalok
club = tufa
cold = arot
color = lok
come, to = tun
consciousness = fora
constitution = mofit
container = sahal
copper = krin
correctness = bersity
counterfeit, to = kartan
country = esim
court = nio
cover, to = kafun
crawl, to = nusen
crossbow = byrafak
crowd = arkar

crown = fuib
crypt = hunahin
cup = bebol
cupboard = osalos
curse = takali
curse, to = totakalin
curtain = aoro
custom = ibim
cut = sya
cut, to = syan

dagger = ret
danger = bylis
darkness = ekob
dart = tur
date = syf
day = ine
deal = yhy
death = hunar
decide, to = tisan
defeat = koka
defeat, to =  kokan
demon = asin
desert = akbun
desk = ritin
destroy, to = bahelan
detect traps, to = rabalan
dexterity = tura
diamond = urtel
die, to = hunaran
discovery = fibil
disguise = bakre
disguise, to = bakren
dishonesty = oberabas
distribute, to = sinkin
diversion = lakana
divert, to = lakan
divide, to = brokan
division = broka
do, to = salan
dog = simar
door = uhob
down = nu
dragon = fybkes
drawer = tiran
dress, to = taron
drink = asefa
drink, to = asefan
drug = titani
drug, to = titanin
druid = kaslil
dungeon = ror
during = norb

dwarf = teko

ear = tyna
earliness = naltos
earring = matybal
earth = nusfi
east = salif
eat, to = safen
8 = tulo
electrum = bintal
elf = ulim
emerald = akoy
end = une
endurance = nabi
engineer = inher
enter, to = tyhin
entrance = mahan
equipment = sala
escape = unta
escape, to = untan
everything = faburan
everytime = heken
everywhere = kontonken
evidence = turyas
except = tik
expense = onbom
experience = syto
eye = atami

faint, to = barbun
fall (season) = norsalik
fall, to = rakin
farm = narak
fight, to = kolen
fighter = kol
find, to = tafen
finger = baral
finish, to = unen
fire = bal
fireplace = kanabal
1st = bink
5 = lim
flesh = kitki
flint = bybi
floor = ybel
food = safe
for = lit
forehead = kuta
forest = suso
fork = rimnok
fountain = enit

4 = lo
frame, to = kaluan
free, to = boroban
freedom = borob
from = bu
future = kar

gallery = bio
galley = teltan
garden = amas
garlic = os
gate = sany
gem = isala
get, to = feun
gift = lyr
give, to = lyn
glass = sulan
gnome = kurbe
go, to = ban
goblet = siril
god = akfur
gold = hymur
goodbye = syetken
goodness = syet
gray = solet
green = resen
group = tek
guardroom = sarhin

hair = kuho
half = obla
half-elf = ulimobla
half-orc = takobla
hobbit = mistis
hall = sanla
hand = sakel
hand, to = falabin
handle, to = tankan
harness = biby
have, to = tyn
he, him, she, her, it = i, ti
head = biak
heart = likiha
heartbeat = likihyran
heat = ortob
heat, to = takan
heaviness = obtylo
hello = syetonta
helmet = tif
help, to = nafen
hide, to = turen
highness = bora
highwayman = lekel
hijack, to = kandon
hill = kunsal
hit, to = klun
hold hostage, to = amon
holdup = kontora
holiness = mina
home = iro
honesty = terabas
honor = totak
horse = aby
hour = lane
house = iro
how = bihe
how many = behebe
how much = behebe
however = kymo
human = rylo
hundred = sur

o, to = I
idol = natuk
if = beti
illusion = kulat
illusionist = kulamak
in = ly
in front of = ul
incorrectness = obersity
insanity = sabit
inspect, to = lanin
inspection = lani
instead of = ab
intelligence = sunin
interest, to = hyutan
is = mon
it = i, ti

jaw = tara
jewel = kem
jug = satek

keg = rytena
kennel = simarhin
kettle = sikla
key = tirib
kick = okob
kid = ime
kidnap, to = naman
kill, to = intan
kitchen = nirahin
know, to (a fact) = soken
know, to (someone) = altan
kobold = hamoki

