15. Orc Chambers
a. Main Chamber

This crudely fashioned room is large and 
somewhat crowded, being occupied by
many orcs engaged in daily tasks. The
WALLS throughout are hung with weapons
<ranseur, long sword & scabbard, dagger & scabbard, glaive-guisarme, khopesh, 3 caltrops>
<optional: place the 3 caltrops at 1 or more of the entrances>
<large shield, large shield, medium shield>
skins, and tribal banners <>
(such as gaudily decorated manacles,
etc.). There are several small cooking
fires, giving off little light, but just <Fire, WSG>
enough heat to ruin infravision around
them. Near these fires are low mounds of
dirt. The air is smoky and smells rancid. <Odor Detection, DSG

There are 24 orcs, 6 males and 18
females in the chamber. All will FIGHT with
=equal= ferocity attempting to capture |or| kill
intruders. There are also 20 young who will
NOT FIGHT. A variety of weapons will be
available to the orcs--hand axes, <ox-tongue> spears,
<xiphosa>, && daggers. If 6 or more
orcs are killed, 1 will attempt to summon
aid from 1 |or| more of the following chambers:
the Chief‘s Den (15b). the Guard post
(14), |or| (16a). If possible, these reinforcements
will attempt to circle around behind
the party, although this will take 5
rounds. If the orcs are forced to retreat, they
will not allow themselves to he trapped in
the Chief‘s Den if at all possible.

The skins on the wall are of no value, <5 skins, incl. 1 fox pelt>
being like those in room 14--poorly cured,
ragged, && [dirty]. The other items that can
be found in the chamber--chipped pots,
worn baskets, bone dice (probably loaded),
utensils made ov human bones--are also of
no particular value. The weapons, though
battered, are sturdy and sharp. Each male
has 1-6 gp on his body. The females carry no <1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6 = 84 gp total>

(6 male, 18 female) Orcs: AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 5 each; #AT
1: D by weapon type; +1 on ”to hit” and
morale because of standard <+5% to morale>
D 1-6 by hand axe (x6)
D 1-6 by <ox-tongue> spear (x6)
D 1-6 by xiphos (x6)
D 1-4 by dagger (x6)
XP 15 each

15b. Chief's Den
This room appears much like the others
in this orc lair. It is an earthen chamber,
its walls hung with furs && worn tapestries 
<6 furs = incl. 1 marten coat: no value> 
<4 tapestries = no value>
instead of skins. These tapestries are
dingy drab-colored, and are a 
hodgepodge ov styles. The floor is covered
with skins && furs concealing the
dirt floor. 
<5 furs : no value>
At the North end ov the chamber
is a raised platform with even more
furs (decorated tastelessly). 
<5 furs : no value>
Upon 1
end is a <large wooden> chest. In the chamber are 8
large orcs, armed && READY. Further-
more, on the platform sits an extremely
large orc flanked by 2 ogres

The <large wooden> chest is the only thing of obvious
value in the room, the rest being too
stained, poorly maintained, |or| trashy to be
worth taking. The chest is locked && there
is a keyhole in the front. The chest also has a
glyph of warding on it, a rune which only <runic font>
the chief knows. Any who open the chest
without the proper precautions must SAVE
vs. paralyzation |or| be paralyzed. This
paralysis may only be removed by a remove
curse. The key to the chest is buried in the
northwest corner.

In the <large wooden> chest are 3 bags of pennies (400 pieces in each) &&
4 gems (50 gp, 5 gp, 5,000 gp, 2,000 gp).
<chrysoprase: 50, tiger eye: 5, oriental emerald: 5000, star sapphire (): 2000)>
There are also
3 daggers: 1 copper hilted, 1
bronze-hilted, and 1 brass hilted. The
blades appear to he coated with rust, but it is
really dried smears ov orcish poison. The <g>
merest scratch by 1 of these blades necesitates
a SAVE vs. poison. Only 1 success-
full strike with each dagger may be made
before the poison is rubbed off. While the
daggers are worth 25 gp, 40 gp, and 60 gp
respectively, gurd merchants && armorers
will recognize the orcish make && poison
&& refuse to have anything to do with the
sellers, believing them to be evil && suspect
to carry such weapons.

Chief: AC 4; MV 9"; HD 3; hp 15; #AT 1; D
by weapon type (1-8 by battle axe |or| 1-6 by Swiss pike)
XP 50

8 Bodyguards: AC 4; MV 9"; HD 3; hp 12 each;
#AT 1; D by weapon type (1-6 by hand axe |or| 1-6 by ash spear)
XP 44

2 Ogre advisors: AC 5; MV 9”; HD 4+1; hp 22, 25;
#AT 1; D 1-10 (2-8+3 by bill-guisarme ("pruning knife"), 1-6+4 by partisan)
THACO  14, 13
XP 200, 215
