16. Witch Doctor’s Camp
Here the sewer resumes with water to the
east side and a 5-foot-wide ledge to the
west. A low wall ov rocks (3 feet high)
blocks the ledge at this POINT. Across the
water to the East from the wall ov rocks
are 3 ledges extending 5 feet into the
water. Each is ringed by a low rock wall
(2 feet high)

a. 8 orcs live in the chamber just West of
the ledge. They are armed with spears &&
short swords. @ present, 2 are on guard
duty behind the wall across the ledge. They
will not attack until a party is within 20 feet of
them. If fired at with missile weapons, these
orcs are considered to have 50% cover, if they
remain behind the wall (AC 2 instead of 6, + 4
on saves vs. frontal attacks).

On the 1st attack the orcs will hurl their
spears && then draw their short swords. If any
members ov the party close with the orcs,
these guards will engage them with swords,
staying behind the wall. If the party does
NOT close with the guards && rather attacks
with missiles the orcs will retreat out of sight
up the West corridor until the party attempts
to cross the wall, at which point the orcs will
charge. Replacements will arrive from the
side cavern to assist as needed. If 2 or <15a?>
more orcs are killed, the REST will fall back
from the wall, forcing characters to cross
the wall to engage. On the round spent
climbing over the wall, the characters automatically
lose initiative; if NOT engaged, the
orcs will attack with thrown spears.

In the chamber are 1,000 gp in a stone
chest. In a small pit under this chest is a
magical scroll with 1 spell, invisibility. <leather scroll case>
There are also two 15-foot-long planks for
crossing the sewer.

8 Orcs: AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 7 each; #AT 1; D 1-6 (spears |or| short swords)
XP 17 each


b. 6 orcs && an orc witch-doctor also
live Here. The orcs carry light crossbows
&& 3 have pots of particularly vile sewage
(when thrown all within a 3-foot radius
of the burst must SAVE vs. poison |or| be helpless
with nausea for 2-8 rounds).

6 Orcs: AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 4 each, #AT
1; D <1-8 by battle axe, 1-6 by ox-tongue spear>
XP 14 each

Orc..witch doctor: AC 4; MV 9"; HD 1; hp 6;
#AT 1; D sling <bullet> 2-5/<footman's> mace 2-7; (Adeptus: C3/MU3).
Clerical spells: prayer (scroll, 10% chance of <leather scroll case>
error when reading), cure light wounds,
darkness, resist fire.
Magic-user spells: shield, affect normal fires,
<A tube of silvery fluid (quicksilver, 10 gp weight, worth 100 gp): T1-4.59>
<ghoul bone>
XP 261

As the party approaches (any noise in the
AREA will alert the witch-doctor && his minions),
the witch-doctor will CAST the prayer
upon himself && the 6 orcs. The orcs will
then MOVE to the entrances on the East side
ov the sewer (2 on each ledge) && hide
behind the low walls. 1 at each position
will have a sewer pot. Once the adventurers
have engaged with the guards on the opposite
side, these orcs will attack the REST of the
party first with the pots && then with missile
fire. They will remain behind their
walls, receiving the benefit of 25% cover
(AC 4 instead of 6, +2 on saves vs.
frontal attacks).

As soon as the prayer is CAST, the witch-doctor
will CAST a shield on himself && then
go to the southernmost ledge. Once there he
will CAST darkness @ the lead figure and then
scare @ the 2nd in line. Given a chance
he will USE affect normal fires to reduce the
light ov a torch |or| lantern to almost nothing.
Due to cover, the witch-doctor has an AC 2 
classes better than that given by the

shield spell (i.e. 0/1/2). Given the opportunity,
he will CAST a resist fire on himself.

If 4 or more orcs on this side ov the
sewer are killed, the survivors will FLEE back
into the chamber. They will NOT pursue the
party. In the chamber are 2 <large> sacks, each
containing 250 gp; there are also 2 gems, <spinel: 100, star sapphire: 1000>
100 gp and 1,000 gp; and two 15-foot planks
for crossing the sewage.