ladder = fasan
lake = utho
language = olarhe
lantern = tatobal
lateness = nobal
biho = law
lawlessness = ankat
leather = falat
leave, to (a place) = tern
leave, to (a thing) = aban
leftness (position) = resa
leg = akto
lend, to = fyton
length = haba
lesson = kutal
letter = kargel
library = lahin
life = har
light (illumination) = uta
lightness (weight) = tylo
liight, to = utan
like = bina
listen, to = tin
littleness = tan
live, to (not die) = harn
live, to (somewhere) = iroen
lock = ihil
lock, to = ilhilin
locket = fafet
lock pick = tru
look at, to = sarhon
look for, to = oroen
loot = kilik
loot, to = kilikon
lose, to (a thing) = obfiken
loudness = obykar
lowness = obora

magic = ker
magic-user = mankero
make, to = forlin
make unconscious, to = belon
mallet = ekmel
man = ark
map = faki
marsh = ratik
master = ukal

mattress = kanoho
may = sib
mayor = holok
me = o, to
mead = kural
meal = baka
medallion = kolnok
medicine = tlinkit
merchant = forkel
middle = albir
midnight = hetobne
might = kutin
million = kisak
minute = nebi
mirror = lamin
moment = orib
money = hyman
monk = rosati
monster = arkoba
month = likano
morning = nibe
mound = iloka
mountain = usal
moustache = tanina
mouth = bibik
move, to = otan
move silently, to = bin
muscle = fonbak
museum = sihyres
music = siterke
must = miban

nail = konfa
name = lary
near = ry
necessity = tanol
neck = liki
necklace = likob
newness = hobuli
night = obine
9 = am
no = hibni
noise = yran
noon = hetne
north = bisfi
nose = lonek
not = hibni
nothing = hibmun
now = lyrib
number = taka

observe, to = tulon
of = ro
off = al
offering = fakab
office = teltin
oil = fyal
oldness = huli
on (a wall) = li
on (top of) = ka
on the contrary = kymo
one = bi
opal = samun
open, to = binson
opposite = feku
or = fy
orange = hali
orb = hari
orc = tak
out = baker
over = fu

painting = rarkan
paladin = filta
parapet = nekio
park = herel
party = bislis
pass, to = behan
passage = bak
past = bir
path = byntan
pay, to = hinlan
payment = lyny
pearl = boblin
people = banasko
pick lock, to = trun
pick pocket, to = mun
pile = iloka
pilfer = kenon
pillage = baron
pillar = liki
pillow = sakana
pin = katam
place = alub
plains = lyket
plan = itu
plan, to = ituan
platinum = sublin
plunder, to = kruteln
poach, to = ikiban
pocket = tolata
poison = mala
pole = anukit
potion = isili
pouch = byb

pound = sorba
practice, to = suon
prepare, to = sun
price = rub
prince = arhobol
princess = obarhobol
prison = basihin
pull, to = sanatan
punish, to = erminan
punishment = ermina
push, to = tambon
put, to = kunin

question = tanob
question particle = ste
quietness = ykar
quilt = buk
quiver = tilya

rain = riso
rain, to = rison
ransom, to = haten
rap, to = babon
rations = hira
read, to = fehin
rectangle = harata
red = bion
release = obamon
remove, to = berosin
repeat, to = nabasin
rest, to = hintyn
retreat, to = kurnan
return, to = myban
rightness (position) = kolta
ring = mabal
road = byn
rob, to = foren
robe = balab
room = hin
rope = timon
ruby = kumba
rug = bamat
ruins = raiga
run, to = sen

sack = baim
saddle = silkaba
safety = tonta
sage = balub
salt = luset
sanctuary = betita

sapphire = be
save, to (a life) = toran
save, to (conserve) = torin
scabbard = kamkanab
scholar = roal
sconce = ybila
screen = kufer
scroll = karel
sea = falati
second (ordinal no.) = lank
second (of time) = nyo
secret = huna
secret door = unahob
see, to = tryn
sell, to = lobun
sentence (jail) = asorit
7 = ula
shadow = eski
she = i
sheet = sihal
shelf = mitaf
shield = hantak
ship = lulani
shoot, to = tlin
shortness = yta
shoulder = nakaoka
show, to = lebon
shrine = fysos
sign = fikisik
silence = robal
silver = rubel
since = okam
6 = sito
size = rakomo
skeleton = akbotark
skin = funer
skull = akbot
sky = morukek
sling = haro
slowness = obok
snake = hiblokni
snitch, to = nilinin
snow  = mubli
snow, to = mublin
softness = ikar
soldier = kaual
something = burakan
south = lafe
speed = koma
spell = lam
spider = tulokto
spike = helu
spring = loksalik
spy = limenet
square = ashi
stab, to = klin
stable = abyhin
stairway = sosan
stand = lofon
stand, to = bilin
statue = emna
stay, to = buron
steal, to = ken
steel = ulof
step, to = kaltan
stomach = hanfi
stone = tato
stop, to = ryn
stool = fokon
storage = bikit
store = foryhab
store, to = bikitan
strangle, to = ronen
strength = fatas
string = kentis
stronghold = tontyha
summer = resalik
sun = tobalon
swear, to = tekenon
swim, to = usen
sword = kam
symbol = biny

