FREQUENCY: Very rare
rare ([Dungeon Level IV])
MOVE: 9"
% IN LAIR: 20%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 or 2
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type
INTELLIGENCE: Very to genius
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
PSIONIC ABILITY: Individuals only
Attack/Defense Modes:
Individuals only
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: Variables preclude a
fixed number
The derro are a degenerate race of dwarf-like
possibly a cross between evil humans
and dwarves.
They inhabit the great subterranean realms
common to drow and their ilk (kuo-toans,
flayers, troglodytes, etc.).
Although the derro hate light
and suffer from nausea in sunlight,
they venture out upon the surface of the
earth at night through secret shaft openings to steal and kidnap humans
for slaves.
Rumor says that some humans are actually
eaten as well.
Derros have high dexterity (15-18), so
AC must be adjusted accordingly.
Armor and weapons are as follows.
** Forty <40> to
50% of the time studded leather and a repeating
light crossbow (15" maximum range, 2 shots per round, 10-bolt capacity,
1-3 points of damage) will be used. <>
Derro poison on the arrows <x> gives an additional 2-12 points of damage
unless a save is made.
** Studded leather
armor, a hook fauchard (a
weapon over 6-feet long that does 1-4 points of damage and is 25% likely
to pull a man-sized or smaller victim off balance),
and a dagger will be used 20-30% of the time.
** Scaled leather armor
(dragon hide or something similar which is equal to mail in protection),
a dagger, a buckler (spiked, equal to a dagger in attack),
and an aklys are used 10-20% of the time.
An aklys is spiked and hooked so as to be half as effective as a hook fauchard
in pulling opponents down or off balance. <edit, link to UA>
** Ten to 20% of the
time scaled leather armor, a buckler, a spear, and a leather pick (doing
damage as a military pick) will be used.
<** added for clarity, a little more
formatting could be done>
<scaled leather armor = ?>
** For every 3 derroes
encountered, there will be 1 having 4 hit dice. <HD>
** For every 6 derroes
encountered, there will be 1 having 5 hit dice. <HD> <added comma>
** If 10 or more are
encountered, there will be a 7-hit dice <HD> leader and a 6-hit dice
<HD> lieutenant.
All of these higher level derroes are
in addition to the initial number encountered.
All higher level derroes wear scaled leather
and use superior weapons..
** If 20 or more derroes
are encountered, there will be a savant leader (detailed below) <link>
and 2 student savants as well.
<** added for clarity>
Lair: A derro lair will always have
30 plus 3-12 additional normal derroes,
a corresponding number of higher level
1-3 savants,
2-5 student savants,
15-40 slaves (80% female),
and 1-3 gargoyles
(70%), or a lamia (30%) as allies.
Savant derroes are sage-like,
with the ability to USE any sort of magic
item && weapon.
They CAST spells as follows:
affect normal fires | [anti-magic shell] | [blink] | [light] | [lightning bolt] |
[minor creation] | [charm person] | [cloudkill] | [ESP] | [hypnotic pattern] |
[ice storm] | [invisibility] | [levitate] | [paralyzation] | [repulsion] |
[shadow magic] | [spider climb] | [ventriloquism] | [wall of fog] | [wall of force] |
They have apprentices known as student
savants, or merely students.
The latter know only a minor field of
study and are only 25% likely to be able to use a nonfighter magic item.
Derro savants have 5-8 hit dice; <HD>
students have 4-7.
Scholars have 2-3 useful (and used) magic
items of offensive and/or defensive nature,
while students will have 1 lesser item.
Savants will know 6-9 spells,
students 1-3.
They also [comprehend languages] and [read
Performance is at the 12th level of ability.
Typical magic items possessed are any
any scroll; rings of fire resistance, invisibility,
and spell storing; any wand; studded leather +1 armor
and shields;
any swords up to +3, bracers
of defense, brooch of shielding, cloak of protection,
etc.; and any mscellaneous weapons.
<make links, joined 2 paragraphs into
The derroes are said to have a major stronghold
somewhere deep beneath the ground,
and there their savants plot and scheme
to devastate the upper world and enslave all of mankind.
Derroes have poor infravision (30-foot
range) but good ultravision (120 feet). <links>
They speak a language of their own, some
Common, and know the trade vernacular of the underground world.
Derroes are very much like humans,
only shorter and slightly more muscular
in proportion to their height.
Their features tend towards grossness.
Their hair is pale tan or yellow,
their skin is very white with a bluish
and their eyes are
very large.
Derro (DSG):
These savage little creatures are found in many places
throughout the Underdark, but never in
large communities. Often
they live near enough to the surface to
be able to raid for slaves
and food
there. Derro society is very chaotic and intraracial violence
is commonplace.
Derro perform little work and thus do not
trade much with other
races. They prefer to steal the possessions
of others rather than
make anything themselves. Occasionally
the derro enter into an
uneasy alliance with the duergar or the
but these pacts are
always short lived and usually end in
Once every 20 or so years, derro savants
unite their race and
embark upon a vicious war of raid and
plunder throughout the
underworld. These wars always end in utter
defeat for the derro,
but their high reproductive rate allows
them to recover and prosper
For more information on the derro, see
Monster Manual ll.
< : 2 other derro minis>
<headings added, could do some more formatting or arrangement>
example stats, from DL4
Derro (AC 4/7, MV 9", HD 3, hp V, #AT 1 or 2, DMG by weapon, SA Yes, SD Yes, AL CE, THACO 15/16)
Derro Savant (AC 4, MV 9", HD 5-8, hp V, #AT 1 or 2, DMG by weapon, SA Yes, SD Yes, AL CE, THACO 12/15)
Yorlum wrote:
Did you ever have any plans for expanding the Derro? I found their brief write up in MM2 almost inviting a campaign set up centering around the savants...
Just curious to see how you'd intended to fit them in.
S. Shaver and his "Mysteries"
Yes indeed, the Derro were
to work with the evil Dwarves, the former not being too numerous, needing
the dwarven race to assist in working their malign plans for surface dwellers.
Who needs orbiting mind control lasers when there are rays focused from
below for the same dark ends?!
clore wrote:
Your experience is certainly
with bad editors.
I have had both sorts.
But never one good enough
to catch egregious misspellings of common words like "dero", "dinichthys",
"doppelganger", "erinnyes", "lemur", "tarasque", and "Tartarus"?
Frankly, sir...
You are a bore.
Did it ever occur to you that some words are not as others have spelled them so as to make the attached monster information unique?
That aside, I was speaking
primarily of fiction editors.
Have you ever written any
fiction that was published?
Originally Posted by BOZ
for LE dwarf-kin, i think
you mean duergar not derro.
The Derero are evil and
dwarfish, but not like Dwarves per se.
Originally Posted by mythusmage
Think Greys with an attitude
Derros first came on the
scene when the most popular point of origin for ETs with Venus, there were
stray Nazis on the Moon, and penguins were not what they seemed.
Your basic Lovecraftian
pastiche as presented by a second rate hack who simply couldn't get the
How unkind to Richard S.
Shaver <frown>
You mean to tell me that you don't believe there are Derros infesting a subterranean realm below us, influencing us with their evil ray machines, kidnapping our women? <EEK!>
I am at a loss...
<cf. Sharpe Shaver, Amazing
Tales, 1945>