1. Curtain Wall Top
This is a curtain wall. When the fort is
under attack the curtain wall serves to slow
the attackers, for enemies must 1st FIGHT
past the curtain wall before they even reach
the main gatehouse to the fort. Attackers
will then be pinned between the curtain wall
and the main gatehouse wall with no cover
from the fort's defenders' arrows. The curtain
wall is not connected by a walkway to
the fort; only a high wall of stone and logs
links the curtain wall to the fort and
encloses the outer courtyard.

The hobgoblins mount a guard on the
curtain wall in order to sound the alarm if
intruders approach. But they only march on
the wall top for they fear the inner walk is
haunted and none will enter it nor will they
pay any attention to any sounds from

1a. Open Walkway
The walkway is open to the west and to
the east. Hobgoblins guards pace back
and forth along each section. From
below the hobgoblins appear as ghost-white
figures. Pallid moonlight illuminates <Weather in the World of Greyhawk, WG0>
the wall, casting eerie, ink-black
shadows. Only a light breeze blows and <wind SPEED = x>
sound carries muffled.

2 hobgoblins patrol each walkway and
one will attempt to sound the alarm if the
other is attacked. They are armed with composite <long> bows
and <broad>swords. They carry no lanterns,
relying on their infravision to enable
them to spot invaders. The rim of the wall
on all sides is lined with rows of sharp spikes
pointing down, to dissuade those who
would attempt to climb the wall. <Climb, WSG>

Along the walkway are piles of broken
stones for throwing down on invaders. In <Grenade-Like Missiles, DMG>
the floor of the eastern walkway is a trapdoor,
heavily barred for fear that the evil
spirits below might break out. The guards
will cry an alarm if the trapdoor opens and
fire at +4 to hit anything coming out of the

Hobgoblins (2): AC 5; MV 9 "; HD 1+1; hp
6 each; #AT 1 or 2 with bow;
D <2-8 by <broad>sword, 1-6 by composite <long> bow>
XP 32 each

1b. West Guard House
There is a stained, decaying skull hanging
on this door. The skull is that of a

Within the guard house are 2 bunks, a
wooden table, and 2 benches. A small <round table>
coal fire burns in a stone box in the center of
the room. 2 hobgoblins are in the room.
1 is asleep on 1 of the bunks, while the
other is warming himself at the fire. The 2
are armed with spear and hand axe. There is
no other light in the room, as drapes have
been hung over the arrow slits.

<broken furniture: chandelier (x2), hogshead, cupboard, barrel, padded chair>

If the hobgoblins realize they are outnumbered,
they will yell to the party to surrenler,
and call for help. If they are then
attacked, they will defend themselves until
help can arrive.

Hobgoblins (2): AC 5; MV 9"; HD 1 + 1;
hp 9, 7; #AT 1; D by weapon <1-6 by spear, 1-6 by hand axe>
XP 38, 34

1c. Gatehouse Inner Room
Inside this room are stacks of sealed
crates. Many of the stacks reach almost
to the ceiling. As the party nears one, a
crate topples off the stack, narrowly
missing the party!

The fallen crate was precariously balanced,
and was knocked off the stack by a cat
belonging to one of the guards. The guards
in 1d will come to investigate the noise.

All the crates are filled with food.
<meal (grain), mead, pheasant, greens, porridge, etc.>
the north wall are 2 sections of a ladder
that can be hooked together for a length of
10 feet. This ladder is used to climb to the
wall walk, because the guards refuse to
reach the wall through the haunted 2nd

1d. East Guard House
From behind this door come rhythmic
sounds, as of a knife on a butcher's

In this room are 2 bunks, a low table
with a box to sit on, and 2 stools. 3
hobgoblins occupy this room: 2 guards
and a sergeant with long sword and <ox-tongue> spear.
One of the guards is practicing throwing a
knife at a crude target drawn on a broken
table top. The other is bored and is drawing
on a wall with a lump of coal. The sergeant
is sitting at the table eating bread and cheese
and feeding a pet crow. Against the wall
behind him is a small bag of coal. The hobgoblins
will try to defend themselves, holding
the party in the room until help arrives.

Each hobgoblin carries 2-12 sp, while the
sergeant also carries 2 gp. Beneath the knifethrower's
bunk is a piece of mahogany
carved into the shape of a hawk, worth 25

Hobgoblins (3): AC 5; MV 9"; HD 1 +1;
6 hp each; #AT 1 or 2 with bow; D by
weapon <1-6 by spear, 2-8 by holy water sprinkler> and
a sergeant with long sword (1-8) and <ox-tongue> spear (1-6)
THACO 18, 16
XP 32 each