table = ruba
take, to = olon
talk, to = fen
tapestry = uhasi
target = tili
teach, to = kuron
teacher = kura
tell, to = lynin
temple = kauta
10 = imbo
that = sab
that (relative pronoun) = om
them = ii
then = nosa
they = ii
thief = basim
thieves' cant = basifen
thieves' tools = basisala
thing = bura
think, to = brun
3rd (ordinal no.) = salonk
1/3 (fraction) = obsalo
thousand = bakat
3 = salo
throne = ruka
through = ily
throw, to = haron
tie, to = seyen
time = hek
tinder = uhys
to = sy
today = lyrne
toe = kuly
tomorrow = sirine
tongue = lina
tooth = iti
torch = uro
torso = lak <?>
toward = so
tower = fysy
town = mibet
trail, to = beon
traitor = rolko
trap = itak
trap, to = esten
treasure = kolibis
troll = bart
trip = kult
2 = la

uncle = toa
unconsciousness = obfora
under = nu
unholiness = obiha
unlike = obinta
until = si
up = fu
us = oeo, toeo, oo, too
use, to = bun

valuables = konba
vase = bliki <?>
vault = narko
violet = rybun
visit, to = maban

wagon = enbra
wait, to = myn
wake, to = ylink
walk, to = bosen
wall = alun
wand = naki
wander, to = aron
want, to = uon
warrior = kaual
wash, to = oren
watch, to = sarhon
water = ros
waterskin = roskanab
way = ba
we = oeo, toeo, oo, too
weapon =  kosol
weaponer = kosolit
wear, to = ymasan
weather = hos
week = lino
well = limi
west = limok
what = laf
when = nau
where = foram
whether = bo
which (relative pronoun) = om
while = uale
white = bysne
who (question) = tehel
who (relative pronoun) = nita
why = sarum
win, to = firen
wind = ferel
wine = kalaf
winter = bysalik
wire = kenil
witch = manka
with = ki
without = ryki
woan = obark
wood = kahy
word = hal
work = hama
work, to = haman
workshop = hamhin
would = takin
wrist = lator
write, to = sabnolan
wrongness = obersity

year = fal
yellow = nolt
yes = an
yesterday = labne
you (plural) = oe, toe
you (singular) = e, te

0 = orni


ab = instead of
aban = to leave (a thing)
aby = horse
abyhin = stable
ahak = arch
akbot = skull
akbotark = skeleton
akbun = desert
akfur = god
akoy = emerald
akto = leg
al = off
albir = middle
altan = to know (someone)
alub = place
alum = wall
am = nine
amas = garden
amon = to hold hostage
amus = beer
an = yes
ankat = lawlessness
anukit = pole
aoro = curtain
aram = cat
arhobol = prince
ark = man
arkar = crowd
arkoba = monster
aron = to wander
arot = cold
asefa = drink
asefan = to drink
ashi = sqaure
asin = demon
asorit = jail sentence
at = any
atami = eye
atbura = everything
atnau = anything

ba = way
babon = to rap
bahelan = to destroy
baim = sack
bak = passage
baka = meal
bakat = thousand
baker = out
bakre = disguise
bakren = to disguise
bal = fire +

balab = robe
balolot = amethyst
balsan = to burn
balub = sage
bamat = rug
ban = to go
banal = chin
banasko = people
baral = finger
barbo = boat
barbun = to faint
baron = to pillage
barsan = to blackmail
bart = troll
basifen = thieves' cant
basihin = prison
basim = thief
basisala = thieves' tools
baylan = to borrow
bayn = road
be = sapphire
beben = can (to be able)
bebol = cup
behan = to pass
behebe = how many, how much
belon = to make unconscious
beo = trail
beon = to trail
berkin = child
berosin = to remove
bersity = correctness
beslin = to approach
beti = if
betita = sand
bi = one
biak = head
bibik = mouth
biby = harness
bihe = how
biho = law
bikit = storage
bikitan = to store
bin = to move silently
bina = as, like
bink = 1st
binson = to open
bintal = electrum
binto = amulet
biny = symbol
bio = gallery
bir = past
bira = after

bisfi = north
bislis = party
bitama = assassin
blon = red
bo = whether
boblin = pearl
bone = beginning
bora = highness
borob = freedom
boroban = to free
bosen = to walk
botu = bone
broka = division
brokan = to divide
brun = to think
bu = from
buk = quilt
bun = to use
bura = thing
burakan = something
burfe = barding
buron = to stay
bus = against
byb = pouch
bybi = flint
bylis = danger
byn = road
byntan = path
byrafak = crossbow
bysalik = winter
bysne = white

e = you (singular)
ekmel = mallet
ekob = darkness
emna = statue
enbra = wagon
enit = fountain
ermina = punishment
erminan = to punish
esim = country
eski = shadow
esoan = to believe
esten = to trap
esun = to ask

faburan = everything
fafet = locket
fakab = offering
faki = map
fal = year
falabin = to hand

falaka = barge
falat = leather
falati = sea
falsa = bank
falsat = banker
fanbo = blood
fanil = artery
fasan = ladder
fasren = to begin
fatas = strength
fatib = chest (torso)
fehin = to read
feku = opposite
fen = to talk
ferel = wind
feun = to get
fibil = discovery
fikisik = sign
filta = paladin
filu = ceiling
firen = to win
flo = between
fokon = stool
fonbak = muscle
fora = consciousness
foram = where
foren = to rob
forkel = merchant
forlin = to make a thing
foryhab = store
frun = badness
fu = above, over, up
fuib = crown
funar = skin
fy = or
fyal = oil
fybkes = dragon
fysos = shrine
fysy = tower
fyton = to lend

haba = length
hal = word
hali = orange
hama = work
haman = to work
hamhin = workshop
hamoki = kobold
hanfi = stomach
hantak = shield
har = life
harata = rectangle
hari = orb

harn = to live (not die)
haro = sling
haron = to throw
haten = to ransom
hek = time
heken = every time
helu = spike
herel = park
heryan = to close
het = center
hetne = noon
hetobne = midnight
hibar = birth
hiblokni = snake
hibmun = nothing
hibni = no, not
hili = bridge
hin = room
hinlan = to pay
hinylot = client
hintyn = to rest
hinunta = arson
hinuntan = to commit arson
hira = rations
hisuin = to blame
hliki = vase
hobuli = newness
holok = mayor
holyat = city
hos = weather
huli = oldness
huna = secret
hunahin = crypt
hunakal = casket
hunar = death
hunaran = to die
huso = basin
hymur = gold
hytan = to interest

i = he, him, she, her, it
ibim = beard
itbit = bat
ibli = because
ihil = lock
ihilin = to lock
ii = they, them
ikiban = to poach
iloka = mound, pile
ily = through
imbo = 10
ime = kid

inat = beard
ine = day
inher = engineer
intan = to kill
iro = home, house
iroen = to live (somewhere)
isala = gem
isili = potion
isimin = to arrive
itak = trap
iti = tooth
itu = plan
ituan = to plan

ka = on top of
kafun = to cover
kahy = wood
kal = box
kalaf = wine
kalakar = bartender
kalan = to attack
kalinta = burglar
kalintan = to burglarize
kalok = cloud
kaltan = to step
kaluan = to frame
kam = sword
kamkanab = scabbard
kanab = chest (container)
kanabal = fireplace
kandon = to hijack
kanoho = mattress
kar = future
karel = scroll
kargel = letter
kartan = to counterfeit
kaslil = druid
katam = pin
kaual = soldier, warrior
kauhin = barracks
kauta = temple
kawabi = cleric
kem = jewel
ken = to steal
kenil = wire
kenon = to pilfer
kentis = string
ker = magic
kest = cart
ki = with
kilik = loot
kilikon = to loot
kilu = brick

kisak = million
kiset = barn
kitki = flesh
klin = to stab
klun = to hit
koka = defeat
kokan = to defeat
kol = fighter
kolen = to fight
kolibis = triangle
kolnok = medallion
kolta = rightness (position)
koma = speed
konba = valuables
konfa = nail
kontonken = everywhere
kontora = holdup
kontoran = to hold up
koret = black
kosohin = armory
kosol = weapon
kosolit = weaponer
krin = copper
kruteln = to plunder
kubak = bucket
kuena = cave
kufer = screen
kuho = hair
kulamak = illusionist
kulat = illusion
kult = trip
kuly = toe
kumba = ruby
kun = to buy
kunin = to put
kunsal = hill
kura = teacher
kural = mead
kurbe = gnome
kurnan = to retreat
kuron = to teach
kusal = building
kusuo = as soon as
kuta = forehead
kutal = lesson
kutin = might
ky = by
kyam = treasure
kymo = however, on the contrary

la = 2
labne = yesterday
laf = what
lafe = south
lahin = library
lak = torso
lakan = to divert
lakana = diversion
lakat = book
lam = spell
lamin = mirror
lane = hour
lani = inspection
lank = 2nd (ordinal no.)
lary = name
laryn = to call
lator = wrist
lebon = to show
lekel = highwayman
lema = around
li = on (a wall)
libi = because of
likano = month
liki = neck, pillar
likiha = heart
likihyran = heartbeat
liko = bath
likob = necklace
lim = 5
limenet = spy +
limi = well
limok = west
lina = tongue
lino = week
lisema = charisma
lit = for
lo = 4
loab = cloak
lobun = to sell
lofon = stand
lok = color
loksalik = spring
lonek = nose
lulani = ship
luset = salt
lusok = caravan
ly = in
lyket = plains
lyn = to give
lynin = to tell
lyny = payment
lyr = gift
lyrib = now
lyrne = today

laryn = to call
lator = wrist
lebon = to show
lekel = highwayman
lema = around
li = on (a wall)
libi = because of
likano = month
liki = neck, pillar

mabal = ring
maban = to visit
madli = bribe
madlin = to bribe
mafit = breath
mafitan = to breathe
mahan = entrance
mala = poison
maleto = burial
manka = witch
mankero = magic-user
matybal = earring
miban = must
mibar = case
mibet = town
mina = holiness
misris = halfling
mitaf = shelf
mofit = constitution
moky = but
moly = before
mon = to be
morukek = sky
mubli = snow
mublin = to snow
mun = to pickpocket
myban = to return
myn = to wait
myo = cell
mys = clothing

na = at
nabasin = to repeat
nabi = endurance
nafen = to help
nakao = arm
nakaoka = shouldet
naki = wand
nako = bed
nakohin = bedroom
naltos = earliness
naman = to kidnap
narak = farm
narko = vault
natuk = idol
nau = when
ne = across
nebi = minute
nekio = parapet
nerb = blue
nibe = morning
nilinin = to snitch
nio = court
nirahin = kitchen
nita = who (relative pronoun)
nobal = lateness
nolt = yellow
norb = during
norsalik = fall (season)
noru = brown
nosa = then
nu = below, beneath, under, down
nusen = to crawl
nusfi = earth
nyo = second (of time)

o = i, me
obamon = to release
obarhobol = princess
obark = woman
oberabas = dishonesty
obersity = incorrectness, wrongness
obfikon = to lose (a thing)
obfora = unconsciousness
obina = unholiness
obine = night
obinta = unlike
obla = half
obok = slowness
obora = lowness
obsalo = 3rd (fraction)
obtylo = heaviness
obul = behind
obykar = loudness
oe = you (plural)
oeo = we, us (including person spoken to)
okam = since
okho = kick
olarhe = language
olon = to take
om = that, which (relative pronoun)
omban = bracelet
onbom = expense
oo = we, us (excluding person spoken to)
oren = to wash
orib = moment
orni = 0
ornek = castle
oroen = to look for
ortob = heat
os = garlic
osalos = cupboard
otan = to move

rabalan = to detect traps
rafak = bow
raiga = ruins
rakin = to fall
rakomo = size
ratik = marsh
relbak = booty
resa = leftness (position)
resalik = summer
resen = green
ret = dagger
rimnok = fork
riso = rain
rison = to rain
risin = desk
ro = of
roal = scholar
robal = silence
rokatin = armorer
rokato = armor
rolko = traitor
rolkon = to betray
ronen = to strangle
ror = dungeon
ros = water
rosati = monk
roskanab = waterskin
rub = price
ruba = table
rubel = silver
ruka = throne
ry = near
rybun = violet
ryki = without
rylo = human
ryn = to stop
rytena = keg

sa = beside
sab = that
sabit = insanity
sabnolan = to write
safe = food
sahal = container
sahas = barrel
sakam = back
sakambar = backpack
sakana = pillow
sakel = hand
sala = equipment
salan  = to do
salane = afternoon
salarka = body
salif = east
salo = 3
salonk = 3rd (ordinal no.)
sambil = chain
samun = opal
san = to climb
sanatan = to pull
sanili = arrest
sanilin = to arrest
sankot = brain
sanla = hall
sanlum = to climb walls
sany = gate
sarhin = guardroom
sarhon = to look at, to watch
sarum = why
satek = jug
sen = to run
seyen = to tie
si = until
sib = may
sihal = sheet
sihyres = museum
sikla = kettle
silkaba = saddle
simar = dog
simarhin = kennel
simik = alchemy
simikir = alchemist
sinking = to distribute
sintur = belt
sio = bigness
siril = goblet
sirine = tomorrow
siterke = music
sito = 6
so = toward
solen = (to know) a fact
solet = gray
sorba = pound
sosan = stairway
ste = question particle
sublin = platinum
sulan = glass
sun = to prepare
sunin = intelligence +
suon = to practice
sur = hundred
suso = forest
sy = to
sya = cut
syan = to cut
syet = goodness
syetken = goodbye
syetonto = hello
syf = date
syhi = about
syili = bench
syt = bird
syto = experience

tabo = battle
tafen = to find
tak = orc
taka = number
takali = curse
takan = to heat
takin = would
takobla = half-orc
tambon = to push
tan = littleness
tanina = moustache
tankan = to handle
tanob = question
tanol = necessity
tara = jaw
taron = to dress
tato = stone
tatobal = lantern
te = you (singular)
tehel = who
tek = group
tekenon = to swear
teko = dwarf
teltan = galley
teltin = office
telu = boot
terabas = honesty
tern = to leave (a place)
ti = he, him, she, her, it
tif = helmet
tik = except
tili = target
tilya =  quiver
timon = rope
tin = to listen
tiran = drawer
tirib = key
tisan = to decide
titani = drug
titanin = to drug
tlin = to shoot
tlinkit = medicine
to = I, me
toa = aunt, uncle
tobalon = sun
toe = you (plural)
toeo = we, us (including person spoken to)
toka = broach
tolata = pocket
tomuk = blanket
tonlub = sanctuary
tonta = safety
tontyha = stronghold
too = we, us (excluding person spoken to)
toran = to save (a life)
torin = to save (conserve)
tot = arrow
totak = honor
totakalan = to curse
tru = lock pick
trun = to pick a lock
tryn = to see
tufa = club +
tulo = 8
tulokto = spider
tulon = to observe
tun = to come
tur = dart
tura = dexterity
turen = to hide
turyas = evidence
tyhin = to enter
tylo = lightness (weight)
tyn = to have
tyna = ear

uale = while
uha = choice
uhan = to choose
uhasi = tapestry
uhob = door
uhys = tinder
ukal = boss, chief, master
uket = foot
ul = in front of
ula = 7
ulim = elf
ulimobla = half-elf
ulof = steel
unahob = secret door
une = end
uneklin = to backstab
unen = to finish
unta = escape
untan = to escape
uon = to want
uro = torch
urtel = diamond
usal = mountain
usen = to swim
uta = light (illumination)
utan = to light
utho = lake

ybel = floor
ybila = sconce
yhy = deal
ykanan = bandit
ykar = softness, quietness
yli = chair
ylink = to wake
ylo = candle
ymasan = to wear
ymus = ale
yran = noise
yta = shortness

Pocket Dictionary
Vol. I: Cant to English


‘A terrible waste’

Dear Editor:
I have long read DRAGON, and the subjects
covered have been of varying interest to myself
and others. I have never seen an article so
useless as the one discussing the Thieves’
Cant in issue #66. Although languages are
interesting to some people, and the use of
different languages in FRP games adds realism
and complexity to the games, the article
on Cant went too far in this direction. The
knowledge of the Cant’s uses to thieves does
not require a two-page explanation, nor an
eight-page dictionary. Does the author think
the players will learn Cant for use when gaming?
Absurd! This was a terrible waste of publishing
space that could have been used for
issues of broader interest.

The same goes for
the article on Old Dwarvish, though this was a
smaller work, and thus a smaller waste. I must
say that the other two language articles are
much more useful, and I was quite happy to
see them included. Please file the useless
trash into the return slot, and keep the space
for more useful and interesting articles.

Karl W. Evoy
Hudson, Ohio
(Dragon #68)

Cant see the point

Dear Editor:
Issue #66 (October) was very informative
and entertaining. Of special interest were the
articles on the origins and designs of fantasy

However, I take exception to the article on
Thieves’ Cant. There is no evidence in fantasy
fiction, historical parallels, or in any of the
AD&D™ books to suggest that Thieves’ Cant
is anything more than a complex jargon. I
equate Thieves’ Cant to the kind of conversations
that gamers often get into. Sometimes
specialization words get so thick that those
listeners who aren’t gamers can’t make heads
or tails of what’s being said.

Why would thieves bother developing their
own grammar system? Naturally, they would
borrow the grammar and vocabulary of their
locale. Most importantly, Thieves’ Cant would
be very contemporary, and fluid, easily assimilating
words and phrases brought in by
migrating thieves, and connections with foreign

A typical conversation should sound something
like this:

“Got some part time comin’. Interested?”

“What is it? A box-top job? Taking

“No, I’m gonna visit the Auntie. She’s got
some rocks worth a coupla tons of crackers,

“What’s the bind? She got a breadbox?”

“No, just bony cur. Look, meet me at
home at two before The Hour. There we’ll
pick up tripa or quad more boys to take out
the cur. We should be done by two before
the glowin’.”

Translated, that says:

“I got a job planned. Interested?”

“What is it? A second-story theft? A

“No, a robbery. There are gems worth
2,000 gold pieces each.”

“What’s in the way? A safe?”

“No, just one guard. Look, meet me at
the local hang-out at midnight.” (“The
Hour” is 2 a.m. You tell time by adding to or
subtracting from The Hour.) “There we’ll
get three or four more thieves to disarm
the guard. We should be back by 4 p.m.
(two hours before the dawn).”

Contrary to the author’s introduction, it
would be unreasonable, if not impossible, for
linguists to write down Thieves’ Cant. There
would be thousands of versions and dialects
— one for each community or organization.
You might as well try to make a comprehensive
language by combining Encino Valley
talk and Pennsylvania Dutch.

Thieves’ Cant will always be based on the
local language, with some cross-over jargon
by which thieves can identify each other. But
they will barely be able to communicate on an
intelligent level until the newcomer learns
both the local language and the local slang.

Finally, there is never a good reason to
invent a sophomoric pseudo-language, which
does nothing but waste the learner’s time. If
you must have language, why not use something
that will be of use outside the game?
Esperanto is one of many easy-to-learn languages
that would be perfect for this use. It
has a German/Spanish flavor that is guttural
enough to be a street jargon, yet universal
enough so that non-thieves will be able to
understand words here and there. At the same
time, the learner will be gaining a usable language
that actually has literature and a
society. Don’t you think that a playing aid
should give the gamer a real-world edge? I
thought that was what gaming was all about.

Scot Fritz
Allentown, Pa.
(Dragon #69)

Day and night

Dear Editor:
With regard to the article “Thieves’ Cant:
Primer” (issue #66):

The author’s sources were either ignorant
of, or died before relating, the differentiation
of “inefe” and “obinefe” (“dayspeech” and
“nightspeech”). Obviously, thieves’ cant is
spoken a good deal of the time in a whisper.
But if we take the sentence “You run upstairs
and put the guard’s body in a big barrel” a
put it in “dayspeech,” we get “Sene fu sosan,
kunine ly sio sahas salarka ro sarho.” Even if
the sentence is whispered, each of those sibilant
s’s would be like a snapped twig in a
silent house!

“Nightspeech,” used on a job or in other
situations requiring silence, avoids this. In
“nightspeech” the consonant “s” is replaced
by the unvoiced “th” (or, in some areas, with
the “Welsh double l,” a lateral lisp aspirated
between the tongue and lower molars); the
sharp “t” moves toward the softer, unvoiced
“dh”; and the harsh “k” approaches the “kh”
sound. These changes create a strangely
lisped version of the Cant, but one which
won’t travel any further than your conversant’s

Kurt K. A. Giambastiani
San Luis Obispo, Calif.
(Dragon #70)